Last Wednesday we began a new journey when I was laid off from the company I had worked at for over five years. It came completely out of the blue at the height of a really busy time (due to Hurricane Sandy).

I have read and enjoyed Hello Mondays with Lisa Leonard for quite a while, but I am excited to share mine today for the first time.

Hello to more time with this guy.

Hello  homeschooling. Malone was in full time daycare with a preschool based curriculum program. He’ll go to his daycare now instead two mornings a week and I’ll supplement the rest of the days at home. The internet is rich with resources and ideas. I am excited and overwhelmed all at the same time.

Hello nature hikes and scavenger hunts with my little three year old sponge.

Hello more time to blog and explore Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. I’m pumped to grow this space and connect more with some of the bloggers I really love and admire.

Hello LinkedIn, job searching, and resume writing.

Hello peace. Goodbye stress.

Hello prayer. Hello to seeing God’s hand in every step of the way on our new journey.

What are you saying Hello to today?