He thought he was pulling a fast one on me. I consider myself to be pretty liberal with most parenting things. But for the most part, I draw my line pretty hard and fast at candy for breakfast.
He went through his entire speech about why he SHOULD BE ALLOWED a piece so early in the morning. It involved something about firemen, Captain America, a cat, a rainbow, obedience, and a pair of marshmallows.
Seriously. A pair of marshmallows. I’d love to know what goes on inside of his head all day long.
Honestly I was trying really hard to pay attention to his profound world changing Captain American rainbow cat speech, but I was still chugging my first cup of coffee.
And because I’m a “yes” mom, I agreed to candy for breakfast.
Just kidding.
I agreed because he was begging me for a warhead. A warhead for breakfast. A freaking sour apple warhead for breakfast.
I mean, how could I say no really?
Captain America and his pair of marshmallows were depending on me to give Malone a warhead for breakfast. Malone needed to go save the rainbow cat.
First, there was elation.
He had no idea what he was in for. He couldn’t believe I was saying yes. I was declared the COOLEST mom ever.
He told me he we were going to be best friends until I died. And then he wouldn’t be my best friend anymore. But I’d be in heaven with Jesus, the unicorns, and the dinosaurs. Also, on Tuesdays there is a dance party. He assured me that he would be able to send me a postcard.
The funniest kid on earth. That’s who.
Carry on little buddy.
Next came the unexpected sour.
He held strong. After all, this is CANDY. And it is in HIS MOUTH BEFORE BREAKFAST.
He will not lose this one.
His mouth is only going to open if there is a crow bar forcing it open.
And then comes the WTF is going on here face.
My favorite.
He held out for as long as he could before he spit it out.
He declared that we’re no longer best friends.
And then tried to give his half licked warhead to his dad.
I’m not sorry.
Cause and effect dude.
I win.
What is the weirdest things your kids have eaten for breakfast? Would you have done the same thing?
You totally won! I literally laughed out loud at the “WTF unexpected sour” pictures. Priceless. How old is Malone? My son Zavier is 2.5 and asks for lollipops for breakfast, except I say no because 1. He cannot even pronounce “lollipop” he says “eeh-paaah” and 2. it’s probably the ONLY battle I’ll win for the entire day.
So happy we connected via SITS! Have a great week 🙂
Gracielle recently posted..Chicago Typhoon Haiyan Relief Efforts
The WTF shot is my favorite one of them all. It will be the gift that keeps on giving in the next few years, I’m sure. Malone is 4. I win my fair share of battles, but I don’t usually pick a fight I can’t win!
I would have absolutely done the same thing, except I would have recorded the eating of the warhead. Kinda like my kids did to me a few months ago. It was hysterical, although I’m not nearly as cute as your son.
Dana recently posted..Comment on Mustaches and Cara boxes by Dana
Sigh. Hindsight is always 20/20. I WISH I would have thought about recording it. Although, I really do love the shots of his different faces!
HA HA HA!! You totally won that one! I love that you said yes because it was a Warhead! Awesome! And the pictures are HILARIOUS! :)-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted..We Have A “Cat”astrophe On Our Hands
It is the ONLY reason why I said yes! Next time I’ll video it!
Your little man is SO cute! I absolutely love his hair!!!
Thanks! He’s super fun to be around too!
[…] For this week’s Ask Away Friday, I exchanged questions with the lovely NJ who blogs over at A Cookie Before Dinner. (I love her blog name!) We actually met as I jumped in on the Ask Away Friday series. When we decided to swap questions over Twitter and she responded, “It’s on like Donkey Kong!” at which point I knew we would be great friends for a long, long time. She is a mom of 2 who has great advice on things like cloth diapering and children’s music. I love reading about her interactions with her son Malone because they are hilarious, like when she gave him a warhead for breakfast. […]
Your kid is awesome. (This coming from someone who’s secretly not a kid person.) Please thank Malone for letting me know about the Tuesday dance party in Heaven… I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there’s a rainbow strobe light and that the T-Rex busts out a little Gangnam Style. Thank you for totally making my morning. 🙂
Miranda recently posted..Going Back in Time in Palm Springs
So adorable! Plus – I kept thinking – surely he must not KNOW what a Warhead candy is! Yuck! You couldn’t pay me to eat that… I’m a fan of the sweet but it’s that sour ‘wtf’part that I can’t handle! LOL! Chances are slim he will ask again! #forthewin
~Karrilee~ recently posted..This far and no further… A Guest Post