Since today is the end of the world according to the Mayans, I thought I’d leave you all with one last blog post to enjoy. I have a fancy DSLR but most of our life gets captured on my Iphone. So handy..that little camera. I’m linking up today with Jeanette at Life Rearranged for her weekly InstaFriday round up.


This boy wants to be just like his marathoner daddy. He was so happy to “run” The Hot Chocolate Run (ahem, two mile walk). Sure we carried him a bit of the way, but he was so proud to receive his mug to fill with marshmallows and candy canes.  Last year we were dead last. Seriously like getting stalked by the police car traffic detail last to cross to cross the finish line. This year we finished in the middle of the pack.


I was able to get my craft on one after noon during an extra long nap. Malone loved decorating this felt Christmas tree. I thought that he’d spend more time playing with this. But so far he’s only decorated it the one time.


Hello winter farm share! We are share holders at a local farm who will provide us with root veggies throughout the winter. It is cold in their root cellar, but having access to responsibly grown local vegetables during the winter makes it worth it!


Roadwork on our street + 3.5 year old boy = jackpot. Right after I took this picture the foreman invited Malone over for a closer look and gave Malone a rock that was dug up. He’s still talking about it.


“Mama, can you take a picture of that pretty fence?” he asked so sweetly. “I like the way the diamonds are all the same. And the way stars hang so nicely on the top.” Such a sweet lens of our world this one has. I have a lot to learn from him.


So this randomly happened the other day while we were out to breakfast. Fred Armisen sat right across from us. He was in town visiting a friend for a few days. It is so funny because I’ve heard many people say that if they didn’t live in our area, they’d choose Portland. I wonder if he feels the same way…. maybe he was here gathering info for a future story line.


Malone asked if he could paint cookies. What a fun way to spend a chilly evening!


Sigh… sick baby. Hopefully he’ll be better soon. These next few days are going to be a busy one!