For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved books. I don’t exactly remember when the love affair started, but the keys to other worlds via someone else’s words were unlocked for me in first grade. I devoured books faster than my parents could keep up with me. I won a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut several times a year through their Book It program (even though I never needed the motivation). Affiliate links present in this post.
I’m an overwhelmed mom with a lot on my plate. My free time is limited, but I still make reading a priority.
While I had a hard time connecting with the the author, I loved this quote from Spinster.
I’ve always known that a book will find you when you need it to be found.
Busy Mom Guide: How To Make More Time For Reading
- Listen to audio books. Audible is a great place to get audio books. Want a free trial?
- Take advantage of your library. Looking for books for yourself with kids in tow is hard. BUT, most libraries have online reservation systems. This will be your best friend, mama!
- Keep a running book recommendation list. Ask your friends what they love reading and write those titles down! I keep my list in the back of my planner.
- Snatch up books when they go on sale and stash them away for later! My Kindle app has a ton of books waiting for me. I get most of them for under $5.00.
- Use Whispersync to toggle between your audio book and your kindle version. Details on how to here at Modern Mrs. Darcy.
- Keep a book with you. Pull it out instead of your phone when you have a few spare minutes!
- Make reading a habit by reading before bed!
- Join a book club (like From Left to Write).
- Read what you love instead of what you think you “should” like.
- Use it as motivation! I love to read, so I use it as my “carrot” to get things crossed off my to do list!
I would not be able to read as much as I could without audiobooks! These are great tips. I carry a book almost everywhere.
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[…] NJ of A Cookie Before Dinner shares 10 ways busy moms can make more time for reading in their lives. […]
I am struggling with this, too! For some reason, audio books just don’t “speak to me” like type does (ironic, I know!). I’ve been trying my library’s e-book loan system but I can’t finish them before my loan is up, and I’m always either waiting on several books or it’s my turn for 2 or 3 at once. It’s my goal to physically trek to the library a few times a month with the kids this summer!
Lisa recently posted..Hi there
Since I made a commitment to read in bed every night, I have gotten so much more reading done. Part of the commitment means putting away devices and prioritizing bedtime so as a result, I also get more and better sleep! Win-win. And I agree, joining an online book club helps!
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Definitely having my Kindle app and carrying around a book has helped me to find time to read! It’s been great to read books – helps with my creativity as well. I just finished reading Girl on Train and now am reading Amy Pohler’s book!
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