This week has been quite the doozie this week. On Tuesday, the kids and I flew from New England to Chicago to visit my grandparents. We flew on standby and got on the VERY LAST two seats of the plane! I’m here now, but my free time is very very limited.

Phew, two kids plus one mama = hard work. Bravo to all of the single parents out there. Seriously, bravo.  My answers this week will probably be much shorter than the usual 2000 words I write. And sorry there aren’t any photos. I’m not at home and I’m tired of fighting with trying to drop Instagrams in here.

This week’s Ask Away Friday is with Sarah from Small Town Iowa Family. Sarah and I met through Ask Away Friday and what I love about her is she is always up for an adventure, just like I am!

If you are new around here, Ask Away Friday is a great link up where two bloggers trade 10 questions and answer them on their blogs. Penny from the Real Housewife Of Caroline Country and Amber from Bold Fab Mom started this in 2013. Genius, I tell you. Genius.

Ask Away Friday

1.  OK I love love love your bio, you sound seriously like a lot of fun.  So if I were to come visit you, what would we do?

Downtown Northampton is full of cute indie shops. We’d go there to wander around, get coffee, and go to lunch. I think there is just about every type of food to be found in town.

After lunch we’d head to the resevior to talk a walk.

2.  I lost my mother 12 years ago this month.  When you are feeling sad what do you do to cheer yourself up?

I’ve learned that grief comes in waves. And when it comes, the best thing to do is to let those feelings wash over me. Right now I’m in the town I grew up in and staying with my grandparents. She’s every where, even though she’s never been in this house. I like that, a lot.

If I am feeling specially sad, I usually call and talk to my grandmother.

3.  Since I’m a Midwesterner I’m curious to where you were born? What made you move out of the Midwest?

I was born in Dixon, Illinois (where Ronald Reagan spent his childhood years). My hometown is just a few miles away from there.

I left the Midwest looking for an adventure. I wasn’t planning on it, but while I was in Boston I met my husband AND fell in love with New England. I consider myself to be more of a New Englander now than a Midwesterner.

4.  What is one fun activity you like to do with your kids during these cold days?

I like to send Malone to the YMCA with my husband so Lola and I can take a nice long nap together. But if I’ve got both kids on my own, we usually bake.

5.  You said you love baking, what is your favorite thing to bake?

I really like making Monster Cookies. There is something about the combination of the peanut butter and the oatmeal that makes them come out perfect EVERY TIME.

Perfect Monster Cookies 2

6.  What’s your favorite spot in your home to relax?

My bed. I love to sleep and take naps. Right now we live in an apartment that has four very large rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. When we get ready to buy a house, I want to hopefully have a small cozy reading nook.

7.  I have no boys currently (maybe someday? Who knows ;)) what is one thing you notice that is different about them when they were babies.

They are MUCH more active. Malone always had to be on the go and was full of curiosity. Lola is much more content to hang out on the floor with us than Malone ever was.

Also, if you have a boy you must make sure that his fire hose is pointed down when you change a diaper. Otherwise, you’ll get a leak!

8.  Alright random, pop or soda? Since you know you’re a Midwesterner but you live on the East coast now.

Soda. Although I’d rather have seltzer.

I have been cracking up at my grandparents. They serve dinner at noon and supper at five. Poor Malone doesn’t know which meal he is sitting down to because I serve lunch at noon and dinner at five.

9.  Favorite thing about your husband?

He is so helpful. We make a great team. Right now he knows I have a hard time getting breakfast for myself because my mornings are so busy with the kids. So every morning he makes something for me to eat before I go to work.

10.  Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I think I’ll still be here, blogging at A Cookie Before Dinner. Malone will be nine, Lola will be 5 and we’ll probably have another kid or two. I don’t think I’ve ever been in love with my life as much as I am right now and I hope I’m still feeling the same way then!

Sarah had great questions this week didn’t she? Make sure you head over to her blog and check out the answers to the questions I sent her!

Also, heads up! If you’ve got small kids, you’ll want to check out the giveaway I’m hosting featuring Debbie and Friends (right now there are very low entries)!


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