This was originally written in February of 2012 and published on a blog that I’ve now abandoned, A Pocket Full Of Dinosaurs. I love this piece so much because my heart and trepidation about having another baby really shines through. Now that little lady is 5 weeks away (give or take), I still feel the same way. But I’m thrilled that Malone is going to have something I’ll never get and I’m excited about our growing family.
My entire life I have longed for a sibling. No matter how many extra hours I work, how creative I am, or how much money I save, it is one of the only things in life that I cannot obtain or work hard to achieve. I have a wonderful sister in law and brother in law, but it just isn’t the same as someone with whom I’ve shared whole life with.
Because of this, I am (my husband too) 100% committed to attempting to have more children and/or adopting. We are starting to think about trying again, probably in the fall. If all goes as well as it did the last time, and we conceive quickly again, our children would be about 4 years apart. A good age, far enough a part to have different friends but close enough to play well together. The same number of years apart as my mother and her brothers.
It is not hard to notice Malone is getting very independent. He travels well, he is ridiculously obedient, he does well eating out. I can read while he plays by himself on the floor or is engaged in an art project. Planning a girls night out doesn’t involve the thoughts of pumping.
In short, the days of him needing me 100% of the time are ending.
And I have a chance to find a piece of me again. The piece that I lost when I was so entrenched in the world of baby. For the first time in a long time, I am planning things for me. Independent of him.
I am so committed to giving Malone a sibling. I desire it with heart of hearts.
But I hate the baby stage, oh so much. The constant need it puts on my mind and my body. I’m not a baby person. I’m just not.
I am a toddler/preschool person. I’ve known since my days as a nanny. Yes, totally all the way in awe of the learning, the singing, the exploration, the speech, and the imagination.
And I can’t get this quote out of my mind. I heard it this weekend at a production of The Vagina Monologues that my friend Tara was in.
“My vagina helped release a giant baby. It thought it would be doing more of that. It’s not. Now, it wants to travel…” Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues
I have three and they are all 2 years apart. The middle one fights like cats and dogs with the other two. But my husband’s family is like that too and they are super close now, so I have high hopes. Personally, I think its nice for kids to have siblings!
Michelle recently posted..Back to School Shopping with YouNeverLose
I think it is normal for kids to fight a bunch right? My husband and his brother DID NOT really get a long as kids, but have a great time together now.
We definitely purposefully had a 2nd child to give our older daughter a sibling…I am super close to my sister and cannot imagine my life without her. Now, I cannot imagine life without my 2 best girls! :)-Ashley
The Dose of Reality recently posted..10 Items You Will Need To Buy For Blogging Conferences
I hope my kids are close too! My mother and her siblings were super close too!
This is such a good post. I am glad you brought it over. I was blessed with several siblings, (part of the time wishing I was an only child haha)- I wouldn’t trade them for the world though! I never had my own children and I love them so much! Congrats to you and your growing family!
tabitha vos recently posted..Move Over Jelly, Try PB CRAVE!
Siblings are the ultimate gift, I truly believe!
What a great post! Congrats early! And send some of that baby dust this way!
Thank you! We’re excited!
I understand that siblings don’t always get along, but my sister was the greatest gift I ever received from my parents. I’m hoping that it works that way for your kids too!
Thank you! I’m hoping too!
Congrats on your baby girl who will enter this world so soon! How neat to look back and share what you wrote from your heart a year and a half ago and how God has fulfilled that desire of your heart!!
Eva @ Snappee Turtle recently posted..When Good News Has a Little Twist to It
I agree, it will be so neat to look back on this path and see how it all worked out!