Women Entrepreneur Revolution

Disclosure: I received an advance copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions are my own. Affiliate links present.
If I could talk about any subject all day long it would be blogging. My second favorite topic is the business of blogging. Which is why I jumped at the chance to read Jenn Aubert’s new book Women Entrepreneur Revolution: Ready! Set! Launch! The tag line for this book is long, but lovely. 100+ Successful Women Entrepreneurs Share Their Best tips On What Works, What Doesn’t (And Why) When You’re Launching A Business And Designing A Life You Love. 

Women Entrepreneur Revolution 1c

Blogging and the business of blogging is my love language.  And while this book isn’t directed towards bloggers who are trying to make the leap from hobby to pro, it is directed at women who want inspiration, tips, and advice as they work through (or are already) combining their passions and purpose to make them into something that reaches beyond themselves. This book is one part how to, one part inspiration and motivation, and one part work book.

Blogging and the business of blogging is my love language.
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Each chapter brings interviews with successful and up and coming women entrepreneurs, spotlight interviews full of wisdom and practical advice, and challenge questions that really made me dig deep as I worked through them. The challenge questions alone are worth the price of the book. If this book came with a companion workbook, I’d have it in my hands as fast as Amazon could get it to me.

The chapter that stood out to me the most in Women Entrepreneur Revolution: Ready! Set! Launch! was the chapter that spoke about finding your tribe. I followed Jenn Aubert’s footsteps and asked one of my favorite women entrepreneurs, Julie DeNeen, a few questions.

Julie is the mastermind of Fabulous Blogging. She writes, she designs blogs, and can likely solve any blog problem you’ve got. She’s generous with her knowledge and really fun to be around in real life (we met earlier this year at BlogU). I am an inbox Scrooge and only subscribe to a handful of newsletters. Believe me when I say you need to be reading Julie’s blog.

One of the things I love most about Julie is her tribe mentality. I sent her a few questions about learning to find a blogging tribe. I am a part of a few tribes that Julie is also in (including her Bloppies group on Facebook). I hope you enjoy her response as much as I did!

Q1: One of the things that stood out to me the most in this book was the importance of finding a tribe.I know you’re a big fan of bloggers finding their tribe and being fully invested in each other. What has been the most surprising about being part of a tribe? 

A1: It took me way too long to find a tribe. I’m one of those notoriously independent types that ventures out on her own and realizes 3 miles into the journey that a companion would’ve been nice. I used to shudder when my college professors would mention the phrase “group project”. So when I started blogging in 2007, I paid no mind to this idea of community.

Honestly, it wasn’t until 2012 when I began writing for HubPages that I kept hearing about a writer’s community. A lightbulb went on for me and that was the first step to really diving into the “tribe” mentality. I bonded quickly with other writers on that site — even more so after signing up and going through their apprenticeship program. In fact, this is how the Bloppy Boggers {my signature Facebook group} was born!

A few of the Hubpages writers wanted to start a blog and asked me for help. I opened up the group and the rest is history. My business was born because of that tribe. Tired of answering the same questions over and over, I opened up Fabulous Blogging on Blogspot to write posts for answers. In October 2012 I realized there might be something to this and so I bought a domain and took the plunge.

Much to my surprise, it grew quickly. My love for my tribe only grew as I realized just how important it is to stay connected with your colleagues and {gasp} your competition too. Fabulous Blogging is now my full-time business.

Q2: What advice to you have to a new blogger who is looking to find a tribe? Is it more important for them to find their voice and then a tribe or the other way around?

A2: For new bloggers looking for a tribe, I will say this: All you need to find is one person. One person can blow open your world if they are the right match. Start reading blogs that really captivate you. Find blogs that are in your niche — even your competition. Start commenting on their blog and when you gather enough courage, contact them. See if they have any communities they’d recommend. Chances are if they are in a community, it’d be a good fit for you too.

Looking for a blogging tribe? @jdeneen4 says you just need to find ONE person to connect with.
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Or, you can do it the random way. Ask on Twitter or Facebook! People love to look like they have the inside scoop, and usually answer readily.

Voice and tribe? Hmm…I never saw the two as connected, but now that you say that — a tribe will most certainly impact your voice as a writer. It’s hard not to mimic those we admire. I wouldn’t say you need one or the other first. It’s simply something to be mindful of all the time. If you find yourself trying to be like someone else, remember you’ll always be second best. But you can be the best version…of yourself.

Community is super important for women entrepreneurs Julie DeNeen from www.fabulousblogging.com shares her advice about tribes and how to find them in this micro-interview. #blogging #networking

Women Entrepreneur Revolution: Ready! Set! Launch! can be found in paper form here on Amazon or here for your Kindle. Many thanks to Julie DeNeen of Fabulous Blogging for letting me pick her brain a bit.

Are you a woman entrepreneur? How important is your community?

If you’re a blogger, do you have a tribe? Where did you find them?


  1. 1

    Jenn Aubert says

    NJ -
    Thanks so much for sharing and I love that you reached out and sought advice from someone you admire. Isn’t it fantastic the gems of wisdom we learn from one another?

    Community and your tribe is invaluable to success in every area of your life. It doesn’t need to be significant in size in order to create an impact. I think in the online world we get caught up in the quantity when it’s really the quality that makes the biggest difference.

    Wishing you continued success!

    BTW – there is in fact a companion workbook (available when you purchase the book on my site). :) I really wanted people to work through the questions and dig even deeper.
    Jenn Aubert recently posted..Interview with Wendy HernandezMy Profile

    • 2

      NJ says

      It is amazing what we can learn by asking someone who is just a little bit further along the path than we are!

      I am really glad to know thee IS a companion workbook. I’m going to put it on my wish list!

  2. 3

    Tara Newman says

    Nicely done NJ. I am a fan of Julie. Great to see her interviewed here.
    Tara Newman recently posted..How to Spectate Triathlon with KidsMy Profile

  3. 5

    Nancy says

    Great post. I like that you asked your favorite blogger some questions and made the connection between the book and your blogging life.
    Nancy recently posted..This is The Story of a Happy Marriage (or How a Book Club Was Born).My Profile

  4. 6

    Janine Huldie says

    I still have this book on my to read list and need to read ASAP. Thanks so much NJ for reminding me and will say that I, too, believe and know a blogging tribe is very important and am just so happy that I do have those that I do very much consider lucky, as well as honored to have in my corner. Definitely, thankful for those people and you are certainly one of them!! :)
    Janine Huldie recently posted..Confessions Summer Reading ListMy Profile

  5. 7

    Crystal says

    I love how you tied this into blogging and finding a tribe! I have several tribes and feel very honored to be in the company of such great writers, moms, dads, business owners, and so on. Thanks so much for hosting Jenn!
    Crystal recently posted..A Nagging Household Problem Solved! #DixieQuicktakesMy Profile

  6. 8

    thedoseofreality says

    Great post and I absolutely LOVE your tweetable quote…that is SO TRUE! :) We feel beyond honored to have found our tribe, because the community of blogging is definitely the sweet spot! :)-Ashley
    thedoseofreality recently posted..Pinterest Nightmare #735: Solafeet Portable Foot TannerMy Profile

  7. 9

    Peyton price says

    Like Julie, I was slow coming around to the tribe idea. You’ll laugh, but the first time someone replied to me on twitter, I signed out, terrified of internet strangers. Now, I have to say it’s utterly true that just one of those strangers can change everything. A facebook acquaintance I boldly asked for advice not only responded–she called her literary agent to introduce me! Connect, connect, connect.

  8. 10

    Dana says

    I fell into my tribes, and I didn’t realize how important they were until later on. This is a great post for newbies to read, NJ. And not-so newbies too – we can all be reminded of the importance of a tribe!

  9. 11

    Roshni says

    Hooray for the Bloppy Bloggers!!
    Roshni recently posted..7 things I learnt about my kids during our road tripMy Profile

  10. 12

    Ariel says

    I’m glad I found your blog to read this post. I’ve only been blogging about 6 months and it’s been really nice to find other parenting blogs through twitter, Facebook as well as other blog commenters :)

  11. 13

    Kristen Kelly says

    This is so true! I was invited to a tribe shortly after I got back into blogging. Another blogger, whom I had never met in person but is from the same area as me, invited me to her tribe. It has been amazing! We are a small community on Facebook, and there support there has not only motivated me to continue with my blogging, but has helped to grow my blog! It is such a supportive community, and I have learned so much from them! I can’t imagine blogging without them!

    Stopping by from #SITSSharefest!
    Kristen Kelly recently posted..A Dish & a Drink: Easy Key Lime Pie and Coconut MojitoMy Profile

  12. 14

    Jennifer says

    As a new blogger I’ve been trying to get the courage to connect more, but I never thought to just ask where they go. Some women I follow share blogs on their own blog which is helpful, but I really just need to be more blunt. Thanks for the post! (Stopping by from SITS Girls Sharefest)

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