Three of my friends are having babies soon. Their bellies are round and their baby is near. I’ve been thinking about them a lot. I wish I could take them out to coffee so I could share my wisdom with them.
When you are creating a baby registery, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Especially if you’re a soon to be first time parent. There are literally one billion baby products out there and all of them claim to be the best. As a mother of two, I have gone through a ton of different products. This list is the best of the best. This is not a sponsored post, although affiliate links are present.
If having a baby isn’t in your future, why not save this list for later? You’ll look like a rock star when you show up to a baby shower with one of these gifts!
1. Hands down, the product that has been the most useful to us has another purpose. We have logged hours and hours on a yoga ball. Babies love the up and down movement bouncing on one brings. You can also use it for assisted tummy time!
2. Gripe Water. Gripe water is a natural colic remedy and basically magic potion. When Malone was born, he was super fussy and seemed generally uncomfortable in his own skin. Gripe water helped ease his gas and stomach discomfort. Trust me with this one, you won’t regret it.
3. The Wonder Weeks Book. In addition to a baby’s body growing, their mind grows too. There are 10 developmental leaps that happens in within a baby’s first 20 months of life. This book is great because it gives a bit of a warning as to when a leap is coming, what to expect as it happens, and how your baby will be changed on the other side. Spoiler alert- every time my kids are in the middle of a developmental leap, their sleep tanks.
4. Paladin Rash Cream. My Nana is the first person who turned me on to this product. She ran a home daycare for over 30 years and swore that this was the best of the best. It is affordable and made out of ingredients I can pronounce. Michael uses it to heal his chaffed thighs from running, we’ve used it to clear up diaper rashes, and I’ve even used it as chap stick!
5. Adan and Anais swaddling blankets. These are gigantic and dreamy. The muslin cotton is breathable and soft. In the first days, babies love to be swaddled and it is hard to find a blanket big enough to do the job. These are huge and perfect for wrapping “baby burritos.” They are expensive but worth every cent.
6. Rock & Play. Okay, so this one might be on your registry list already. Lola slept here exclusively for about the first four months of her life. It wasn’t invented yet when Malone was born, otherwise he likely would have too. I love that the baby sleeps at an incline. Also, it is small. If you have a space real estate problem like do in our apartment, this is for you! It folds up very easily. We’ve taken it to a friend’s house instead of lugging our pack and play around!
7. A baby wearing device, and I don’t mean a Baby Bjorn. I have a Sakura Bloom Ring Sling, an Ergo, a Moby Wrap, and a Baby Hawk Mei Tai. Most of these are left over from Malone. In terms of function, I love them all for different reasons. From a developmental point of view, there are a million and one reasons why you should wear your baby. I’ll give you just one. You can conquer the world with two hands while you wear your baby (you can also make dinner).
8. Fisher Price Seahorse. I don’t know what it is about this product, but it is magical. It is delightfully simple, the stomach glows and lullabies play. Malone stared at it as he drifted off to sleep almost every night. He’s almost five and he still wants his seahorse when he’s upset. I had hoped to be able to pass it down to Lola, but he demanded that she have her own. She loves it just as much as her big brother does.
9. The idea behind the Nosefrida makes me a bit squeamish. The Nosefrida is a snot sucker that really works. Insert part A into baby’s nose, insert part B into your mouth, and suck. I know, I know. It SOUNDS GROSS. But there is a handy snot barrier filter that is bulletproof. I’ve used it on Lola now for almost six months and a bugger has never made its way into my mouth (or even close for that matter). What I love about the Nosefrida is that it gets so much more mucus out than a traditional bulb.
10. Here is a secret about babies. There are few things in life they love more than kicking off their socks. Malone was born in the summertime, so going sock free wasn’t that big of deal since it was so warm. Lola was born just as summer was ending and for the life of me I COULD NOT keep socks on her until I get her a pair of Robeez Crib Shoes. They are made of a nice soft leather and have elastic around the heel. They stay on! And as a bonus, they are great for early walkers because the soft soled leather helps baby feel the ground beneath them.
Time to chat! What other products did you find useful when your babies were little? What would you gift a new mother?
I love this list, NJ! It’s got so many different things that I’ve never heard or thought of before. Yoga ball? Genius! You sooo rock that baby wearing wrap! I did a sling for the first few months, and as they got older I wore a infantino baby carrier. It’s just nice to free up your hands while still carrying the baby. Nosefrida? Sounds gross, but if it works for the baby – I’d do it!
Gracielle recently posted..Help Me Choose: Rivet & Sway Glasses
I think babywipes are a must have. They’re so convenient, and you really do use them a lot. Something to carry your baby in is next on my list.
Momfever recently posted..What did you do to your hair?!
I would add BabyBjorn bibs like these:
I waited too long to buy this bib because I didn’t like the idea of rigid plastic around my child’s neck, and thought he would hate it too. It turns out it is the only bib he would keep on, and it is magical in its ability to catch both liquids and solids. They also never get moldy and are dishwasher safe! Babies probably won’t be big enough for them when they first start eating solids but should be ready for it around 10 months. Worth every penny.
I second the NoseFrida! I bought one a few months ago on our pediatrician’s recommendation. So much better than the bulb, yes.
You have the Rock and Play; we have the MamaRoo. It’s not as portable as yours but we love it! Micah has spent many a night in it, and now he is old enough to bat around the mobile–so entertaining for him while I make dinner or tend to the other kids, or even take a shower!!
Nancy recently posted..Slice of Life #6
With the twins we had the baby swing and a rock and play.
Raven recently posted..Wordless Wednesday
I forget!! LOL! My youngest will be four in April and I’ve already forgotten the baby essentials!! I did love have tons of washcloth/burp rag/receiving blankets. We used those for everything from towels, to nose wipes to spit up rags and beyond. Now I use some of the blankets when I sew and need an accent fabric.
So glad you’re on my SITS list today, NJ!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted..Do As I Say; Not As I Do
This list sounds great, and so helpful for first-time parents. I’m intrigued by the “snot sucker”!! Commenting from SITS today
Phoebe @ Lou Messugo recently posted..6 romantic things to do on the French Riviera
I always recommend the California Baby calendula cream, it sounds a lot like the cream you recommend (basically, a magical potion!) I second the recommendation for those nice big A+A swaddle blankets! I don’t even bother with socks or shoes (although the soft shoes are nice) I just keep my baby in sleepers all the time. LOOOOOOVE my Ergo. Great suggestions!
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout recently posted..What does a municipal attorney do, anyway?
Great list! I love that you mentioned a yoga ball right away – I spent who knows how many hours holding my little guy while I gently bounced on it. Sometimes it was the only way to calm him down. Who would’ve thought we’d get that much use out of it???
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted..5 Teachable Toddler Moments at the Doctor’s Office
Very appropriate gifts. I wish I’d have such a good friend like you when I was pregnant. The Gripe water would’ve been great for our colicky baby girl, she’s been in such pain until about 5 months old.
Petro Neagu recently posted..How to successfully beat Weight Gain according to Dr. Oz
I love Aden + Anais products. That muslin is so soft!
Randa @ The Bewitchin’ Kitchen recently posted..This Last Week Wordless Wednesday W/Linky
Saving it in case a go for #2
Um, you could be the fairy godmother of every new mom! These are fabulous tips! I wish I had you around – I was absolutely clueless (and so happy my kids have no recollection)! If I had only known about Gripe Water, I think it would have saved Chloe tons of pain and me gobs of worry. But, it did make her Dad a daily hero… which has continued unabated. So there’s at least some good that came out of being clueless!
Your friends are so lucky to have you,
xo ~kim & chloe @
Except for the sling (which I did have with both kids) I didn’t have ANY of these! What a rip off !! My kids are too old. It’s nice to know they keep improving things to make it easier!! That Rock N Play looks awesome!! –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted..The Dose Girls Are Spooning
My youngest is 6 – like Rabia, I have almost forgotten how much STUFF babies require! And, there is so much more out there now!
Lisa @ The Golden spoons recently posted..Things That Make Me Cry – Tuesday Ten Linkup
I loved the robeez shoes. We had so many that she probably had one for each outfit. I was so sad when she outgrew them and started wearing real shoes. Great list. I’m coming over from SITS comment love.
Nice to meet you!
Becka recently posted..Wake Up Wednesday “Linky” and GiveAway
What a great post to really get mamas thinking! I bought so many different things over my son’s first year because he liked some and not others- I’ve noticed some things that work with one baby don’t with another. We loved the jumperoo instead of the exersaucer, and I loved Aquaphor Healing Ointment – you can use it on mama when she’s healing (externally of course) and the baby’s bottom and dry skin!
Nicole Beard recently posted..5 Ways to Encourage Your Husband {From a Husband}
I agree with all of these and thank you SO MUCH for not advocating the Baby Bjorn
A great snot sucker can make all the difference with a sick baby.
Nolie recently posted..5 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for the Family
What a wonderful and full list of things to have
I agree that most of these are definitely must haves!
SouthernMessMom recently posted..Beginners Guide to Meal Planning
I have 4 kids and I’ve only done 1 of these, we purchased a rock & play for my 4th last year, he loved that thing, until he was able to attempt to crawling out of it.. lol never really needed the rest, but this is a good list for first timers..
Natalie recently posted..I Confess..
Great list. I’ve been looking for options for baby wearing. I hadn’t done it with any of my other kids but I need it now with an active toddler and a newborn plus blogging. I need my hands free.
Nickida recently posted..Valentine’s Day Fun with Build-a-Bear
I couldn’t agree more with getting a baby wearing device! I had a couple different ones and they were life savers! I was able to snuggle both of my babies while (trying to) get stuff done at the house. I miss those snuggle days! Stopping by from Saturday Sharefest!
Carrie This Home recently posted..Bacon Cheddar Chicken
Great suggestions….I am not yet a mother, but have watched several friends as they have gone through the stages. One day it will be my turn & luckily I have your list to help with the necessities. Thanks for sharing
Amen to the Rock and Play!! That was our #1 for the twins. I always get that for newly expecting friends. We couldn’t have lived without it.
Katy Blevins recently posted..Less is More: Is My Child Too Busy?
Great post! I have several friends having their first babies – and there is SO much more available than there was even 10 years ago. I can’t wait to share this post with them. So glad to have found you through the SITS Girls!
Great tips! I wrote a similar series of posts. Some of my favorites that weren’t listed here are my breastpump (couldn’t have worked without it!) and my Boppy. I know a lot of people didn’t like their Boppy, but we loved ours here:) I also totally agree with the baby carrier! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.
Rachel recently posted..High End Versus High Street
This is a great list NJ! I never thought to use the yoga ball for the baby… although I did use it while pregnant. I guess once my baby got a little bit older I bounced on the yoga ball with them.
I could not agree with you more Roobez crib shoes are perfect for little feet. Only 1 out of 3 babies had them and I wish I could say all three.
Another item that I loved>>> the Bobby!
Thanks for sharing your list with us via Mommy Monday!
I used the yoga ball a lot when I was pregnant too, but it always gets more action after the baby is born. Lola is 6 months old and still loves to be bounced on it!
Lola just grew out of her 0-6 month Robeez and I’m on the hunt for another pair. I also love the look of the Freshly Picked mocs, but I don’t have $70.00 to spend on baby shoes!
enjoy your imagination!!!! great function!! oh yeah.. cool photography too.