Resolutions are meant to be broken. How many of you have already done so this year? Instead, I like to think about new goals each year with little tiny baby action steps that march me towards something bigger. Last year, I didn’t hit as many as I would have hoped. It occurred to me that it was because I didn’t write them down and post them on my wall where I could see them everyday. This year I’ve got them on paper already. Mapped out. Ready to go.

These are all obtainable, conquerable, doable, and whatever otherable words are out there. I’m sure there are bunches.

1. Use the library more. Our library system here is pretty amazing. It isn’t “just a place” for books and story time. They have museum passes, book club, revolving art in their gallery space, a Presidential Library , lectures and classes, and host special events like a clothing swap. This is all at my freeloader fingertips. (Well, not really free… my taxes and donations help keep it running).

2. Be more intentional with my friendships. I am a horrible friend unless you are right in my world. I don’t mean to be. If we have ever been friends but have fallen out of touch, it’s not because I don’t love you. I do. I’m just a slacker about reaching out. I desire to spend time with you. I want more time with my friends. More dates. More time for encouragement. I want to send more happy mail to let my friends know I love them.

3. I have a nice DSLR and I want to learn how to use it well. Seems simple enough right? But when I start reading about aperture and white balance, I might as well be reading Greek. Brain does not compute. Luckily my shots on the manual setting seem to be quite nice. And I’m seeing light more and more. I will get there. Maybe I should take a class…

4. It is time to curate our digital photos. Do I need 25 versions of Malone eating the same apple? Nope. It’s time to clean out the bad and keep the lovely. It’s time to organize them by month and year, print them out, and back them up online somewhere. Because guess what? If our house burns down our the computer blows up? We’re basically screwed right now.

5. Along that same line.. It’s time to do something similar with the oodles and oodles of masterpieces my child creates. He loves to do art and comes home from preschool with a good deal of it. If I keep it all, I’m sure to be classified as a hoarder by the time he starts Kinder. It’s time to photograph all of his artwork, keep the ones I really love, and give away or toss the rest. This is hard sometimes… it’s like Sophie’s Choice.

6. This is probably the only “real” grown up one on the list this year. We need to see a lawyer to make a will, name health care proxies, and guardians/trustees for the kids for if the terrible happens.

7. I have my Great Aunt’s sewing machine. But I need to learn how to use it. I also want to learn to crochet. We’ve got a place right in town where I can take a class. Winner winner. Chicken Dinner.

8. What’s a list of goals without a few for this space? Simple ones really. Blog 4 or more times a week, attend a conference, and become more comfortable with social media. Twitter seems like some big scary world. Not gonna lie.

9. My husband and I need more time together. A date night at least once a month. We’ve got friends who adore Malone and usually can find a sitter. My MIL is a 3 hour drive a way, but always happy to have a date with Malone so we can go out. We need to do it more. Especially before 2.0 comes later on this summer. I’d like to even get away overnight. I don’t even remember what sleeping in past 7:30 am feels like. But I bet it is still awesome.

10. This goes back to #1 a bit, but I want to read 52 books this year. I’m happy to report I’m well on my way thanks to the Kindle app for the Ipad. I’ve blown throw six already.

11. This is a biggies. I want to really love our space. We have very little on our walls and pockets of clutter EVERYWHERE. Things need to get out of here and I want every space functional and beautiful. I have two guidelines- do we love it? do we use it? if not, IT’S GONE. No holding back due to sentimental value. This means we also need to be more intentional with the things we bring in to our space. Less really is more.

12. This one is for Malone. More adventures, more play dates, more crafts, more saying yes to play. Less Ipad time. Less TV time.

13. I want to become better at meal planning. Waste less. Eat well. Freeze more. Learn to can 3 things this summer- salsa, spaghetti sauce, and wild card TBD.

So, there you have it. My long list for 2013 goals. Did you set some? What is the number one thing you hope to accomplish this year?