{Five Minute Friday} Tree

Fall In New England 2

One of my favorite type of posts to write is Five Minute Friday. Each week, hundreds of bloggers write around a single writing prompt for five minutes and hit publish without edits or proofreading. The prompt is usually a single word that typically has a big meaning. The result is almost always something beautiful.  Go-  [...]

Perfect Monster Cookies

Perfect Monster Cookies

The Halloween candy situation is out of control in this house, even after writing about what do to with all of that leftover candy. I’ve still got quite the stash staring me in the face, so it is time to start baking with some of it. Monster Cookies are near and dear to my heart. [...]

On Motherhood Interruptions

Motherhood interrupted

Yesterday while I was attempting to cook dinner, I was interrupted eight times in the course of 20 minutes. The baby needed her binkie.  Malone wanted to color but then wanted me to help him pick out a page. He needed a snack. He wanted a hug. You get the idea. Little tiny interruptions by [...]

Recapping The Red Sox 2013 Rolling Rally

Red Sox Rolling Rally 2013

Here is something to know about my husband. He hates crowds and traffic like no other. He will drive 30 minutes out of the way to avoid sitting in 10 minutes of traffic and thinks the grocery store is too crowded. Always. Even if there is just one other person shopping. “Let’s do it babe. [...]

What to do with your leftover Halloween candy.

What To Do With Your Leftover Halloween Candy

Here in Western MA,  Halloween celebrations start about two weeks before the big day. I think this is nice, it gives families a chance to really savor the festivities. This year my crew marched in a Halloween parade through town, went to a Halloween party at the fire station, trick or treated in downtown Northampton, [...]

{Big Girl Panties} I see your bluff.

bluff big girl panties

I laid out the terms before he and Daddy left for the park. Daddy reinforced them both on the way to and the way home from the park several times over. It was his choice. I had given him plenty of warning. I had given him plenty of opportunity. I had even invited him to [...]

McCray’s Farm- A Picture Is Worth A Million Words…

McCrays Farm 1

Last year, these sweet angels spent the weekend together and went to the pumpkin patch at McCray’s Farm. This is my adorable nephew Andrew who is six months younger than Malone. Every time I look at this photo, I melt and my teeth hurt. It is THAT SWEET.  This year, they returned to McCray’s Farm [...]

{Big Girl Panties} On Siblings

I am only child. As a kid, it was fine. I had a lot of cousins to play with and amused myself with lots of extracurricular activities that I KNOW wouldn’t have happened if I had a brother or sister. But as an adult, I find myself longing for a sibling- someone who shares my [...]

{Guest Post} Apple Pie Muffins

Apple Pie Muffin

I can’t think about fall without thinking about apples. I live in New England, where apple orchards are abundant. Thanks to very little late spring frosts, an early summer full of rain and a relatively dry summer into fall, the apples here in Massachusetts have been out of this world both in quality and  quantity [...]