Weekend Links

Paul Specht Photography

I miss you. Jackie from With Just A Little Bit Of Magic shares a beautiful story about being a mama while missing her own.

Clean Chicken Taco Dinner. Evie from Home-Belly-Spirit Cleaning has a really tasty looking “clean” recipe for chicken tacos that includes homemade taco seasoning.

Project Simplify 2013. Tsh (pronounced Tish) from Simple Mom has a 4 week spring cleaning hotspot challenge. She’s laid out 4 projects for the month of April. Take a before photo, take an after photo, and join in the fun! I know I will be.

What I Learned By Failing As An Attachment Parent. Jessica from School Of Smock shared what she thought her parenting would look like and how it actually went.

Photo Credit- Paul Specht, a dear friend of mine. Find him on Facebook and Instagram.


  1. 1

    Jackie says

    Thank you so much for featuring my post here.
    Jackie recently posted..Old School Blogging – April EditionMy Profile

  2. 2

    Donette Killman says

    hello there, where was that photo taken, it looks kinda similar to me
    Donette Killman recently posted..strona internetowaMy Profile

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