Monthly Archives: October 2013

{Big Girl Panties} Medicine Cabinet Jenga.. aka the project I’ve been avoiding

Warning… things are getting real here today.

Real real ugly.

This is my bathroom situation. The photo isn’t even watermarked because honestly, if someone wants to steal this hot mess and use it for their own commercial purposes, more power to them.

Messy Bathroom


Here are the facts.

The bathroom in the apartment is TINY. And there are ZERO cabinets in which to stash towels, toiletries, or any other random thing you don’t want your guests to see when they come over and use your loo. Who am I kidding? My disaster bathroom is part of the reason why we don’t invite many people over.

The lighting is also poor. Or it doesn’t photograph well. Whatever. Our bath water looks like it is some shade of brown. But it isn’t. And I totally had to crop a naked child out of the picture on the bottom right.

Anyway, every time I need to use deodorant, brush my teeth, or do just about thing involving a product you see above, I have to play Medicine Cabinet Jenga.

And, as you can probably guess… I LOSE every time, curse under my breath, and roll my eyes.

This happens at least four times a day.

Because Medicine Cabinet Jenga is addicting… like Candy Crush Saga only with real life application and purpose.

The other day, after the Mickey Mouse band aids fell on me for the third time this week, I discovered that pink/orange reddish box on the bottom row was ACTUALLY EMPTY (ugh.. WHO DOES THAT? Actually, I know who and he’s basically otherwise a saint so we’ll cut him some slack here). And I realized this was a really simple fix. I could CLEAN AND ORGANIZE my medicine cabinet.

It took less than five minutes to clean it and took my stress level down three notches.

Big Girl Panties Projects

What is the one project you’re avoiding these days? If you did it, how would it change your happiness level? Let me know in the comments below!

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

{Big Girl Panties} Why I’m Okay With Ordinary

On Friday’s, I like to participate other writers in writing challenge called Five Minute Friday. We’re given a topic and the idea is to write for five minutes and to hit publish without editing or looking back.

If you want to participate and link your writing go to Lisa Jo Baker’s website. She’s got all of the details there.

This week’s topic is: ordinary.

When I was a little girl, I spent a lot of time dreaming about how I could become famous. I wanted everyone to KNOW my name- and I wanted all of the material delights that come with it. The money. The fancy clothes. The cool car. The cute boyfriend. The gigantic house. ME. Known to the world.

I’m pretty sure this is partly because I grew up in a tiny town in the Midwest. Where, everyone actually DID know my name. And my grandfather’s. And grandmother’s. There were often times my mother knew my plans before I even came home to ask her about it. This was because my mother’s best friend was the mother of my best friend. You get the idea…. small town USA. Where EVERYONE knows YOUR NAME. And YOUR BUSINESS.

I’ve since given up on those dreams of being famous. Ordinary me who lives on the rented 2nd floor, shops at second hand stores, and watches every cent that comes in and out. However, my cute boyfriend did turn into my cute husband. But, my cool car is a total mom-mobile.

And I’m content with ordinary.

Because ordinary me gets the dishes done, the groceries gotten, and a meal on the table. Everyday.

Because ordinary me can drop everything to help a neighbor who has a last minute need.

Because ordinary me  has time to encourage and love on a lot of a lot of friends. Need encouragement? If you give me your address and phone number YOU.WILL.GET.IT. PROMISE.

Because ordinary me has babies to read to, hineys to wipe, and boo boos to kiss away. And one thousand “whys” to answer everyday.

Because ordinary me has some gigantic goals for herself and is working hard everyday to become a better person and a better writer.

Because ordinary me realized the most important things in life have nothing to do with fame.

And so really, that makes me EXTRA-ordinary.

Five Minute Friday

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 



{Big Girl Panties} On Guilt

I had something else planned for this, 10th day of 31 days. But I just found out that it is getting pushed back a bit. I’ll leave you with this nugget of wisdom instead. On Guilt From this day forward, I declare that they only person allowed to make me feel guilty is ME.

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

{Big Girl Panties} On Seeing Santa At A Funeral

Everyone in my area knows that the REAL Santa can only be found at the Yankee Candle Flagship store, where he works all year. Except for his days off. Then Mrs. Claus flies in, of course.

I’ve taken Malone to see him on numerous occasions. In the summer months Santa spends his time sitting in his workshop, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and folding origami. As it moves closer to fall, he changes into a lumberjack type outfit complete with suspenders. And for winter, well you know he wears his dress suit! And in case you’re wondering, Santa’s workshop is filled with toys…that you can buy. Yankee Candle is no fool.

See.. here is sweet baby Malone and Santa circa 2009.


So, fast forward to last Friday morning. I and several of my friends are sitting in a funeral, listening to and honoring the wonderful legacy our friend Eric’s dad left. The man in the front row of the choir behind the pastor looks very familiar to me, but I can’t put my thumb on it.

Somewhere between “Amazing Grace” and “I Did It My Way”, it dawns on me. THAT is the REAL Santa. And he’s AT my friend’s dad’s funeral.  A Celebrity sighting!

What happened next is something I am quite ashamed of. I basically PUNCHED the person I was sitting next and yell whispered (yeah, like YOU’VE never done that before.. don’t even try to say haven’t), “Oh my goodness! Look! That guy in the choir it is SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!! THE REAL  YANKEE CANDLE SANTA IS HERE!!!”

Because, obviously I’m six years old when it comes to Santa sightings.

And then I reached for my phone. To take a picture of Santa at a funeral. Because, of course it would have been the most epic of all epic Instagrams. I would have been Twitter Famous.

Then I took a really deep breath, put phone away, and remembered.


Not only that, I was there to support my friend who had just lost his dad. This wasn’t a wedding I crashed, I came here on purpose. I rearranged my day because I wanted to be near my friend. To sit in silence. To mourn with him. To give him a hug and tell him I know just how hard it is to lose a parent.

And then I felt like a huge oversharing jerk. I know I DIDN’T do it. But I thought about doing it, which is basically kind of the same.

Santa Big Girl Panties

I spent my drive home reflecting on what social media means to me and what is okay and what isn’t.

I realized that Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are stealing too much of my time. Time that I never seem to have enough of to WIN against my to do list. Time that I could be using to play or read with Malone instead of reading the SAME status update I read from a friend when I looked at Facebook an hour ago.

I went to bed that night with new limits for myself and social media. Both how much I consume and how much I put out. I am working towards finding a balance in all of it.

Disclaimer- I spoke to my friend about this before writing this post to make sure he was okay with it. He said yes, and that Santa has been going to his church since he was a little boy. Also, I know that this person has a real life and a real name, but I don’t know it. So Santa it is. 

Do you struggle with your social media consumption? If you saw Santa in an unusual place, would you try to capture a picture too?  Let me know in the comments below.

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 


{Big Girl Panties} The One About Friendship

This one really speaks for its big girl panties friend self.

I will tell you this, there was a time in my life when I let things stew instead of going to my friend- you know, like a “real” grown up probably would have. As it turns out, she’d been holding back too. Our little things turned into big things. And one day, those big things turned into a hot mess knock em out drag em out epic battle. We both hit below the belt and said dirty UGLY things to each other.

Big Girl Panties FriendBecause of the below the belt punching we BOTH participated in, things between us have NEVER been the same. And to be honest, I’m not sure they ever will. I own my mistakes and she owns hers. 

And when we see each other, we’re friendly to each other. But I’m not so sure that we’re friends anymore…

Big Girl Panties lesson learned.

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

{Big Girl Panties} Volunteering Is Awesome. Except When It Isn’t…

I am a helper. Helping people brings me SUCH joy, it really does. Volunteering makes my soul sing. And not only that, I am an ENFP  so I’ve got the kind of personality that dives into new things hard and fast.

A few years ago, I dove head first into too many things. I was hardly every home. Combine that with working part time and being  a full time mama and wife and it was a recipe for disaster.

And on top of it all, I didn’t REALLY want to be doing any of those things that I was running to. I wanted to be home with my husband  and baby after work. I wanted to take my weekends slow and not spend my time going in circles. I carried a lot of the weight of the world on my shoulders because of this volunteer position. It was stressful. And that stress came home with me.

It took me stepping back from everything and spending a few days in my tiny hometown in Illinois to gain some perspective. But then I realized something really important. I HAVE A CHOICE with how I spend my time. And that includes volunteer work. If it was no longer mutually beneficial, it was time to part ways.

It was the right move. Since then I’ve added a few bits of volunteer work back into my life, but I have gotten MUCH MUCH better about not getting in too deep too quickly.

Big Girl Panties Stop VolunteeringDo you volunteer? Is it for something you love doing? Have you ever felt “stuck” in something you didn’t actually want to do? Tell me in the comments below. I’d love to hear more.

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 


{Big Girl Panties} On Criticism

This is a super hard big girl panties lesson for me. Taking criticism with grace is SO HARD sometimes.

During my first year at my first real grown up job, I cried a lot. I cried because the constructive criticism I was getting seemed like a personal jab to my ego. It wasn’t. But for real- I spent months bawling over stupid stuff.  It took a mentor pulling me aside, investing in me, and really teaching me what growth looks like.

It’s hard. It’s messy. And sometimes it isn’t fun.

But the end result. Always always worth it.

Big Girl Panties Judgement 1

Have you had a recent “growth” opportunity? Let me know in the comments below.

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

{Big Girl Panties} On Mistakes

Ah mistakes. I’ve made a few, including this week. I’m not going to go into a ton of deals but I wills say this- there are very FEW mistakes that can’t be fixed if you decide to own them instead of playing the blame or excuse game.

AND, if you add in an apology things usually tend to get better so much quicker than if you add in an ugly spirit.

big girl panties owning excuses


Happy Saturday friends. May your weekend be restful and your coffee cup full.

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read the rest of the series. 

If you’re looking for some non big girl panties writing this is what I was up to this week at Simple Diaper And Linen.

5 Adorable Simple DIY Halloween Costumes

Big News & Behind The Scenes

You Know You’re A Cloth Diaper Lover When 


{Big Girl Panties} On Writing

Five minute Friday is exactly what you might think it is- writing on a central topic for five minutes and hitting publish with wild abandon- no looking back for edits. This week’s topic is writing. The topic usually goes live on Thursday nights around 10:00 pm. Starting around 8:00 pm EST or so, you can usually find myself and rest of the crew hanging out on twitter using the #fmfparty hashtag. 

I can’t get more than a sentence or two written before I am interrupted. I try to get up early to write. I like the quiet. I like the way the house smells before others wake up. And I ADORE the hot coffee. But it isn’t long before little feet and disheveled hair come creeping in to curl up on my lap and snuggle.

I try to steal a few moments later on in the day. Working via an app on my phone while I nurse the baby and think about dinner.

This is my life these days. Writing for five quiet minutes when everyone is in bed seems like such a luxury. And it is.

But I when they need me, I stop and shift gears. Even though the juices are flowing and I’ve got a good thread going. If only I could bang out these last few sentences, I think.

But then I remember.

I’m a mama first. Always first.

And I’m always interruptable.

So I take what I can get in the leftover moments of motherhood.

Five Minute Friday

Not that it really fits, but this post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read of the series. 


{Big Girl Panties} On Remembering Appointments

It makes me crazy when I forget things. Almost as crazy as it does to be late. But that is an entirely differently beast- although I have totally tamed it.

I may or may not have had the following telephone conversation with Sue, the receptionist at the OB’s office this summer several times.

“Hey Sue, I’m calling to see when my next appointment is. I think it is coming up soon, but I can’t remember.”

“Uh… you mean your appointment than was an HOUR ago?” Or… “Oh, you mean for your appointment that was yesterday?”

In my defense, I used to get a reminder call 48 hours before my appointment. And I fully believe the robot calling me is a complete flake. And therefore it is ROBO’s fault that I missed (and rescheduled) THREE pregnancy visits.

Except that it is totally my fault. I am an adult. I own a “smart” phone. I just am not apparently smart enough to put my appointments in my calendar.

My labor with Lola was pretty epic this summer. Click here to read the whole story, if you haven’t already.  The tear was gnarly and I’m pretty sure my hoo-ha will never be the same.

The friends who sent this card had NO IDEA how spot on their question was. I spared them the dirty details.

So fast forward to this week. I’m approximately six weeks postpartum now and I’ve got my visit with my OB on my mind to check in on the damage. ROBO still hasn’t called because well, he’s a jerk but I’m pretty sure it is Tuesday. I told my husband to please clear is afternoon so he could handle preschool pick up.

I called in the morning to confirm my appointment with my gal Sue.

“Oh hey, NJ! Are you calling to reschedule your appointment? The one you missed LAST WEEK?”


My appointment has been rescheduled for November something. I missed FOUR appointments.

The details are in the calendar on my phone for this one. Reminders and reminders of reminders have been set.

Because I’ve got my big girl panties on and ROBO is as reliable as a Zach Morris cell phone.

This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read of the series.