An Introduction To Blogger Rehab

Welcome to Blogger Rehab- a 31 day series for the stressed out, overworked, and want to quit the internets.

This past summer I had the honor of taking a friend through a blogging sabbatical.

She wanted to throw in the towel and shut down her blog. She was burned out and plain ole done with life online.

She was TIRED of the internet. Tired of trying to keep up with the blog next door, tired of the noise of social media, and tired of feeling less than because someone’s Instagram feed showed a perfect life.

Blogging is an amazing outlet for many people. For some, it is full time job. For others it is extra income that affords their family to be able to do fun things and try out new products. And for others, it is a ministry opportunity or a chance to publish their words without signing a book deal.

The thing about blogging though, is that the internet never sleeps. You can’t “win” the internet. So how do you win your life back when your blog has taken over?

This 31 days series is for anyone who has ever wanted to QUIT it all. Consider it a 31 day detox from www and the dot com.

Blogger Rehab. A 31 Day Detox from the www and the dot com.
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Blogger Rehab is a 31 day series for those who are stressed out, over worked, and want to quit the internet.

(c) depositphotos/mjth

This series is going to be a mix of practical solutions to make your online life more efficient and questions that are going to make you dig deep into why you do the things you do.

Along the way, I’ll share everything I’ve learned about blog/life balance.

The amount of effort you put into your time at Blogger Rehab is going to have a 100% direct effect on what you get out of it.

I challenge you to dig deep during this time.

You’ll likely want a journal and a pen.

I can’t wait to journey with you as you go through your own blogger rehab.

This page will serve as the landing page for Blogger Rehab.

I encourage you to pin this post or add me to your bloglovin or feedly accounts.

Or, you can subscribe to my blog by using the form on the right hand side of your screen!

The complete blogger rehab series is listed in order below. 

One question changes everything.

Who do you really blog for anyway?


  1. 1

    Heather @ My Overflowing Cup says

    While I haven’t been blogging long enough to need rehab yet, I am looking so forward to this series. I have a feeling I’m going to learn a lot, so thank you, in advance!
    Heather @ My Overflowing Cup recently posted..The BEST EVER Enchilada SoupMy Profile

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    Christie Elkins says

    this is GOLD. Can’t wait to dig in friend!
    Christie Elkins recently posted..What I Learned at InfluenceMy Profile

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    Seana turner says

    This is a great idea. Balance is so important for long-term viability. Its easy to burn out on an endeavor like blogging, where you could always be doing “more.”
    Seana turner recently posted..10 Easy Ways to Self-DestructMy Profile

  4. 4

    Bev says

    Oh, I need this, I’ve been feeling SOOOOO burnt out lately (I blame social media!). I hoping to enjoy blogging again in October!
    Bev recently posted..(Mostly) Wordless Wednesday: Cape CodMy Profile

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    Barbie says

    I seriously need this right now! Looking forward to it.
    Barbie recently posted..Day 1: When You’re Called To MoveMy Profile

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    Lucien says

    Yes, yes yes, so much YES. It’s like you cracked a peek into my brain. I’m utterly sick of both Facebook and online forums. SICK. It’s crept into my blogging, too. I look forward to watching your tips, this month. Thanks!
    Lucien recently posted..I love the swirl and swingMy Profile

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    Chandra Hadfield says

    So excited for this, friend! You know I need it!
    Chandra Hadfield recently posted..Your Story MattersMy Profile

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    ~Karrilee~ says

    I love this… and you… and can’t wait to read this series! (I subscribed because, you know – I am writing too but I don’t want to miss a post!)
    ~Karrilee~ recently posted..DAY ONE: Really, Lord? I mean, Really?My Profile

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    Nancy says

    I wouldn’t say that I’m burned out but I could definitely use some ideas!
    Nancy recently posted..Where’s the Menu?My Profile

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    sara borgstede says

    I’m excited for all I’m going to learn during this next month, Let’s do it!
    sara borgstede recently posted..Weirdly Faithful FitnessMy Profile

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    jessica matier (@AW2SL) says

    Wow! I so need this…as I sit here writing my Day 2 of 31 Days. Ah! I’m looking forward to what you have to say. I hope you have some solutions because I.AM.TIRED.
    jessica matier (@AW2SL) recently posted..Stop Looking Like A Slob, MomMy Profile

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    Jessica says

    Oh my! This is such a great topic! I’ll be following along on this one for sure!
    Jessica recently posted..Autumn Leaves are Here at Last!My Profile

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    Trish says

    This is awesome, blogging can get really tiring sometimes. I haven’t been blogging but a little over 8 months and already I feel the pinch. It is like being in overload all the time.

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    Lisa @ The Golden spoons says

    Perfect timing as the past two weeks have almost put me over the edge. I am so stressed out, rushed, and tired. I am also tired of rejection and struggling to keep up with “the blog next door.” I need this right now and can’t wait to read you insights!
    Lisa @ The Golden spoons recently posted..RaNdOm Questions! {#TuesdayTen Linkup}My Profile

  15. 17

    Amy P Boyd says

    I have my diet coke, a good snack, and a pen with paper and I am ready to learn all you have to teach. I have sooo much to learn
    Amy P Boyd recently posted..CommunityMy Profile

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