I have a fancy scmancy DSLR, but the Iphone camera. Super handy. It captures more of the everyday than my wicked expensive camera. Sigh. Someday technology will all catch up. Or, I need to lug it around more.

I’m linking up today with Jeanette for Instafriday. I’m ab4d on Instagram. Follow me!

I’ve got two weeks of photos to share today.

Sweet sweet boys. Best friends with parents who are also close. How did we all get so lucky? (photo used with permission of their parents… I’m no fool).

A Cookie Before Dinner

A little blurry but still sweet. Malone and Oliver, about to make the leap into the foam pit at gymnastics. Malone was actually already on his way in. That kid lives for pit time at open gym. I’m pretty sure he likes it more than his class. 020

More friend time. Silly shadow time at the Children’s Museum. Malone and Anna are almost exactly a year apart. Her parents went to college with my husband. Everyone is still close.


So, I totally have a thing for patchwork. It might be my favorite pattern on earth. Chevron. Totally a close 2nd. The quilt has a funny story. It was made by my Great Aunt who passed away in September. My grandmother purchased it for me at her estate sale. When I posted it on Instagram, a childhood friend accused me of stealing his blanket. As it turns out, he has one identical to it. And the fabric came from his mother’s old clothes. She was a family friend and just passed away (cancer). This blanket got extra special in an instant.


Our neighbor was so sick she couldn’t leave the house for over a week. She sent us an S.O.S. for groceries. Malone was pleased to help. He is always so eager to help a friend or neighbor. What a great kiddo.


Did you guys experience the super cold weather too? When the wind chill dipped into the negative, we decided NOT to leave the house. And to bake instead. Have you ever put a peanut butter M & M inside of a cookie? It is basically a bite of Heaven.


Sweet Moxie girl. Our newest family member is such a love nugget. We got her from a  rescue. I can’t believe anyone would give her up!


There is no doubt this boy is mine. We’re acting a little silly at our favorite ice cream shop. Homemade ice cream. Valentine’s day decor. LOVE.


What kind of photos do you have on your phone? Dump them and link up!

Happy weekend friends!