Last month, I started a new monthly series called Currently… It is a small peek into my brain and life. I love being able to show you more of what is happening in my world without writing a full blog post or essay on every topic. And, I write these for me too! They serve as a mini journal/diary for life and I know that in a year from now, I’ll love coming back and reading what was happening in my world. There are some affiliate links in this post, which means that if you click through and buy something, I may receive a very small (ahem, pennies) commission on your purchase.

Currently… October 2015

Currently October 2015

Reading It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful by Myquillyn Smith aka The Nester. I’ve read The Nester’s blog forever and now that we’ve got a house that feels like a home, I am so excited to decorate it. I love the tips and advice she gives on loving your rental even if it isn’t your forever home.

Watching The Muppets new prime time show and Best Day Ever with Neil Patrick Harris. Both typically have me smiling from ear to ear by the end of the night. They’re on at the same time, so we record one and watch one live. Warning, The Muppets is meant for prime time and doesn’t meet the standards we’ve set for family friendly content in our house. But the kids are in bed by the time we watch it and we just love it.

Trying to finish unpacking. We moved into our new place on October 1 and I’ve got seven boxes left (with nothing hidden or stashed in the basement or attic except for things that belong there, like the Christmas tree). Those seven boxes are a doozy though- my office supplies and our crafting supplies.

Eating hearty fall food. The air is crisp and cool and I’m planning dinners like pot roast, beef stew, and chili with corn bread.

Pinning Christmas and Thanksgiving inspiration. Did you know that the blog world works a lot like the retail world? Right now, my best blog post (the one with the most visits each month) is a Christmas post!

Instagramming fall in New England. Follow along at @acookieb4dinner. 

Going to enjoy my first house guests this weekend! My mother in law, brother and sister in law, and nephew are all coming to my house for their annual fall visit. I can’t wait to have a  house full of family! We all live far away from each other and only get to spend a few weekends a year in the same space!

Loving Trello. Trello is an online task management system. I use it to keep track of everything I have to do for my blog and my virtual clients. It is so easy to use and because of the way it is laid out, I can see everything that needs to get done in one place. You don’t have to be a blogger or writer to use it. And best of all, it’s free!

Enjoying fall in New England. Every year, I fall in love with New England fall. It is magical and people travel from all over the world to come see it’s beauty. And I get to live here and see it everyday!

Thinking about my goals for 2016. It will be here before I know it!

Feeling settled and content in our new house.

Hoping for the hearts of all the six year old mamas out there. Malone is feeling some big feelings right now about life and from the other moms with the kids the same age, they’ve got kids with tender hearts too.

Listening to Christmas music. No shame in my game. I love Christmas so much!

Thanking God for a career that allows me to have flexibility in my schedule so I can be home for my kids when they need me.

Starting to prep the items I’m going to be selling in an upcoming consignment sale. I’ve got 12 boxes of things to sell!

What’s currently happening in your world?