Super Powers I Wish I Had

If I were a super hero, I would wish for these super powers. You can keep your ability to fly and x ray vision. I’ve got other things on my mind!

1. I wish I had the super power ability to keep my coffee eternally hot. Does anyone else have this problem? My coffee is always cold. I pour it and get interrupted before I can get a drink. I live in New England where people drink iced coffee all year, LIKE A BOSS, but sometimes a hot cup would be nice.

2. I wish I had super power  stain proof clothing. Between Lola’s baby sauce and Malone’s sticky fingers, my shirts are always stained. I went out for a girl’s night out a few weeks ago and had to search for 10 minutes to find something that wasn’t grimey, and even then it was like picking the lesser of two evils. Really, there isn’t a point to buying anything new. It is just going to get sauced too. 

3. I wish I had the super power ability to turn off my children. Yeah. I said it. Don’t even try to tell me that you’ve never once wished for an off switch for your kids. I would like to power them down at 7:00 pm and boot them back up again at 7:00 am. When I was 16 and starting to date, my mother used to tell me “nothing good ever happens after 10:00 pm.” I love my kids, I really do. But she was right.

4.  I wish I had the super power ability to answer the eternal preschool question of why? Most of the time this doesn’t end well for me. It usually ends in “please go ask daddy, he is a real life scientist.” The problem here is that my husband really is a scientist and super smart and half of the time Malone comes back even more confused than he started with. The other day, Michael tried to explain multiplication to him. It involved some crazy business of adding numbers first and then subtracting something else.

Meanwhile, I was like “hey Malone… look! There is a song all about this!”

5. I wish I had the super power ability to make the right food at the right time. And serve it on the right plate. If you have ever had a four year old, you know exactly what I mean. And if your child isn’t four yet, you are in for a real TREAT. Fickle four. I had heard about it, but man seeing it in action is rough some days.

6. I wish I had the super power ability to read the baby’s mind. Lola has been extra fussy the last few days. It would be great to know if it is her teeth that are bothering her or if she’s just stressed about about Russia hosting the Olympics. Also, mind reading would work for #5 too.

7.  I wish I had the super power ability to be all things to all people, all of the time. I wish I could be it all and give it all, always. But honestly, there are a lot of days where I phone in the day as a WIN if I’ve kept my tiny humans alive. My laundry is NEVER done.

8. I wish I had the super power ability to make the mean girls not be mean anymore. Little mean girls grow up to be big mean girls. I’m tired of it. And I’m tired of the mommy wars too. Can’t we all just be supportive of each other? Are you a working mom? Awesome. Let’s find a way for you to have everything you need so you can be the best person you can be. I think it sucks that you have to take vacation days to take care of your sick kids. Are you a stay at home mom? Awesome. Let’s find a way for you to have everything you need so you can be the best person you can be. I think it sucks when you feel super lonely, let’s find a way to get you some community. Are you a work at home mom? Awesome. Let’s find a way for yo to have everything you need so you can be the best person  you can be. You probably either need some awesome coffee because you’re burning the midnight oil and stealing the leftover moments of your day to get stuff done, the baby to nap on a reliable schedule, or awesome childcare. But for the love… let’s stop bashing each other. One is not better than the other. We need to be on the same TEAM. 

9. I wish I had the super power ability to make Caillou not be such a whine bucket. He is one of Malone’s favorites. I get it. The kid is relatable to preschoolers everywhere. But he is such a snot. Also, I wish I could figure out the deal with Rosie. Does she have a speech delay? Her physical ability seems much more advanced than her verbal.

10. I wish I had the super power ability to set up and take the photograph, but also be in the photograph. There are so many moments where I wish I was also in the photo instead of the one behind the lens. If I use a tripod and a timer, the moment is likely gone.  Here is a perfect example from this past weekend. This is our family on my  husband’s side. We’re all gathered around a table celebrating his grandmother’s 90th birthday. I’m here, but I’m not because without my finger clicking this photo doesn’t happen.


This post was inspired by my friends Rabia and Lisa and their new link up.

The Lieber Family


What about you? What super powers do you wish you had? Let’s chat about it in the comments below.