{Five Minute Friday} In Between

In Between

I’m linking up again this week with Lisa Jo for 5 Minute Friday. Ever try to express something in 5 minutes or less? It is a challenge. A fun one. And the other’s who link with her are amazing too. Click on the button at the bottom of the page and check them out! It [...]

52 Lists- List Your Current & Future Dreams And Goals

52 Lists Dreams & Goals

It is time for another round of 52 Lists. Do you know Moorea Seal? She’s working through an entire year’s worth of journaling prompts. Very fun! Week 4′s prompt was to think about dreams and goals both current and future. I had a lot of fun this one! What are your current and future goals/dreams? [...]

{Behind The Scenes} Rainbow Pinata Cake

Pinata cake

When it came time to decide on his 4th birthday cake, Malone had a very specific vision in his head. He wanted a rainbow sparkle keenata cake (for those of you who don’t speak preschooler, that’d be a rainbow sprinkle pinata cake). Where he got this idea, I’ll never know. But I’m pretty sure he [...]

5 Minute Friday- Rhythm.

I’ve played along with Lisa Jo Baker’s 5 Minute Friday writing prompt before.  It is tricky. She gives you a word or idea, and you’ve got 5 minutes. Want to play along? I dare you to join in the fun! Set your stop watch and see what pops out. No edits. No going back. Ready, [...]

52 Lists – List The Things You Should Be Proud Of

52 Lists Week 3

Today’s list was a tricky one for me. I struggled a bit because of the language of the prompt surrounding the word “should.” I decided to go ahead and just list the things I AM proud of instead. Today’s prompt came from Moorea Seal’s 52 lists series. What things should you be proud of? Tell [...]

Instafriday. My week according to my Iphone.


his week has been a pretty epic one. We are spending it in my hometown in Illinois but before we got here via 1000 mile road trip we snuck in a wedding and a bike race! If we’re not crazy busy then I find I’m going crazy. Over the years I’ve learned how to be [...]

52 Lists- List Your Greatest Comforts

52 Lists Week 2

This week’s journal prompt is another fabulous one. I had a much much easier time coming up my greatest comforts than last week’s words that touch your soul. I think I could have gone on and on, but instead I stopped when my page was fullish. I’ve never taken the time to write these things [...]

Weekend Links June 8 2013

Weekend Links June 8

“Things are beautiful if you love them.” – Jean Anouilh Between Us: How Full Is Your Bucket?: Life Inspired Why I’m Putting Down The iPhone: School Of Smock My Friend’s Child Was Just Diagnosed With Cancer- 75 Ways To Help : Life Rearranged Why Finnish Babies Mostly Sleep In Cardboard Boxes: Updated News

52 Lists- Words that touch your soul.

52 Lists Week 1

Do you know that if you google just about anything you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for? I am so excited to have found a journal prompt series called 52 lists. Moorea Seal  posted this prompt (and has up to 20ish weeks posted on her blog so far). I plan to play along and share [...]

DIY: Pack & Play Reading Fort

DIY Pack & Play Reading Fort

I’ve been wanting to make Malone a reading fort for a long time. For awhile, I thought about making a teepee. But with limited space at home, I really needed something that could be folded up and put away. Then, I had a light bulb moment that I am so excited to share with you [...]