I’m linking up again today with Lisa Leonard for her Hello Monday series. I know it seems that this is the only blog post I can manage these days, but trust me I’ve got more up my sleeve. Life is settling down a bit now that we’ve been home from our road trip and I’ve done a bit of planning.

The bummer is that even though we’re unpacked and I can’t find my camera charger or card reader. All of my pretty pictures will have to live in my camera for another week.

Time for some hellos!

Hello spring like weather! The temperature here this time of year should be wicked cold with highs in the 20’s. But we’ve seen a stretch of mild weather with highs around 50. Our poor (awesome) sledding hill is a mud pit! As much as I love the warm air, I’d like some more snow! We love sledding and promised Malone that he could take a ski lesson this winter.

Hello friend time! One of my goals this year is to see my friends more. I need their energy! So far so good. I’ve gone on a movie date to Les Miserables, watched the Golden Globes with friends, and spent time with my Mama friends while the kiddos played.  Mike, my husband, is an introvert who needs quiet time at home. We dropped Malone’s nap so he’s in bed these days by 7:30 pm. Win win for everyone!

Hello new space! We recently gave our guest bed away to someone who needed a place to sleep. Now I have this space in the office just waiting for me to decide what to do with it. For now we’ve put Malone’s repurposed water table there. This room is huge with windows on 3 sides. I need to get rid of a bunch more things in here, but I have hope that this room will be great!

As for a pregnancy update… not much has changed from last week.

Energy level- Moderate. I feel like I’m coming out of the “tired all the time” phase. Thank goodness. Malone was such a champ and let me nap a few afternoons on the couch while he watched cartoons.

What I’m eating -Still not much. I’m still sick every morning, as soon as I wake up. The nausea lingers until lunch time. Nothing sounds good so I’m really forcing myself to take in as many calories as possible in as few of bites as possible. I am drinking a lot of ginger lemon tea, which seems to help a bit.

What I’m struggling with- Smells. My nose is extra sensitive which doesn’t bode well for being sick. The slightest “wrong smell” sets me off. The problem is that I don’t know what they are until I smell them. Not fun… not fun.

What I’m loving- I really enjoyed my chat with the midwife this week. She is such a sweet soul. And we have our first ultrasound this week! On a Malone note, I’m loving that desires to share with us. Carrots, chocolates, cucumbers. You name it… if he’s got it, he will offer a piece to us.

The baby is s the size of a raspberry. Funny how someone so small can create such havoc!