Lisa and Ashley are two of my favorite bloggers on this planet. They write the hilarious blog The Dose Of Reality. My “a” key on my keyboard is permanently sticky from the number of times they’ve made me spit coffee and laugh out loud. One of my favorite things about them is that they find the most random and insane stuff on Pinterest and then blog about it. I begged them to play Ask Away Friday with me and am thrilled to be partnered with them for this week!
This link up is hosted by Amber from Bold Fab Mom, Stacy from This Momma’s Ramblings, Tiffany from Mrs. Tee, and Penny from the Real Housewife Of Caroline Country. The idea is simple. 2 bloggers trade 10 questions, answer those questions on their blog, and link up.
Now, let’s answer their questions!
#1. We love Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook, and we just joined Instagram. We love following you on all of those! You are a social media goddess. Which one is your favorite and how far would you go to get that perfect photo to post? (Remember, we know what happened when you saw Santa.)
Instagram is my favorite, hands down. For me, telling a story is circular. I can’t do it well without a photograph and a space to write my thoughts. Instagram is the perfect combination of that.
Seeing Santa at a funeral really changed my outlook on how I view and use social media. I’m happy to report that I won’t go far a perfect photo to post these days.
I’ve spent a lot of time behind the scenes here thinking about my “brand” and why I blog. It comes down to this, I want to encourage you to pursue an authentic life that is well lived. Whatever that means for you, I want to spur you on to chase it wildly. For me, it means finding the beauty in the everyday simple rhythms of life.
Tamara’s advice given on this guest post at Michelle’s blog is always in the back of my mind when I take a photograph- find the light and look for the whites of their eyes. But beyond that, you’re going to get my unfine not perfect life as it happens.
#2. On a scale of one to rocking in the corner sobbing and waiting for it to be over, rank these 3 things: Chuck-E-Cheese, Calliou, and the sick area of the pediatrician’s waiting room during flu season.
I don’t even think we have a Chuck-E-Cheese here. We frequently go to play group where there are 30-50 other families on a daily basis. The pediatrician’s sick room is no big deal. If I’m in it, my kid is sick too. Germs don’t bother me.
Calliou is the ultimate whine bucket, so he wins.
#3. What is one fact about yourself that would surprise your readers?
I write several times a week on another blog. I am the blogger in chief for Simple Diaper & Linen, a local cloth diaper and linen company. Between that one and here, I write almost 4000 words a week!
#4. We absolutely LOVE the fact that you and Mike had the same Hawaiian shirt as children. It’s truly destiny that you got together. How much would we have to pay the two of you to sport those same shirts and wear matching clothing during an evening out this weekend?
You want to pay us to get out together on a date night? What is this rare thing you speak of?
We don’t get many date nights at all so we’ll wear whatever the heck you want us to!
For the record, mine was a romper which makes me EVEN COOLER.
#5. Are you more likely to listen to your heart or your head when making big decisions?
I am an ENFP, which means I’m intuitive by nature. I am more likely go with my gut than I am with logic. However, there is something to be said for seeking wise counsel from friends, family members, and people who have walked the path before me.
Michael is 100% a logic guy, so following with my heart doesn’t make make ANY sense to him.
#6. We love TV. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which one would you pick?
It’s a toss up. The do gooder in me says GIRLS. Maybe I can talk some sense into those kittens. Because really, life shouldn’t be that dramatic and stressful. Seriously. You are in your early 20′s. You do not have children. Stop freaking out about EVERYTHING.
The only show I really keep up with each week is Nashville. I just do not have time for anything else. So, I’m headed there. The men are hot. And music and shoes will be fabulous. Also, I’d get to see Lennon and Maisy Stella perform in real life.
#7. If we were sitting with you at Starbucks for a very important blog meeting, what would you order?
My Starbucks order changes as the seasons do. Right now, I’m on a huge upside down caramel (pronounced KAR-uh-mel, not KAR-mel) macchiato run.
#8. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
Physically? There was a time in my life when I was a power tumbler and trampolinst. I may or may not have even won a gold medal at the Junior Olympics Age Group Games.
I never competed this skill, but I spent two weeks at summer camp trying to “get” it when I was 13 or so, even though it was a little above my level. I ate mat as much as these guys did.
I also tried it into a giant foam pit of blocks once and got lost in the air (I couldn’t tell which was the ceiling and which was the ground). I shot my legs out and ended up in the pit head first. The coaches had to pull me out by my feet.
These kids all landed something similar.
Emotionally, making the arrangements for my mother’s funeral and going through those days was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’m an only child, so most of the decisions fell on me. As time has gone on, I have realized this unique gift I have. I can really be there for friends who lose their mother/father because I’ve walked their shoes.
#9. Now we’re not in trouble or anything, but would you be willing to lie in a court of law for a close friend in order to keep them from going to jail?
Absolutely not. But I’ll tell you that you look pretty in stripes or bright orange and bring you a pack of cigarettes you can sell on the black market. I’ll also make sure your Bachelorette boyfriend Arie gets to come for a visit.
#10. What question were you secretly hoping we’d ask you? What’s the answer?
Hmm. No idea. But Malone asked me for a lemon this morning. It reminded me of the time he asked for a warhead for breakfast. I grabbed my camera. You’re welcome.
Now that you’ve read my answers to their questions, head over to their blog to see how they answered my questions. But please, finish your coffee!
Oh, this was SO much fun!! We had NO IDEA you had such tumbling prowess! We are not surprised because you make *us* fall head over heels for you every day, but still…HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! (And having to be pulled from the cheese pit because you went in head first like a diver…HARD CORE!)
Instagram is our new favorite, too…and your pictures are the BEST and one of the reasons we love it so much. (And you have the CUTEST. KIDS. EVER….EVER!!!!!! Their FACES! Oh, the best!)
Thanks so much for playing Ask Away with us today! It was a blast!! XOXOXOX –The Dose Girls
PS. Thanks in advance for getting Arie to visit us in lock up!
The Dose of Reality recently posted..Pinterest Nightmare #414: Grilled By A Cookie Before Dinner
Girls is an awesome show. Love it!
I also love my Instagram. I post something there daily.
Amber recently posted..Why I Could Never Be On That Real Housewives Show
Where to start? So many awesome things in this post, and I learned so much about you and your tumbling super powers! You were holding out on us, NJ. And, YES, thank you for the awesome lemon pucker pics. Adorable!
Nicole @ Work in Sweats Mama recently posted..5 Ways Motherhood Makes Me a Better Runner
I love you and your hubby matching hawaiian ensemble!
Susie (The Esthetic Goddess) recently posted..My Freakishly Long Eyelashes
Haha – so will Malone be asking for a lemon for breakfast tomorrow too? And woa – talk about a match made in heaven – with those itentical shirt/romper designs!
Fun post – I am visiting from the Dose gals Q/A, really enjoyed your blog post!
Shashi @ RunninSrilankan recently posted..Thinking Out Loud-National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
My hubby and I have pictures from our youth with the same Olan Mills background and we look like we are looking at each other. We also look like siblings, but WE AREN’T! We used those photos in our wedding. I love them!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted..#AskAwayFriday with Sarah from Small Town Iowan
I am such a fan of Ask Away Friday now! Thanks for sharing : )
Megan Walker recently posted..Ask Away Friday!
He yNJ! Happy Friday! I would definitely agree on the Calliou whine factor! OMGosh but also having been to at least 3 and hosted 1 Chuck E Cheese Birthday party Chuck definitely come sin at a close 2nd! LOL Talk about crazy!
So…you know my Starbucks obsession and my current Fave is the Caramel Frap with extra Caramel…what puts the ‘Upside Down’ of the Caramel Upside Down Macchiato?
Tiffany recently posted..#MrsTeeINeedSpringPhotoADay – Goodbye Winter…Hello Spring!
I have to say, as a former gymnast, I loved the tumbling videos!! I also love when you said about the emotionally draining time of having to deal with the loss of your mom. I lost my mom as well (when I was 17) but now, as an adult, I’m so equipped to help friends go through this. I love that they can lean on me because I’ve been there!
Allie recently posted..Think Outside the Frame with #WeMontage
Caramel Macchiato lover in the house! Love the twin shirts….THAT IS destiny! I need to make sure I am following you on Instagram! your pics are adorable! Hope you are well NJ! Stay warm!
Not sure why all my info is in all caps. I truly am not shouting out! hahaha! Tumbled over (sorry just had to) via the delights of the Dose girls. So fun. Once I find my phone I’ll follow you on Instagram.
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted..In A Blink of an Eye
I was wondering about that the other day – is there a Chuck E. Cheese anywhere? Maybe West Springfield? They have a Hooters!
I love imperfect photos of family life. I feel like in ALL of mine, Des has his hair frizzed out from sleeping or even a booger on his face. I do totally now remember the post you referenced – so thank you for finding it!
Tamara recently posted..And The Award Goes To..
*know. Sheesh.
Tamara recently posted..And The Award Goes To..
This pairing was so fun, NJ! I learned a lot about you, and I loved the adorable pics of your kiddos. My son loves warheads and took a video of me eating one. It is not pretty, but he thought it was hilarious.
Dana recently posted..Don’t let him down
OMG. Those pictures of your son with the lemon. I seriously. Cant stop. Laughing. And looking at them some more. And laughing some more.
It reminds me of when my son was two and ran into the living room with a lemon and yelled “ANYBODY WANT A MANGO?” Then bit into it.
He was disappointed to say the least.
Nice to meet you!
Sarah (est. 1975) recently posted..#askawayfriday: a dish of daily life
You are an Olympian?! (Junior is the same thing!!) Awesome!!
My goal is to NEVER EVER step foot into Chuck E Cheese again!!!
And, those Hawaiian shirts/jumpers are awesome!!!
Kim recently posted..What’s Your Minimum?
I think that’s the perfect balance that you make decisions with your heart and gut and your husband is all about logic. Oooh that warhead story – I think that’s the first blog post of yours that I read. Malone is just as cute eating a lemon! I LOVE LOVE LOVED reading your q’s and the Dose Girls’ answers. What a fabulous match up for #AAF!
Gracielle recently posted..I shopped like it was my job. And it was!
Agreed on never lying for another to help them get out of trouble! Bad karma and it only comes back to bite you. Now you have me wanting a pizza after the Chuck E question. One tv show to always watch? Either “Friday Night Lights” or “The Wonder Years”. Reader suprise…hmmm. I used to be a medic on the street and on call rescue worker, primarily auto-extrication. Many crazy stories to tell. Bad ones but lots of good ones of survivors! Great post, KJ!

Mike recently posted..Top 10 Steven Spielberg Movies – Getting Started With Part I
SORRY! I meant NJ! Hanging head in shame

Mike recently posted..Top 10 Steven Spielberg Movies – Getting Started With Part I
=I love that you did this with the Dose Girls!! They are awesome and these questions are too! I love the TV show questions & might have ti use that one sometime. I did not know that you write for another blog and your romper was totally cooler than a plain ol’ shirt!

Lisa @ The Golden spoons recently posted..Hindsight is 20/20
great to get you a bit better through the Dose questions! I am glad you convinced them to play along!! I know what you mean about being able to be a support system for someone else going through a loss.
your son is so cute!
Alexa recently posted..Luck of the Irish Giveaway! 16 GB iPad Mini
I’m so with you on instagram, one of my faves!!! Loved the questions and answers. Hope you’re having a good weekend!
Matching Hawaiian shirts…that is hysterical. Oh wait, yours was a romper, right? Still!! My kids are constantly sucking on lemons…I don’t get it. They like it. I use lemon juice all the time in things, but I’d never drink it straight. Very funny.
Michelle recently posted..Pie for Dinner! 14 Recipes to Please Your Comfort Food Cravings
That was an awesome idea! Great pairing! Oh I love the look on his face with the lemon, what a cutie! Ha-ha…I remember so many days in a row watching Caillou! My kids loved that one. Have a great week, NJ!
Stacey Gannett (This Momma’s Ramblings) recently posted..This Momma’s Meandering Mondays 36!
I loved this #AAF – so fun and I feel like I know you now. We do have the love of Girls and Nashville in common for sure. And now I’m addicted to Lennon & Maisy videos. I didn’t know they existed. I need to know what an upside down Car-a-mel Macchiato is. I haven’t had the right-side up one in years but I love it and I’m intrigued.
Stephanie recently posted..Warm and Toasty!