How To Dust Your Ceiling Fan Without Making A Mess

How To Dust Your Ceiling Fan Without Making A Mess Title

My ceiling fan has long been a pain point for me. The level of mess from dust and filth was nearing an all time high. And every time I walked into the room that is ALL I saw, even if the rest of it was clean. I let this bother me for WEEKS because I didn’t want to clean up the mess from dusting the ceiling fan. In the past, every time I went to dust my ceiling fans bits of gunk fell to the floor. And I’d have to vacuum.  It was a never ending cleaning cycle of doom. I could not dust my ceiling fan without making a mess.

And then I had a light bulb moment. I could use a pillowcase!

Dust Your Ceiling Fan Without Making A Mess 3

 Using a pillowcase to dust your ceiling fan keeps 95% of the dust inside of the pillowcase and OFF OF your floors.

My method

  1. Get an old pillowcase. The inside of this pillowcase is never going to be the same. Choose one that isn’t in your rotation for sleeping.
  2. Wrinkle the pillowcase in your hands as if you were putting on pantyhose. Men if you are unsure what this means, find a lady and ask them.
  3. Slide the entire pillowcase over the blade of your fan.
  4. Now,  your pillowcase is essentially hanging from your blade. With hands flat and near the center of the fan, hold both the underside of the blade and the upper portion of the blade. Pull the pillowcase gently off of the blade.
  5. Rinse, lather, and repeat for all blades.
  6. Take the pillowcase outside. Turn it inside out so the dust side is now showing. Beat it like a rug to get most of the dust off.
  7. Wash the pillowcase. Store with your other cleaning supplies for next time!

This really works! And I am so excited not to be stressed out anymore about dusting my ceiling fan.

What household chore do you avoid? Let me know in the comments below. I love hearing from you!


  1. 1

    The Dose of Reality says

    O…M…Geeeee!! I can’t believe I never thought of this! It’s BRILLIANT!! I’m totally doing this. WOOT!! Seriously a genius idea!! –Lisa
    The Dose of Reality recently posted..Walking The WalkMy Profile

  2. 5

    Jessica @ Living La Vida Holoka says

    This is a brilliant idea! Especially since we have a fan right over our bed. That makes cleaning it SUCH a hassle. Thanks for the tip!
    Jessica @ Living La Vida Holoka recently posted..Baking SeasonMy Profile

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      NJ says

      You are welcome Jessica! I can’t promise that it will be mess free, but at least most of the mess will be CONTAINED!

  3. 7

    Nancy says

    I will have Henry do this since I am too short. The fan in the kids’ room is sooooo dirty! Good tip. I generally avoid doing the bathroom, of course, beyond the wipe-down and a mopping. I hate doing a deep clean!
    Nancy recently posted..Balabusta Cred.My Profile

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      NJ says

      I used a step ladder to get mine. Otherwise I’m too short too! I don’t clean bathrooms because I don’t “miss” when I aim.

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    Alison says

    Oh dude. This is BRILLIANT!!
    The damn ceiling fans (OMG we have 5) has been a sore point between my husband and I for months. MONTHS. Our main fan in the living room is black. I need to try this!
    Alison recently posted..Do More Of What Makes You HappyMy Profile

  5. 11

    Tamara says

    That is brilliant.
    And I have to tell you – not sure we’ve ever dusted our ceiling fans in the living room. Or changed the lightbulbs. 20 foot ceiling here!
    The funny thing is that this isn’t very big compared to my old house that I grew up in. Highest ceilings ever. My dad’s claim to fame is that he moved to Blairstown without EVERY changing the lightbulbs or using the ceiling fans. He had a gigantic contraption (robot arms?) to do it for him, but he was just such a grinch about not ever using those lights!! We relied on natural light. A lot.
    Tamara recently posted..Honey, I Broke The Baby & My Mind.My Profile

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      NJ says

      1. I love that you called your dad a light bulb grinch. 2. I have no idea how you would dust ceiling fans that high. Although, they are so far from the ground maybe we just wouldn’t notice it?

  6. 13

    Tiffany says

    Thank you so much for posting this! I have been looking up at my ceiling fan thinking about how dirty it is and dreading the day I will finally clean it. But now, I know how to do it without making more of a mess!
    Tiffany recently posted..Holiday Roundup: SoupsMy Profile

  7. 15

    Jen says

    You are a freaking genius!!! And you should see my ceiling fans….I am ashamed to say that I had a caterpillar sized piece of dust fly off the other day….they are THAT bad! I am totally going to do this TODAY! Thanks so much for sharing. :-)
    Jen recently posted..Ski, Snow, & Savings!My Profile

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      NJ says

      Yes! Jen, it has changed my entire cleaning life. I’m no longer ashamed of my grooty ceiling fans! We had caterpillar sized pieces too!

  8. 17

    Tiffany says

    NJ! What an awesome idea! I SO wish I’d seen this BEFORE the Holiday…LOL I bought what was supposed to be THE best ceiling fan duster with this scientifically proven magnetic dust thingy that would grab all the dust and not let any of it drop on the floor. Well it didn’t…it just all feel directly into my face! LOL Next time I will be grabbing a pillow case Thank You Very Much! :) Great Idea thanks for posting and sharing!
    Tiffany recently posted..#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} OH! Christmas…My Profile

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      NJ says

      I wish I would have thought of this years ago. I don’t think I had cleaned them in the FIVE years we’ve lived here.

  9. 19

    Ilene says

    This is truly brilliant! There is a ceiling fan in every room where I live right now. I know what I’m doing tonight…
    Ilene recently posted..Modern Family: Jersey EditionMy Profile

  10. 21

    Rabia @TheLiebers says

    NJ, this looks like a genius idea! I’m still a bit unclear as to how exactly it works, though. Would you mind coming to my house and demonstrating? I’ll provide dinner. ;)
    Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted..Ask Away Friday with Mommy A to ZMy Profile

  11. 23

    Denise Bertacchi says

    I’ll have to give this a try, thanks for the suggestion. Dropping by from SITS Girls.
    Denise Bertacchi recently posted..Headphone Giveaway: SOL Republic JAXMy Profile

  12. 24

    Denise Bertacchi says

    I’ll have to give this a try, thanks for the suggestion. Dropping by from SITS Girls.
    Denise Bertacchi recently posted..Headphone Giveaway: SOL Republic JAXMy Profile

  13. 26

    Rachel G says

    Interesting, I’ve never tried that! Just yesterday I was cleaning my ceiling fan with a bucket of water and a rag! They don’t get done often at my house, either!
    Rachel G recently posted..Wedding Traditions We SkippedMy Profile

  14. 28

    Adrianne says

    This is seriously such a good idea! My fans are so gross right now because I just don’t want to get that junk all over my bed! I’m going to try this immediately :)
    Adrianne recently posted..DIY Braided Neon NecklaceMy Profile

  15. 30

    Michelle says

    We have a ceiling fan in a room with a high ceiling. Basically the room is two floors high. I guess I need my husband to get on a ladder for this. Great idea though. I think the last time he cleaned it he climbed on a high beam in that room and tried to reach over. What were we thinking when we had that thing put in?!!
    Michelle recently posted..Crazy Stressful Holidays, Ladies Only Blog Share Style!My Profile

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      NJ says

      Phew! Two stories… I think you’d need a wicked tall ladder, or to just let it go! I can believe he was Spidermanning around your house trying to clean it!

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    Amanda Sue says

    NJ I freakin’ love this!!! I’m gonna snag a pillowcase from Goodwill just for this. I always have a hard time using those ring duster things, because they make the most AWFUL mess. This, I love.
    Amanda Sue recently posted..10 Ways to Keep the Holidays SimpleMy Profile

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      NJ says

      Yesss! Snag a fun one if you can! I snatched one from the linen closet but might try to find a really fun vintage cartoon one, if I can! This method really keeps most of the dust inside, which rocks! Who wants to clean after just cleaning? Not this girl!

  17. 34

    Julia says

    How clever! I’ve been using those expensive dusters with the handle and been getting dust and fluff falling onto me and the couch. I’m definitely trying this!
    Julia recently posted..Recipe: Chocolate Raspberry OrnamentsMy Profile

  18. 36

    Stevie says

    Ah brilliant! I actually don’t like ceiling fans for this reason. They are total dust collectors! I think you could even package this up and sell them as a brilliant new cleaning invention. Like the Snuggie, which was just a robe worn backwards but everyone bought one! And you could make a super cool infomercial!
    Stevie recently posted..Ask Away Friday with Heather of The Frill of LifeMy Profile

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