I didn’t realize how hard I was going to fall for the Boston Ballet until I learned about their community projects and involvement. Their Adaptive Dance program sent me over the edge.
Established in 2002, Adaptive Dance provides creative movement instruction for individuals with disabilities ages 2-adult at Boston Ballet’s Newton, Boston, and North Shore studio locations. Classes are taught by Boston Ballet Faculty and supported by licensed physical therapists and professional musicians. Students can engage and explore in a safe and supported studio environment as they develop movement, musicality and personal/social growth. (from their website)
So, when Huggies reached out to me to ask if I would like to nominate another local community organization, the choice was easy.
Boston Ballet’s Adaptive Dance program could benefit from a $2000.00 grant from Huggies in so many ways. This is a program that gives students a chance to explore the arts and relate to their contemporaries in a safe and supportive environment.
Want to nominate your own local organization for a 2k grant from Huggies? You can totally do that by clicking here!
In addition to asking me to nominate a local organization for a $2000.00 grant, Lola and I had the chance to give Huggies Snug and Dry a try.
She’s a heavy wetter and I loved that these kept her nice and dry. The photo doesn’t show it, but these diapers also have a really nice gusseted back, which totally helps keep the mess contained.
Any type of community organization or project can be nominated for Huggies #UltraHug grant. Voting begins on July 6, 2015 so nominate today!
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