There are certain stories that need a lot of words to go with them. And there are times when a photograph really tells the story. Linnell Landing Beach at low tide is one of my favorite places on earth.
Michael grew up on Linnell Beach. His mother lives about a three quarter mile walk away. She tells stories of her boys exploring the tidal pools during low tide. She knows the names of most ocean creatures and shells.
Malone took some of his very earliest steps on this sand- the same sand his daddy did. Lola is likely to do the same this summer. This view never gets old for me. Low tide is my favorite because it is never the same, but it is always beautiful. The landscape at Linnell Beach has changed a bit over the years. When we first started going, the low tide sand wasn’t as rich and colorful as it is now. Also, the dunes took a beating during Hurricane Sandy & Irene
Christy@SweetandSavoring says
Ahhh, the beach <3 You're right, low tide does provide some unique views. Love these photos and I wish I was at the beach right now!
Christy@SweetandSavoring recently posted..Walking Around Harrisburg, PA
Sarah says
Beautiful! I wish we lived closer to a beach.
Sarah recently posted..A girly reading month