Category Archives: 31 Days Of Writing

{Big Girl Panties} On Siblings

I am only child. As a kid, it was fine. I had a lot of cousins to play with and amused myself with lots of extracurricular activities that I KNOW wouldn’t have happened if I had a brother or sister. But as an adult, I find myself longing for a sibling- someone who shares my DNA and family story. I’m lonely for the sibling I’ll never have.  Someone who I have inside jokes with and someone I could go shopping with or out to dinner. I could go on and on, but you get it. I realize that not all adult siblings get along with each other, but in my world, my imaginary sibling and I are best friends.

Today I am at Things I Can’t Say sharing my heart about what it feels like to be an only child who is parenting siblings. Click here to be taken to the rest of the story. 

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

{Big Girl Panties} Grief Comes In Waves

I am writing this at 6:00 am on a Sunday morning. The baby’s swing is humming in the background and the cat is trolling for food. She’s going to have to wait.

Because I’m grieving again.

Last night, I went to bed not knowing (but hoping) the Red Sox were going to the World Series. I wanted to stay up but I didn’t think I could convince Lola to sleep through the night at 8 weeks. And I have needs too.

So off to bed I went, around 9:30.

At 11:30 or so, Mike cheered so loudly he woke me up. I thought the Sox had won it, but (if I remember right) someone hit grand slam.

This morning’s headline is going to be that the Red Sox are headed to the World Series. They’re playing the Cardinals. The last time they played each other in the World Series was 2004. Nine years ago.

And my mama was still here. Literally. Here.

She and my dad flew to New England for my birthday. Mike and I spent their vacation showing them all of the places we loved. We took a road trip into Boston on game day to be part of the excitement at Fenway Park.

The mood there was electric. It didn’t matter that we didn’t have tickets. We had each other and we were part of the action. My classic country boy dad was over the moon to be near Fenway Park, where his team was playing my team. He was overwhelmed.

“This is so neat. Oh My God. This is AWESOME.” he kept saying over and over.

My mom was busy falling in love with every Boston Cop and Statie (that’s New England speak for State Police Man) she saw.

“Nan, LOOK at him. He’s beautiful. And his rear end. I’m going to go ask for a picture with him. Come with me!”

I was kind of embarrassed but played along. If you knew my mother, then you knew her love for men in uniform. Or really just for cute men in general.

We stopped for street sausages because you can’t go to Fenway Park without eating at least one before we headed on our way.

I wish I could remember more about that day.

I want you to know grief comes in waves. It has been six years since my mom passed away and I write this this morning not for your sympathy but because I woke up this morning and need to embrace the memory. I’ve found the best way (for me) to handle the grief has been to fully embrace it when it comes up- to be honest with my feelings, to let the sadness sweep me under like a wave, and then to move on with my day when I feel better.

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, especially a parent, I’m so sorry for your loss. It never gets better. It just gets different as time goes on.

It is okay to be sad, angry, and hate the world sometimes.

It is okay to replay the last voicemail you got from her, just to hear her voice again.

It is okay to hold tightly to a box of random things that don’t make any sense. Except that they were her random things and you can’t let them go to.

It is okay to spend hours trying to recreate her signature dish because you want to taste a memory. For the record, it will probably be close but not 100% exact because the missing ingredient is her.

It is okay to be pissed off when you see someone else not treating their parent with respect. On one or more occasions I’ve wanted to yell at a complete stranger.

“You should be so lucky that you even have a mom you can yell at!”

Grief comes in waves.

Embrace it.

Grief Comes In Waves

Have you lost someone close? I’d love to hear about your waves of grief. Did one hit you unexpectedly too?

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

{Big Girl Panties} The King Of The Laundry

Each Thursday night a group of writers gather on Twitter to wait for the week’s Five Minute Friday writing prompt. The writing challenge is just that- a challenge. Create word art in five minutes- share your story, share your soul. Hit publish without looking back at your work for edits.

This week’s prompt is: Laundry


My husband is the laundry king in our house. On Sunday afternoon he starts tackling the piles. Down two flights of stairs schelpping a heavy basket, into the scary basement he goes. Always encouraging our four year old to come along side him and work together with him even though doing so means it takes him four times as long. He sets a timer on his phone and then back down he goes. Schellping our four year old with him to assist in the turn over.

He folds in front of football, basketball, hockey, or whatever other sport is on. The four year old matches the socks. Together they put things away, sometimes things are never in the right drawers. Last week I found half of the baby’s pants mixed in with the preschooler’s shorts and the preschooler’s pajamas were mixed in with his tee shirts.

I silently correct things and put them where I want them to go. Because I realize I’ve never come out and said I want xzy to go in this specific drawer. And because people can’t read my mind.

My husband wasn’t always king of the laundry.  When we were kids (aka 10 years ago) we’d let it pile up until we had NOTHING to wear and then spend an entire Saturday hanging out together at the laundry mat dreaming about becoming real grown ups and owning our own washer and dryer. We didn’t have two cents to rub together, but somehow we managed to save enough to buy fancy HE front loaders.

It wasn’t until my body was so swollen and heavy with our first born that  Mike became the king of the laundry. I could no longer carry it up and down two flights of stairs.

I put my big girl panties on and asked for help instead of suffering physically for the sake of clean socks.

Big Girl Panties I Can Ask For Help 2


*Disclaimer here- This took longer than five minutes to write because I was interrupted three times. Once to wipe a hiney, once to change a diaper, and once to feed a hungry preschooler. Carry on mamas.

Five Minute Friday

Want to play along? Write on your blog for five minutes and link up with Lisa Jo Baker. 

Or if you don’t have a blog, post your writing in the comments below!


{Big Girl Panties} Pause for Fall In New England & The Sunshine Award

One of the great things about blogging is making friends. And by friends, I mean virtual friends that I have never met but know EVERYTHING about- baby names, favorite foods, likes, dislikes, favorite movies, big dreams/life goals, and so on.

There is a word for this in the real world. For when you know tons of information about someone you’ve never had a face to face conversation with or talked to on the phone. It is called stalking. In blogworld it is called community building.

Recently, I’ve connected with two new friends via twitter and they’ve nominated me for a blogging award called the Sunshine Award. And because I love you all so much, I’m going to sprinkle some pictures of Fall in New England (via my iPhone.. I’ve cropped and added my watermark, but that is JUST ABOUT IT.).

To accept this award you must do the following:

  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger: Rabia from The Liebers and Anneliese Superfresh Babypants  thank you so much for this! What a fun idea! 
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.  See below.
  • List 11 bloggers you believe deserve some special recognition and a little blogging love.
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer.
  • Notify the bloggers you’ve nominated.

I can do this!

Fall In New England 2

How about some random facts about me?

1. When I was 8 I told my mom I was going to move to Boston someday so I could find the guys from New Kids on the Block. I didn’t realize that I had ever said this until I was packing my car to move to Boston when I was 20. I never found any of the guys, but I found my husband (via

2. I recently saw Santa At a Funeral and wanted to Instagam him for the world to see.

3. We let our 4 year old, Malone name our daughter Lola. He picked her name because he loves the Kinks. And if you ask him, he’ll even tell you that!

4. Malone swears in the car. I’m okay with it because he uses the language appropriately. And also because I sometimes swear in the car.

5. In addition to blogging here, I also write 3 times a week for Simple Diaper & Linen. There you’ll find stories about my cloth diaper experience and my search for a more simple & sustainable life.

6. I adore rainbows. And if it rainbow and a pattern I like it even more (rainbow chevron… swoon). There is rainbow something in every room of my house.

7. My daughter (squeal still can’t get over saying it) is mini version of myself in the looks department. Also, she was born in 10 minutes and 3 pushes. You can read all about it here.

8. If I had 24 hours alone in hotel room I would at least 23 of them in bed either napping or trolling around catching up on my favorite time wasters that I no longer have time to waste on. I’d spend hours on before switching to Buzz Feed. The other hour would be spent eating meals via room service while they were still hot and in the shower where no tiny human could knock at my door.

9. Last November, I was laid off. And it completely changed the dynamic of my marriage, my relationship with Malone, and my outlook on life. FOR THE BETTER.

10. I LOVE gymnastics and have since I was 3 years old. I spent a lot of my childhood participating in competitive power tumbling (which is big sport in the Midwest). I still keep up with elite gymnastics and could tell you medaled at the recent World Championships and play leotard fashion police, but then you’d think I was a super nerd.

11. I’ve got my eye on several blog conferences next year and am hoping to make it to at least two! I’ve made so many friends via blogging that I am DYING to meet in real life!

Fall In New England 4

Here are the questions to answer from Superfresh Baby Pants!

  1. Coffee or Tea? Coffee! Hands down. I go to bed at night thinking about my first cuppa Joe in the morning. After around 11:00 am I switch to drinking water or iced tea. I’ve learned the hard way NOT to drink coffee after noon. 
  2. Favorite season? I like them all for assorted reasons, but summer on the cusp of fall is my favorite. I love the cool mornings and warm afternoons. And fall in New England is amazing. 
  3. Favorite Holiday? I’m a big fan of the summer holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day) because they are so low key and relaxed. No stress or fuss to worry about. Typically  we end up at a back yard bbq at a friend’s house. 
  4. Why did you start blogging? Ohh.. this is a toughie! I’ve blogged on and off since 2002 and gone through 6 or so different “types” of blogs. I started blogging because writing is in my bones and I  needed a place to share my story. 
  5. Favorite vacation spot and why? We spend a lot of time on Cape Cod. My husband grew up there and still has lots of family there. It is about a 3 hour drive from our house to grandma’s place. My mother in law’s house is .75 of a mile from the beach. It is so nice to sit with my toes in the sand! 
  6. Does technology make your life easier or harder? Easier. 
  7. What’s the strangest or quirkiest thing you do that other people may not know about? Hmm. I’m a pretty open book about most things. 
  8. Public school, private school or home school? Hybrid. I really believe learning begins at home first and we’ll always nurture our children’s curiosities outside of school.  I will not be an “official” homeschooler, but we haven’t decided where Malone will start Kinder next year. 
  9. Favorite social media site? Instagram. 
  10. How do you unwind at the end of the day? I read a book or chat with my bloggy besties via Facebook. 
  11. Do you recycle, toss or hoard stuff? I recycle, donate, hand down, or upcycle as much as we can! 

Fall In New England 3

And here are the answers to the questions from The Liebers!

  1. Coffee or tea? Coffee! See #1 above. 
  2. What’s the last great book you’ve read? The Mother Of All Meltdowns.  Which is a great read. More to come on this next week! 
  3. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A mom. 
  4. It’s Wednesday, middle of the week.   What are you in the middle of right now? Right now I’m in the middle of “momland” aka housework and menu planning and planning out blog posts for November. 
  5. Where did you get the name for your blog? It was a 3:00 am idea. The best ones always come to me either in the shower or in the middle of the night! 
  6. Who sent you the last personal letter you got in the mail? We got a few really lovely baby cards when Lola was born this August. We also just got her hospital bill. Gulp….
  7. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate… always. And I’d actually prefer chocolate covered chocolate (think chocolate cake with chocolate filling and chocolate ganache). 
  8. What is your biggest fear? That I’ll die before my kids are old enough to have memories of me. That’s part of the reason I keep this blog. So they’ll always have my words. 
  9. Do you have a nickname? What is it and how did you get it? My first name is Nancyjo but I go by NJ. My uncles have called me NJ since I was a tot. It just seems like a better fit for me. And I HATE IT when people call me Nancy. 
  10. Mountains or beach? Both please. Give me a sandy beach on a lake near the mountains and I’ll be your best friend for life. 
  11. What TV shows are you watching this fall? Nashville and New Girl. I’d love to keep up with Big Bang Theory but I never watch TV live and it isn’t available on Hulu Plus. I also really like Parenthood but am at least two seasons behind. 

Fall In New England 1

And now for the fun part! My nominees are:

  1. Little Bins For Little Hands
  2. My Walk With Eden
  3. Redemption Diary 
  4. Happy Family Travels
  5. Tamera Like Camera 
  6. Karen Main Online
  7. The Mommy Mess
  8. The Real Nani
  9. Typical Erin
  10. Lindsey P. Brackett
  11. Pushing Twigs

And now your questions, my dears.

  1. If you could only eat one type of ethnic food for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
  2. Who is the last person you chatted with on the phone?
  3. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? Bonus points here for a picture !
  4. If you’re married, where did you honeymoon? If you’re not married, where do you dream of going?
  5. What is your favorite pair of shoes and why?
  6. Coffee or tea?
  7. What movie could you watch over and over?
  8. What does your ideal day look like?
  9. Do you speak a foreign language? If not, which would you be most interested in learning?
  10. What is the latest “big” life goal you’ve accomplished?
  11. What is your favorite holiday?    Fall In New England 5

{Big Girl Panties} A Day In The Life

I’m ripping down the veil today to share how yesterday went for us, day in the life style. I know how easy it is to just share the perfectly Pinterest Instagrammed me. That is the thing about social media and blogging, the writer controls the content. What you don’t see is the behind the scenes messy side of real life everyday. Even here, in this space I often just share my highlight reel.

But, I am a real person living real life.

And yesterday was real…real rough.

2:45 am- The baby is starting to squeak and ready to nurse. I’m not ready to get out of bed. She’s not stopping so I peel myself out of my warm bed and kiss her head before she latches on. I close my eyes and doze while she eats.

3:15 am. I wake up on the couch. I am so tired that walking the 25 steps back to my bed seems as big as walking a mile.

5:00 am. I hear the coffee pot go off. Bless it, sweet nectar of the gods.

5:30 am. The baby is up again to nurse. I decide that since I’m already up and the coffee is done, I’ll just stay up. Maybe I’ll get enough time to write a well thought out sentence and be able to drink a HOT cup off coffee.

5:35 am. I hear little footsteps. Ah, the best laid plans.

5:37 am. I convince Malone to snuggle with me in bed for a bit. I cuddle close to him. My freshly poured cup of coffee still sits on the table.

6:15 am. Lola is squeaking and needs her pacifier to fall back to sleep. Malone has fallen back asleep, but will wake if I move away from him. Honestly, I wish we had a robot or a nanny or even a clever dog. I don’t want to get out of bed, I’m cozy here with Malone.  Someone is going to be the loser in this situation. And that someone’s name is MOMMY.

6:17 am. Malone is up and Lola has fallen back asleep. I take a drink of my cold coffee.

7:00 am. Malone comes to me and is upset his paper has a hole in it. He’s frustrated and mad. He’s trying to draw something on computer paper with a marker.

7:30 am. My husband is doing a frantic search for his swimming goggles. He wants to swim at the gym during his lunch break. I haven’t seen them. IN MONTHS.

7:45 am. I make play date plans to go to a new park.

8:15 am. Mike leaves without his goggles but with a packed lunch (made by me). There is something funky about this morning. I can’t put my finger on it.

8:20 am. Lola is waking up for the day. I pick her up out of the swing and get ready to nurse on the couch. I go to sit down and spy the reason why Malone’s paper had holes in it earlier. He was trying to color on it with it on the couch. The surface was too soft, the marker poked through the paper, and now marker is all over my couch. The couch is light blue, the marker is black. Washable, but still black.

8:21 am. I yell. I’m mad. I say mean things in a mean voice about coloring on the couch and using markers. I threaten to take away all of Malone’s markers. He freaks. I’m freaking. Lola is yelling too.

8:23 am. I take a deep breath and look at our coffee table. It is full of last night’s dishes, a game Mike and Malone played yesterday afternoon, books, and random kid stuff. There isn’t a clear space to set down a coffee cup, or for a preschooler to stand at and draw. Shoot… this isn’t his fault. It is OUR fault. He would have chosen to color at the table if there was space. I know he would of.

8:25 am. Let the angry texts to Michael begin. I’ve already been all sorts of ugly to my kid, might as well be all sorts of ugly to my husband too.

9:00 am. I feed the kids and grab a bite of bagel myself. I drink another cold cup of coffee before getting Malone and Lola ready for our play date.  I apologize to Malone for being so mean earlier, fighting back tears as I do so. He’s still mad at me and says I need to think about my actions. He’s right.

9:45 am. Malone asks to hold my hand while we walk to the car and tells me I’m the prettiest Mommy he knows.

9:50 am. I send SOS prayer texts to my bloggy besties because I am teetering on the brink of hot mess. And my hot mess level is nearing the level of Miley Cyrus at the VMAs. Didn’t her mama ever tell her that her face would freeze like that? And shoot. DON’T even get me started on the rest of her body or how she chose to use it.

10:00 am. I decide to hit Dunkin Donuts for coffee. In efforts to reverse my karma for this day, I ask to pay for the order behind us at the drive through and proceed to spill my iced coffee all over my pants. I bite my tongue while I curse loudly in my head.

10:15 Time for our play date. My friend Sarah, who blogs at Little Bins For Little Hands (it is all about preschoolers and sensory activities) is there with her husband and son. The kids run off  and we spend the next several hours playing with the kids, chatting, and enjoying life.  Lollie spends most of her time catching rays or in the arms of friends.

Lola In The Sun

2:00 pm Time to finally go. We stop to take this picture on the way out of the park.

Fall in New England. Super pretty, don’t you think?

View From Mt. Tom

2:30 pm. Malone wants peanut butter and jelly. He wants to make it himself and I don’t have the energy to fight him.

2:35 pm. He’s done. And now I get to mop my floor. WTF, Monday? You and I are NO LONGER FRIENDS.  I decide to wage war on my house. If nothing else, I can take my frustration out and get a clean house.


4:00 pm The doorbell rings. It is our neighbor, Grammie Jo (as Malone calls her). We welcome her in. Malone entertains her, we chat, and she holds Lola. Not soon after Mike arrives home too. He think’s he is walking into a war zone. Instead, he’s greeted by Grammie Jo’s dog, Abbey.

5:30 pm. I escape to Panera with my laptop. I experience first world blogger problems- there isn’t a table available with an outlet. Clearly the universe hates me today. I’ve become that stalky creep, waiting for someone to leave so I can take their spot. They’re NOT EVEN using their outlet.

9:0o pm. Home, pajamas, bed. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. I go to bed thankful I’m here but determined to make tomorrow better.

I know this was about 750 words longer than what I usually write. So, if you stuck it through to the end, thank you. I felt the details of this day were important so I put my Big Girl Panties on to share it with you. I hope you laughed and cried along with me as you read it.

We all have bad days, and sometimes those bad days don’t get better until bedtime. But the good news is that we get to try again the next day. And the even better news is that there is beauty in the vulnerable moments. Even if we can’t see them right away.

If you were to do a day in the life for yesterday, what would it look like?

{Big Girl Panties} On Gifts With Strings Attached

Someday, I hope to write more of this story. But I’ve got sick babies to take care of and a house begging me to wash the ickies away from.

But really, this doesn’t need an explanation does it?

Gifts With Strings AttachedHave you ever received a gift with strings attached? How did you handle the situation?

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 


{Big Girl Panties} I have needs too.

The other night I collapsed into bed. I crawled in and melted into a puddle. And then I cried myself to sleep. I wasn’t sad about anything. I wasn’t upset, troubled, or worried.

I was exhausted.

If you’ve been reading along, then you know I’ve got preschooler and a newborn. And if this is your first time here…welcome! I’ve got a preschooler and a newborn.

I’ve been burning the candle at both ends a bit. The work of motherhood and the work of writing had finally caught up to me. Both are muscles I am exercising HARD these days.

And for the first time I wondered if doing 31 Days Of Big Girl Panties was really a wise decision considering my other obligations. But I am here, and I am committed to seeing this challenge through. What fun would a writing challenge be if it wasn’t challenging?

And I can’t quit motherhood.

What I can do is get a little smarter and listen to my body. To make sure my basic needs are met. I’ve thought a little bit about what my basic needs are and I’ve decided to define them as life sustaining tasks that feed my mind, body, and soul. A little self care will go a long way.

I don’t need to shower everyday, but I do need quiet time to seek God. Although a shower WOULD be nice.

I don’t need to consume a five star organic homemade meal, but I do need to eat SOMETHING.

I don’t need to sleep through the night, but I do need to sleep, power down my brain, and recharge.

I don’t need to go to the bathroom BY MYSELF, but I do need to go.

I don’t need to drink coconut water, seltzer, or fruit infused water, but I need to drink WATER. And I need to drink about 8 glasses more than I’ve currently been consuming.

I don’t need to write 1000 words everyday, but I do need to write. It feeds my soul and lets my mind breathe.

I don’t need to be on the floor playing with my kids every single second of the day or get away on a romantic date with my husband. But I need to hear, spend quality time, and love on my family everyday.

I don’t need to spend hours on the phone with my friends and family everyday letting them know how much I care about them, but I do need to show them by love and deed as much as I have capacity for.

Oh. And COFFEE. I need coffee. Everyday.

And anything else that can happen in 24 fours?

Totally bonus.

Big Girl Panties Needs

Have you ever had a hard time meeting your basic needs while taking care of your family? Did you make any changes to your routine to help?

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

{Big Girl Panties} Medicine Cabinet Jenga.. aka the project I’ve been avoiding

Warning… things are getting real here today.

Real real ugly.

This is my bathroom situation. The photo isn’t even watermarked because honestly, if someone wants to steal this hot mess and use it for their own commercial purposes, more power to them.

Messy Bathroom


Here are the facts.

The bathroom in the apartment is TINY. And there are ZERO cabinets in which to stash towels, toiletries, or any other random thing you don’t want your guests to see when they come over and use your loo. Who am I kidding? My disaster bathroom is part of the reason why we don’t invite many people over.

The lighting is also poor. Or it doesn’t photograph well. Whatever. Our bath water looks like it is some shade of brown. But it isn’t. And I totally had to crop a naked child out of the picture on the bottom right.

Anyway, every time I need to use deodorant, brush my teeth, or do just about thing involving a product you see above, I have to play Medicine Cabinet Jenga.

And, as you can probably guess… I LOSE every time, curse under my breath, and roll my eyes.

This happens at least four times a day.

Because Medicine Cabinet Jenga is addicting… like Candy Crush Saga only with real life application and purpose.

The other day, after the Mickey Mouse band aids fell on me for the third time this week, I discovered that pink/orange reddish box on the bottom row was ACTUALLY EMPTY (ugh.. WHO DOES THAT? Actually, I know who and he’s basically otherwise a saint so we’ll cut him some slack here). And I realized this was a really simple fix. I could CLEAN AND ORGANIZE my medicine cabinet.

It took less than five minutes to clean it and took my stress level down three notches.

Big Girl Panties Projects

What is the one project you’re avoiding these days? If you did it, how would it change your happiness level? Let me know in the comments below!

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

{Big Girl Panties} Why I’m Okay With Ordinary

On Friday’s, I like to participate other writers in writing challenge called Five Minute Friday. We’re given a topic and the idea is to write for five minutes and to hit publish without editing or looking back.

If you want to participate and link your writing go to Lisa Jo Baker’s website. She’s got all of the details there.

This week’s topic is: ordinary.

When I was a little girl, I spent a lot of time dreaming about how I could become famous. I wanted everyone to KNOW my name- and I wanted all of the material delights that come with it. The money. The fancy clothes. The cool car. The cute boyfriend. The gigantic house. ME. Known to the world.

I’m pretty sure this is partly because I grew up in a tiny town in the Midwest. Where, everyone actually DID know my name. And my grandfather’s. And grandmother’s. There were often times my mother knew my plans before I even came home to ask her about it. This was because my mother’s best friend was the mother of my best friend. You get the idea…. small town USA. Where EVERYONE knows YOUR NAME. And YOUR BUSINESS.

I’ve since given up on those dreams of being famous. Ordinary me who lives on the rented 2nd floor, shops at second hand stores, and watches every cent that comes in and out. However, my cute boyfriend did turn into my cute husband. But, my cool car is a total mom-mobile.

And I’m content with ordinary.

Because ordinary me gets the dishes done, the groceries gotten, and a meal on the table. Everyday.

Because ordinary me can drop everything to help a neighbor who has a last minute need.

Because ordinary me  has time to encourage and love on a lot of a lot of friends. Need encouragement? If you give me your address and phone number YOU.WILL.GET.IT. PROMISE.

Because ordinary me has babies to read to, hineys to wipe, and boo boos to kiss away. And one thousand “whys” to answer everyday.

Because ordinary me has some gigantic goals for herself and is working hard everyday to become a better person and a better writer.

Because ordinary me realized the most important things in life have nothing to do with fame.

And so really, that makes me EXTRA-ordinary.

Five Minute Friday

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 



{Big Girl Panties} On Guilt

I had something else planned for this, 10th day of 31 days. But I just found out that it is getting pushed back a bit. I’ll leave you with this nugget of wisdom instead. On Guilt From this day forward, I declare that they only person allowed to make me feel guilty is ME.

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series.