This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Sprout® Organic Baby Foods. The opinions and text are all mine.

If you follow me on social media at all, then you know that recently we moved. We weren’t expecting and/or planning to move. But over the summer, an apartment and invitation came up that we couldn’t refuse. Malone’s best friend at school (and parents) own a two family home and through happenstance, their bottom level became vacant. It was something we couldn’t say no to! Isn’t that what every kid dreams of? That their best friend in the entire world lives just above them? So we moved into their home’s bottom apartment and along the way, we learned a few tricks about how to move with a toddler and not lose your mind.

How To Move With A Toddler And Not Lose Your Mind

Stress free moving tips: How To Move With A Toddler And Not Lose Your Mind

Purge before you pack. Before we moved, I took a huge car load of unwanted things off to our local donation center. It felt so good to lighten the load! With Lola (age 2), I got rid of all of the toys that I didn’t think she’d miss. And now, she’s left with her favorite things. Did you know that kids play with 20% of their toys 80% of the time? It’s true.

How To Move With A Toddler And Not Lose Your Mind - Purge!

Talk about your move, but not too soon before the big day. Toddlers have no real concept of time, so saying things like “we’re moving in a month” don’t really mean much to them. The day before we moved, we told Lola we were going to live at her friend’s house.

Pack a first night bag with everything you’ll need (diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, favorite stuffed animals, crib sheets, and blankets).

Hire movers if your budget allows. Seriously, outsource the heavy lifting if you can.

Set up the crib or beds ASAP after you move. Think about it, is there going to be anything worse than trying to put together a crib with a cranky baby? I don’t think so!

If possible, visit the old house with your toddler after it is empty so they can say goodbye. Transition is hard on little ones, and they understand more than you think they do! While you’re there, explain to them that you’ve taken all of their things to their new house and this house is now your “old house.”

How To Move With A Toddler And Not Lose Your Mind - Say goodbye to your old house

Set a packing goal. We’ve been at our new house now for 16 days and I have about five boxes left to unpack. Nothing is “stashed” away in the attic or other storage space (except for the Christmas stuff that belongs there!), everything is put away. My goal was to unpack 10 boxes a day- I did this during the leftover moments of the day- during nap time and after the kids when to bed.

Keep snacks simple and easy. We stocked up on Sprout® Organic Toddler Purees to keep on hand for Lola for the times we couldn’t stop unpacking or cleaning to cut her up fruit for a snack. They’re portable and made with ingredients I can pronounce. Win win!

Lola and sprout1

They’re also USDA certified organic, non GMO, come in BPA free packaging, and the only baby/toddler food with no additives, fillers or flavors in any of its recipes.

Sprout Ingredients
Have you moved before? What kind of snacks did you pack to make the transition go smoother?

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