This picture of Malone and I was taken on 4/2/10. I remember sitting with him on our front lawn, worrying about if he’d catch too much sun. He was still too little for sunscreen, but the day was just too lovely to spend inside. It was one of the first nice days of spring and one of the first times my newish crawler felt the crisp grass under his knees. I snapped this picture on a whim because I loved the contrast of his chubby baby feet nestled so nicely in mine.
About Me
Fun seeker, classic rock lover, and thrifting fanatic. I long for a slow and simple life, but realize half of the fun is found in the crazy moments. If we lived in the same town, I'd want to go out to coffee with you and dig deep about what really matters in your world. I love email almost as much as I love snail mail! Contact me at . -NJ -
I’m also chatting here!
Baby feet are so delicious!!
Nancy recently posted..Keeping It Real, In the Kitchen