These adorable Oreo Mummy Halloween Treats are sure to be the hit of any party! And with so many different flavors of Oreos out there today, the options are endless. I hope you enjoy these treats as much as we did!

Oreo Mummy Halloween Treat Ingredients

  • White Candy Melts
  • Oreos
  • Candy Eyes
  • Parchment paper
  • White Frosting (I used Betty Crocker white frosting that came with the different decorating tips)*
  • Drawing tip*
  • Icing Bag*

Oreo Mummy Halloween Treat Instructions:

  1. In a bowl, melt the white candy melts according to the package’s instructions.
  2. Lay out a piece of parchment paper on your counter.  Parchment paper is an important supply! Once the Oreos are covered with the white candy coating, they will not stick to the parchment paper.  
  3. Once the candy is melted, dip an Oreo and cover completely.  Use a spoon or knife to help even out that coating.
  4. Add two candy eyes before the coating hardens.  
  5. Using the drawing tip on your icing, create icing lines across the Oreo.
  6. Continue until your mummy has the desired effect.  
  7. Let sit until slightly hardened.  Use a knife to trace around the cookie to trim off any excess icing.  Continue to let harden or place in the freezer for a few minutes until frosting is completely set.