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Disclosure: Today’s post is brought to you today by Viva® Vantage® and their #7DaySwitchUp campaign.

In the past, our home hasn’t always been the best spot to have guests over for dinner or to host parties in. So when Jennifer from Comeback Momma asked me to help her cohost an in home event for Viva®  Vantage®, I was super excited. For many years, I’ve had the heart for hospitality, but not the space. That changed this week, however when we moved into a new house (but that’s a story for another day).

For this event, Viva®  Vantage® was the star of the show and we were encouraged to switch up the way we think and use paper towels. In the past, I’ve always used a paper towel as well, a paper towel. I’ve never thought about using it any other way.

Jennifer was in charge of the decor and one of the very first things I noticed was how she switched it up in her bathroom by using Viva®  Vantage® as hand towels.

viva vantage in the bathroom









Did you know you can put a damp Viva®  Vantage® towel under a cutting board to keep it from slipping while you chop or cut? Me either! It really works!

How to keep a cutting board from slipping The  Viva®  Vantage® towels are tough enough to work as a strainer and scrubber too. It has stretchy-strength and great scrubbing power. It was also recently named a 2015 Product of the year!

Viva grapesInspired by the great guests at the Viva®  Vantage® event, I present to you….

Be An Awesome Party Guest

Learn how to be an awesome party guest with these 5 tips.

How To BE An awesome party guest group shot1.  Take lots of pictures and share them with the host. During this event, I was so really busy making sure the guests had everything they needed that I didn’t have time to take tons of photographs. I am so thankful to the other guests who grabbed some amazing shots and shared them!

2. Jump in and help. I love it when my friends purposefully leave a few things left to do in the kitchen as guests arrive. It’s a natural ice breaker to chat while doing food prep- no one has to stand around awkwardly while trying to make conversation. It is a win win, you get to feel like your’re contributing to the party and your help gives the host a little margin as they prepare for the rest of the guests to arrive.

How to be an awesome party guest 3. Unless you’re at an event where social media sharing is part of the event’s expectation, keep your phone time to a minimum. Be present for the party happening in front of you, instead of scrolling away at your life online.

4. Don’t snoop. This one goes without saying, but stay out of the areas of the house that are private like bedrooms, closets, and medicine cabinets. If you want a tour of the house, ask your host. I’m sure they’d be happy to give you one!

5. Be aware of time. Arrive promptly and unless the event has an end time, leave when the party is winding down if your schedule allows. Unless you’re in the home of an extremely close friend, don’t linger long after everyone has gone. In other words, don’t over extend your welcome, unless the host invites you to!

After taking the #7DaySwitchUp I’m convinced that a paper towel can be more than just a paper towel. my favorite new way to use the Viva® Vantage® towels is underneath my cutting board! My mind is still blown at how well that works!

Take your own 7-Day Switch Up challenge with Viva® Vantage®. Get a $1.00 off coupon and learn about how you can enter for a chance to win $100 gift card.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Viva® Vantage®.