One of my favorite type of posts to write is Five Minute Friday. Each week, hundreds of bloggers write around a single writing prompt for five minutes and hit publish without edits or proofreading. The prompt is usually a single word that typically has a big meaning. The result is almost always something beautiful.
There is a tree in my neighborhood that comes to life in autumn. The rest of the year, it is an ordinary tree. But as the September moves towards October, and October creeps towards November, she really shows off. And yes, she’s a girl.
I drive past her almost everyday, admire her deep rich red color.
As November is crawling toward December, her branches are no longer beautiful. The leaves have fallen.
It is just her and her guts on display for all of the world to see.
Yet, She stands tall and proud with her roots planted in the soil below. Her trunk is mighty and unwavering.
Her branches are flexible. Some move when the wind blows. Some branches break and fall to the ground, leaving room for others to grow a little stronger.
Her life moves in rhythm with the world.
She’s working behind the scenes and quietly getting ready to blossom again.
Soon enough it will be time for her to shine again.
If you would like to play along, head over to Lisa Jo Baker’s website and link up your post.
Or, tell me about your favorite tree in the comments below. xo
Shannon@MishmashMama says
Hi NJ! Beautifully written. I have a girl tree that I love in my front yard too. I love that line about her and her guts. Stopping by from FMF.
Shannon@MishmashMama recently posted..Five Minute Friday: Tree
NJ says
Hi Shannon! I didn’t realize that I’ve always thought about trees being either a boy tree or a girl tree until I sat down to write this post! This gal is about half a block away, but we see her every time we walk through the neighborhood. I’m glad you stopped by. I’m off to visit you now too!
Chandra Hadfield says
I so wish we lived in an area that went on beautiful display in the fall. Instead, we live in South Texas where most trees barely lose their leaves. How lovely to witness those bright colors each fall. Makes me miss living in Massachusetts. By the way, your description of that tree makes me want to be more like her, standing tall and proud/unwavering. Loved that description.
Chandra Hadfield recently posted..A Thankful Heart: This is Abundant Life
NJ says
South Texas sounds AWESOME right about now. It is getting cold up here, with the super cold weather to still come. I dig my fall boots but would be super happy to live in my flip flops all year. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. Stand proud my friend.
~Karrilee~ says
“It is just her and her guts on display for all of the world to see.”
Oh yes! How many times have I felt like this? And yet… it’s when we lay down and brave being vulnerable that He gets the glory without any confusion, right? I also love how you remind us that even in her bareness – that she is not dead… but simply things are happening beneath the surface and she will shine again!
Great post, my friend!
~Karrilee~ recently posted..Glory in Trees… Five Minute Friday
NJ says
I feel like my guts ARE hanging out right now too, but there is a lot happening behind the scenes. I didn’t think I was this tree, but now I’m pretty sure I am!
Rabia @TheLiebers says
OK, that tree is pretty, but you’ve made it beautiful with the way you’ve written about it!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted..Five Minute Friday: Tree
NJ says
Rabia, you are so kind to me. That you for these encouraging words!
Mia says
I love how you describe how the stately lady trees are ushered with royal dignity to enter the new season where they will be either bare or dressed in a fur cloak of winter snow to start the processing again of forming new live deep underground and also to start preparing their new foliage for Spring!
Blessings XX
Mia recently posted..The Tear Collector
NJ says
There is so much goodness to being in the right season, following Him, and embracing life right where we are at! I’m LEARNING that lesson. Slowly. But learning.
Rebekah says
Hi NJ – Such good stuff here. This I love > Her life moves in rhythm with the world. < The idea that we can be straight and tall and even as things that represent our beauty fall away. And when those things do, sometimes its then and only then that our strength that comes through Him is revealed.
Rebekah recently posted..Five Minute Friday – Tree
NJ says
Thanks Rebekah! Sometimes these posts don’t come easy, but this one sure did!
Tara Newman says
I like this concept. It would definitely be a challenge for me to just click “publish”.
Tara Newman recently posted..Five Things Friday
NJ says
It is super fun! You should play along sometime! Confession- I do edit for grammar and spelling errors. BUT not for content!
Amy P Boyd says
As I am slowly moving towards the empty nest era I am like your tree and learning to “moves in rhythm with the world.’
Amy P Boyd recently posted..Fiery {Five Minute Friday}
NJ says
Those empty nest years are SO SO far away for me right now, I can’t even begin to dream about them. I’m sure you’ll miss them!
Alison says
Stunning. Both the tree and the writing.
Alison recently posted..Old School Blogging: Yellow Is My Favorite Color, And I Don’t Wear Shoes At Home
NJ says
Thank you Allison!
Amy Tilson says
Beautiful! Trees are still waters – so much going on that we can’t see.
Amy Tilson recently posted..Five Minute Friday – Tree
Sarah says
Fall is my favorite time of year to watch our world change into beauty and begin the process of hibernating for winter. That is a gorgeous girl tree you have there!!
NJ says
She’s super pretty in fall. Someday you’ll see her in person. Promise.
NJ says
She’s super pretty in fall. Someday you’ll see her in person. Promise.
popcosmo says
GORGEOUS! I love the idea of the 5 minute writing… and I also love this tree. We have a similar tree that is well on the way of our walk, but also on the beginning of the “serious” part of our walk. I love seeing how it changes, but now it is leaveless for winter, and I’m ready to see it again for spring. I’m also sure it’s a she!
xo ~kim & chloe
popcosmo recently posted..DIY Frilly Christmas Pencils
NJ says
You should try the 5 minute writing sometime! The prompt usually comes up on Lisa Jo Baker’s blog around midnight. It can be really tricky to post something with just five minutes of writing, but the more I do it the easier it becomes!