It is Friday, which means it is time for a double post sort of day. I am part of two amazing communities, both of which come together on Friday.
If you are looking for my Ask Away Friday post with Adrienne from The Mommy Mess, it is here. Ask Away Friday is a great way to get to know someone better. We trade 10 questions with each other and answer them on our own blogs.
And then there is Five Minute Friday with Lisa Jo Baker. Around midnight, she posts a writing prompt. The rules are pretty simple. Write for five minutes using the prompt as inspiration, hit publish before you get all heady about making your post perfect (no rewrites!), link it up with her, and visit a few others to leave some comment love. I have to tell you, this community is so sweet and I love being a part of it. I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing a bunch of these bloggers this October. If you’d like to join in, please do. We start hanging out with each other around 8:00 pm EST on Twitter using the #fmfparty hashtag.
This week’s prompt is write.
I whisper it to myself. I am a writer. Sometimes, I can barely get the words out. I have a hard time owning those three little words.
The lies creep in more often.
“You have a blog no one reads. You’ll never be a big blogger with millions of readers. So why even bother. You are NOT a writer.”
“You don’t have a book. And even if you wanted to, you could not write one. You have nothing to say. You are NOT a writer.”
“You don’t have a degree in English. In fact, you don’t have a degree at all. You’re NOT a writer.”
“You are just a stay at home mom who needs a hobby. You are NOT a writer.”
The devil is sneaky like that.
Malone claims it for me, when I can not do it for myself. Every time and without fail.
And when he says it, I’m more than convinced there is a higher power speaking.
“My mommy is a writer,” he tells his teacher at school and anyone else who asks. “She writes at the computer and she works really hard. When I wake up in the morning, she is there working. When I go to sleep at night, she goes back to work after our story time.”
I am a writer. And even if no one ever reads my blog, I will still be one.
I am a writer. And even if I never write that book that I know is in the deep fiery part of my gut, I will still be a writer.
I am a writer. And even if I never get a college degree, I will still always have a story to tell.
I am a mama who writes. There is NOTHING WRONG with being a stay at home mom. But there is something wrong with ignoring the call that God has placed one me.
Ignoring a call from God? That is straight out sin.
Don’t ask me about the book. Maybe it will never get written. Maybe it will. This blog is meant to be space where everyone can come to find encouragement. That is my call. Life. Done well and on purpose with the Lord. That is my heart and the call I’ve been given.
And I’m owning it. I am taking it. It is mine. I’m claiming it.
I am a writer.
Amen, amen! A thousand amens! Ignoring a call from God is straight out sin, and so we write. I’m so glad I was your FMF neighbor this morning. Great post, NJ!
Kim recently posted..Five Minute Friday: Write
Thanks Kim!
I’m owning it! And the call!
You aren’t alone, NJ. I fight that same voice everyday. “Why do you call yourself a writer? You don’t write anything people want to read.” Self doubt and writing seem to go hand in hand.
Herchel S recently posted..I don’t understand the parent pick up line
I wonder why so many writers fight with this. Bottom line? If you write in a journal, a book, for the newspaper, or a blog YOU CAN CLAIM IT!
Love this! Who cares if anyone reads my blog or not. I mean, hopefully they do, but it doesn’t negate whatI say if no one reads it.
Christina S recently posted..PlayDough Fun
I agree! Even if no one read, I would still need to write!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on writer!! I also am a write… I write to heal and writing for me is a gift from god to express emotions and feelings that I held in since I was little. today I use it as a story to tell. Thank you for sharing your gift from God.
karen recently posted..NEW BLOG ADDRESS
Karen, I am so glad you write! We’ve all got a story to tell! I write quite often to process life too! Those are some of the most powerful posts.
Allison at Go Dansker Mom wrote a similar post this week about declaring her space in the universe as a writer. I am going to stand up and cheer for you just as I did for her. I am so glad you are owning this.
And I double posted today too! Hey! It works!
Ilene recently posted..Good Vibes Volume 1
Both you and Tamara have recommended her post to me, so I am going to head over and check it out! I don’t read her blog, but it sounds like I am going to have to start!
I love that you’re cheering for me, thank you so much!
YES YES YES YES! I can’t believe it took me so long to get here (sneaky little kids) but I love you. I am signing up to be your BFF right now. It sounds like we are in the same place in our writing journey and can really relate. Look for me to come at ya lady and I adore your words.
allison recently posted..Confessions of a Slacker Valentine
This really speaks to me, and as Ilene mentioned above, check out Go Dansker Mom too!
Scarlet calls me a writer/photographer, even before I will. It’s funny that I’ve been making an income doing photography and I still worry I’m a hack.
As for writing, when I got my first BlogHer paycheck, I put the stub on the fridge. I wrote a thank you to the editor that had published it and I said, “Can I call myself a writer yet?” And she wrote back, “Of course! You could have since first grade, you fool. You’re a writer, a writer, a writer.” (she really said that)
I don’t know what it will take to be able to say it easily. A degree in writing? A blog? Paychecks? A freakin’ book? And yet, I still can’t. And it is best when we don’t measure ourselves up against each other. We are all what we are in our hearts, after all. (or what our kids say we are. I like that too)
Tamara recently posted..An Ask Away With Linkouture That Needs Its Own Disclaimer!
You are so many things Tamara!
Why is it that our kids know who we are better than we do sometimes?
I still remember when you got that check! I’m pretty sure you showed it to me when we were over for a play date.
I just popped over to read Allison’s piece. I’m glad you told me about it!
Claim it, girl! Believe it! If you write, you are a writer! And part of that process is God helping us find the words we are meant to share, even if they are just for us.
Christy @ A Heartening Life
Christy @ A heartening Life recently posted..I Didn’t Know I Was A Writer (a five minute friday)
You are totally right, Christy!
Yes to all of this! I have heard those same lies over and over, but you are right! You ARE a writer. This right here hit home “I am a writer. And even if no one ever reads my blog, I will still be one.” Because, I need to be reminded of that often. Loved this post! Have a great weekend!
Chandra Hadfield recently posted..Writing With Purpose
Those lies can creep in so easily, can’t they? It is so easy to let them stay, kick their feet up on the couch and get cozy.
I’m done with all that. I will write, because I know I have been called to do so!
Yep, this truly resonated with me. I needed to hear this. Thank you for being faithful to the call God has placed on you.
PS-You are a GOOD writer.
Lita recently posted..Write
It isn’t easy at times, Lita. But I’m working as hard as I can at it. There are times when I feel like it would be so much easier to close everything up and run and hide! If I do that, I might miss out on being part of something much bigger than myself!
You are so right that the devil wants us to limit ourselves, to be so plagued by self-doubt that we ignore God’s calling. There is so much strength and power in CLAIMING the identity God has laid out for you!
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted..An Open Letter to Laziness
Self doubt is so destructive!
I love what your boy says about you. What a sweet confirmation of what the Lord is whispering to your heart. Keep listening to his words, not to the lies. Keep writing!
Becky Daye recently posted..Five Minute Friday~ Write
Thanks Becky!
oh, kinda sorta needed to hear this today. Like REALLY needed to hear this today. Thanks NJ.
Tara Newman recently posted..Getting Organized for the Week Ahead
Aw. I hope everything is okay. I know what it feels like to be discouraged, especially about being a writer. I’m glad I could offer you a little perspective!
So can relate to this, NJ! Thank you for sharing! The first step to being a writer is to actually *call* yourself a writer. π
Chrysti Hedding recently posted..{Five Minute Friday} Write
I’m glad you can relate Chrysti. And I think you are right, the first step is always admission!
Oh friend – I am the exact same kind of Writer! Following His Call… His lead… bowing low and bleeding out… creating space in the in between to share encouragement and love! You – my friend… you ARE a writer! Write On… stand tall in that Calling! It’s part of who He created you to be!
~Karrilee~ recently posted..A Writers Gonna Write – Five Minute Friday
You are right, Karrilee! I need to stand tall and own it!
I enjoyed this post! You are a writer! I was a stay at home mom and I know the very emotions you are expressing. What you are doing is valuable and has eternal merit. Keep at it! Visiting from {in}courage writers.
Mimi recently posted..Vickyβs Chocolate Sheet Cake Recipe
Thanks Mimi!
I know that I’m doing it for the right reasons, that i have been called to this place. And to abide in Him and it feels amazing!
Preach on, mama! This is fabulous, and I love that your son helped you own those four little words. Kids are good that way. They don’t have all of the filters and layers of self-doubt built up yet. They see clearly, and we should listen. Glad you did!
Nicole @ Work in Sweats Mama recently posted..Kick Stress to the Curb: A To-Do List
Malone has taught me more about who I am than I could have ever imagined. He sees the world so simply! I wonder if I could start looking at the world through his eyes a bit more!
Yes! You are and I am and being a stay at home mom is a wonderful and worthwhile endeavor. We are blessed.
Thank you for sharing this from your heart.,
Erika @overFlow recently posted..Write {five minute friday}
You are right, Erika. We are blessed.
Hi NJ. I’m, stopping by from the (in)Couraging Writer’s group. You must have been reading my mind with this post! I so very much feel this way. Especially being new to blogging and knowing there is SO MUCH out there. I think, “Why would anyone other than my family ever read this?’ Sometimes that very thought makes me not write. But your post encourages me, reminds me I’m not alone in this. Thank you. Looking forward to reading along with your blog!
If you are new to blogging let me encourage you with this- don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. It is so hard, especially when you’re just starting out to feel like there is a place at the table for you. There is, so write like you mean it!
Also, I love your blog name. I’ve been known to eat a cookie first thing in the morning when packing my boys lunches. :-/
I love your blog name too. I have to admit, it’s primarily why I clicked on the link in the Bloppy Bloggers group.
Suheiry F recently posted..Wednesday Wisdom
Thanks! It took a little bit of time to come up with something that I loved, but I am so happy with it!
Thanks Nikki! I have been known to sneak a cookie at the same time. I like to dip them in my coffee!
I feel this way often. And it doesn’t go away just because you’ve been published or have a degree, I have a degree in English, and I wrote for a regional magazine for a couple of years, and I still question whether I can truly call myself a writer. However, writing is my passion. I need to do it. Therefore I am a writer, plain and simple.
I love what your son says! Sometimes kids see things more clearly than adults do. You are a writer, and clearly a good one. Keep it up!
Suheiry F recently posted..This Week’s Flowers
P.S. I pinned your post on Pinterest!
Suheiry F recently posted..This Week’s Flowers
Thank you so much!
I am seeing that this is more common than I realized.
I wonder why we doubt ourselves and our abilities so much?
Your courage today inspires me. I was just reflecting how I call myself a blogger but not a writer – like the word writer holds some special power that I cannot access until I earn it. I am hopeful that your courage will rub off on me and my quest to follow God’s prompting to write. Thank you for sharing today!
Blessings, Mary!
Hi Mary!
The only person who can claim that word for you, is you! I’m tired of trying to run away from the gifts and talents that He has given me. I hope you’ll find the courage too. There is peace when you do!
Welcome Darlene! I’m glad you’ve come.
I am owning it, you are right!
Yes, I do believe you are a writer. I loved your image. I saved it to my computer. I hope you don’t mind. It fits with something I’m creating for a new workshop I’m doing. I will make sure you get your link back. If you ever want to visit Succeed at Writing, you’re more than welcome. I think you might like the tips we have for writers. Have a blessed day. Followed you from SITS.
Vicki M taylor recently posted..Friday Five Minute Exercise – Touch
Thanks for the follow, Vicki!
You are more than welcome to use the image since I know you’ll give proper credit!
I am glad this resonated with you today!
Kids say it like it is which means you are a writer. I know how you feel though. I don’t consider myself a writer and heard my husband tell someone once I was one. It gave me goose bumps. Love this post.
Savvy Working Gal recently posted..How to Identify Your Female Leadership Strengths
I know what you mean about the goosebumps!
I don’t know why I’ve had a hard time claiming it. I guess perhaps because I had a bad case of comparison!
I can relate to all of these feelings. I’ve been blogging for six years and still have doubts at times. Your writing and beautiful and so are you! Visiting you from the (in)couraging Writers group!
Barbie recently posted..The Weekend Brew: My Writing Story
I’m so glad we’re in the writing group together! I love that space, it is one of my favorites online!
The more I think about it, the more common the feelings of self doubt are. I think what matters most is how you respond to them!
Hi NJ! I always thought that I needed to get paid to write before I could call myself a writer. But now that I’m a mom I realize that nobody pays me to do that and I’m still a mom. So, yeah, I’m a writer too!!
Jennifer McCullough recently posted..10 Things I Learned in My First 90 Days of Blogging
That is insanely GOOD insight. Love it!!! From one mama-writer to another π
I agree, Christie! Great insight Jennifer!
I loved that. No one pays me to be a mom, but I still am one!
Writing is sacred for me. Just like motherhood is.
NJ you ARE a writer–through and through–and your life IS your story and I am so excited at all the good stuff coming for you!
christie elkins recently posted..cell phone friday, volume twenty
Christie, you are my biggest cheerleader and fan!
I am scared and excited about what this year holds for me (and you too really). Good things, I know.
I am so thankful to have you as a friend. I love dreaming life with you!
Why is it so hard to claim and say aloud? You write, you are a writer. Simple. We attach so much weight and worth to the word that God never intended. All of our worth is found in Him and His pleasure. So glad you are claiming it and writing and I totally relate. There may be no readers or no book or even sometimes, no words, but we are writers, both.
Also, LOVE seeing all the visitors from the (in)courage writers group!
Alia Joy recently posted..Five Minute Friday:Write
“We attach so much weight and worth to the word that God never intended.”
Thank you for that reminder. You are so right. My worth is found elsewhere, in one who Loves Me so fiercely. I need to remember that!
Keep living out your call, and saying it out loud! Love your words.
Visiting from (in)courage writers!
Cara recently posted..Five Minute Friday: Write
Thank you Cara!
I am going to try my hardest to live it! Walk the talk and talk the walk right?
Love this!
We all have a story to tell, and for me, the best way to tell mine is through writing!
I liked reading this. I suppose I’m a writer too! I love being one, but Im always a bit hesitant to call myself that. I don’t want to be presumptuous or anything.
Momfever recently posted..I’m in a hurry
If you are true to yourself and write for you, you can only be a success!
Yay for the SITS Girls for helping me find your blog! π
Rebecca @ Love at First Book recently posted..Magnetic Bookmark DIY
Way to own it, NJ! I’m not quite there yet, but I still found this very inspiring. How nice that Malone sees it so clearly – he has more vision than my kids!
Dana recently posted..A good cry
This is amazing! I love how Malone articulated it – your kid speaks the truth! I feel so empowered reading this post. I have never said the words out loud – “I am a writer.” I just never put myself in that category for the same devilish reasons you listed above. But I’m proud of you after reading this post. I’m proud of me, too. Cheers to being writers!
Gracielle recently posted..Help Me Choose: Rivet & Sway Glasses
If you write, you ARE a writer. I think we all have so much self doubt. I can’t tell you how many times people have said to me “I’m not really a runner, I don’t run like you. I’m not fast.” I’m not sure what that means. I’m not fast anymore either. I used to be fast. I used to train…a lot. Now I just run for enjoyment. I don’t even go every day. Does that mean I am no longer a runner? But I’ve been running for over 30 years. If you run, you’re a runner…whether you do it 6 days a week or 3 days a week. There’s my philosophy and I am sticking with it. Hope you are having a wonderful comment love day today…sorry I haven’t been over sooner this week…it’s been a little crazy here. I have some catch up to do. But I am going to see what else I have missed while I am here. π
Michelle recently posted..Thank You, Coach {Guest Post}
Love everything about your post. Writing is such a wonderful way of expression and will be passed down to future generations. Found you via Sits Girls, but I also am a part of Five Minute Friday. π Great Site! π
Pam McCormick recently posted..My Annual βImaginary Acceptance Speechβ π
You don’t do it for everyone else, you do it for you π
Randa @ The Everyday Domestic recently posted..Silver Lining Wordless Wednesday W/Linky
YES! Love this! I technically don’t consider myself a writer but that’s what I do so why not call it like it is? I’m definitely not popular but I have things to say as well π Thanks for the reminder!
Rashida recently posted..Book Review: Do Cool Sh*t
That’s right! Take your passion and run with it! π
Stopping by from SITS π
Nicole P recently posted..A Confession. Don’t judge me.
I loved this post! I too, am a writer and SAHM and am often haunted by those negative thoughts! Your responses to them are wonderful and something I’ll have to make sure to remember! π
Suzanne recently posted..The Reason Why We Got A Puppy
You are a writer! Great blog. I will definitely be reading it that I’ve found it via SITS Comment Love Tribe!! All the best! xx
Great post! I have to remind myself of this at times as well.
Stopping over from SITS Girls. Meant to comment Wednesday, but accidentally commented in the wrong group.
Rachel Keeth // Lavender & Honey recently posted..Baking Tips for Success
Amen! Awesome post! Thank you for sharing! Thanks for linking up with #LOBS weekend! ~A~
Amber Day Hicks recently posted..Ladies Only Blog Share Link Party: Oscar Weekend!!!
And I believe you! π I claimed being a writer long before (but just in my head).. even when my blog is not read by millions of people. But I’ve had inspiration from one blog I’ve discovered not long ago that when you want to be a writer, you have to really claim it. And say to yourself and to others that you’re a writer. So that’s what I do now, I can tell people that I’m a writer because I am. You don’t even have to publish a book yet but you’re already a writer. SO you really tackled that in this post, great job for being a stay at home writer mom NJ! π
One of the most limiting things we can do to our spirit is to become hung up on labels. You want to write, you write. You wrote words on a blog, you shared an emotion, a story, you are a writer. Own it girl! Stopping by from #LOBS
Carla recently posted..The Sound Of My Mother’s Voice
I love what you write here. I have the same thoughts going on about writing, about photography. Things I love to do but I constantly have severe negative thoughts on me doing them. It needs to come to a halt, seriously. I have this nice camera that is just sitting here because of those negative voicesβ¦
HOpe recently posted..Failure and Grace
Thank you for writing this… I myself am struggling to find my voice that God has given me… To write what I am meant to write… To own my story… To know you wrote this 3 years ago and are still going gives me hope that I am on the right path this time,… that in telling my WHOLE truth will lead me down the road God wants for me to inspire me and hopefully… maybe… one day allow me to inspire even one other person… So thank you again. Also… this post lead me to FMF the week before it launches at it’s new home… JUST as I am working on launching my new blog… In my humble opinion… That seems to be God whispering that I am finding the path he wishes me to be on… at least I hope so anyway!