Ah mistakes. I’ve made a few, including this week. I’m not going to go into a ton of deals but I wills say this- there are very FEW mistakes that can’t be fixed if you decide to own them instead of playing the blame or excuse game.
AND, if you add in an apology things usually tend to get better so much quicker than if you add in an ugly spirit.
Happy Saturday friends. May your weekend be restful and your coffee cup full.
This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series.
If you’re looking for some non big girl panties writing this is what I was up to this week at Simple Diaper And Linen.
5 Adorable Simple DIY Halloween Costumes
Big News & Behind The Scenes
You Know You’re A Cloth Diaper Lover When
[…] Because of the below the belt punching we BOTH participated in, things between us have NEVER been the same. And to be honest, I’m not sure they ever will. I own my mistakes and she owns hers. […]
[…] Day 5. On Mistakes […]