{Big Girl Panties} Because People Can’t Read My Mind

Confession time. Over the weekend my husband and I had a pretty big miscommunication that lead to some pretty big hurt feelings. Our house was (who am I kidding.. is) a disaster. We’ve got a newborn, a preschooler, and just about ZERO storage space. You do the math.

I spent most of the day seething until all of those big ugly feelings came out. I was TRYING to ask for help nicely. But my tone told a different story. After I exploded at him and apologized, my husband reminded me that he’s not a mind reader. It is OKAY to ask for what I need help with, especially around the house.

I had been avoiding telling him exactly what I wanted done because I didn’t want to sound like a nag. Big girl panties lesson learned- People do not live inside of my head. I need to ASK for what I need.

Big Girl Panties



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    Shai Coggins says

    Great takeaway from this experience. Thanks for sharing!
    Shai Coggins recently posted..Try A New Flu Remedy: #31Newness No.2My Profile

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    Nancy says

    I’m always afraid of sounding like a nag, too! It’s terrible and I need to get over it. LOL.
    Nancy recently posted..One Month.My Profile

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      NJ says

      Maybe I need to just make a running list of things that I’d like done and hang it up on the fridge. Then I can nag the both of us at the same time…

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    Ann says

    I find I have this problem more with men than with women. “I told you I had a really bad day and you didn’t say anything.” “But you didn’t tell me I HAD to say anything.” And, I’m married to a man. So, welcome to my world.

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      NJ says

      I think that doing this is going to take a bit of practice for me. I mean, I don’t want to overwhelm him with things I want him to do. But at the same time, I need HELP!

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    Marie says

    This one is so hard for me! I think that people should be able to tell when I need a hand. Or that they should notice that something needs doing. Thanks for the reminder!
    Marie recently posted..31 Days: DefineMy Profile

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    DelightfulDowney says

    Thanks, NJ. I needed that reminder.
    I’m enjoying reading your 31 Days series; you seriously crack me up!
    Thanks for putting on your big girl panties for the rest of us!


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