Blogger Rehab- Create A Social Media Plan

This blog post is part of a 31 day series called Blogger Rehab. Blogger Rehab is for the stressed out, overworked, and want to quit the internets.

Now that we’re over a week into blogger rehab, one common theme I’m seeing is that many of you are stressed out about social media. I have plans to speak about social media later on in this series.

But, I also know of a resource to help you now.

My friend Julie is also participating in 31 days this year and is taking her readers through 31 days to create a social media plan.

Use this series to create a social media plan for your blog

Like me, she’s spent the first several days laying a foundation and helping her readers dig into the why of social media.

Going forward, she’s taking her readers through the how of social media and at the end of her series, you’ll have a great plan to work off of in the days to come.

While I don’t have bajillions of pageviews, I consider myself a moderately advanced blogger in knowledge. I am constantly looking for new things I can learn about my craft. Julie’s series is perfect for a beginner, but an advanced blogger will also take away new ideas to implement.

 Click here to go to the beginning of her series.


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    Heather @ My Overflowing Cup says

    Thanks for sharing this, NJ! I’m heading over now to check her site out.
    Heather @ My Overflowing Cup recently posted..31 Things I Thank God ForMy Profile

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    Julie @ Girl on the Move says

    Thanks for sharing my series!
    Julie @ Girl on the Move recently posted..October Giveaway: Kate SpadeMy Profile

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    Rabia @TheLiebers says

    I don’t know if I’m in the best place to start on something like this, but I’m glad there’s Pinterest so I can come back to it!
    Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted..Resolution Recap: Getting SMARTer after SeptemberMy Profile

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    Jessica says

    I think it’s Michael Hyatt who compares social media outlets to embassies. Our blog is our home country and twitter /pinterest, etc. are the embassies that present our work to a different audience (and hopefully drive them back to our blogs, right?) : )
    Jessica recently posted..31 Days to Take Control of Your BlogMy Profile

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    Jac says

    Oooh! What a great series! (I can always use more social media info!! I’m a total geek like that!) Heading over there now :)
    Jac recently posted..Baked Pumpkin Spice DonutsMy Profile

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