Raffi’s album, Love Bug,  releases on July 15th. I was sent an advance copy to review. All opinions are my own.

Raffi Love Bug

I grew up listening to Raffi’s music. The cassette player in my mother’s Buick had two tapes that were just for me, Raffi and Peter, Paul, and Mary. The soundtrack of my preschool days was Puff The Magic Dragon, Down By The Bay, and Baby Beluga.

Decades later, I’m still in love with Raffi. It felt really special to share another piece of my childhood with Malone (age 5) as we listened to Love Bug together.

Malone’s Take

Malone loved This Land Is Your Land and Pete’s Banjo (a nod to Pete Seeger). This CD currently lives in his CD player in his room and he’s been playing it while he plays in his own words he said, “his music makes me feel calm and relaxed.”

My Take

Raffi’s new album doesn’t disappoint. In the age of an online world where anyone can make a bit of noise, put it on You Tube, and call it music, Raff’s Love Bug is a breath of fresh air. The intention and heart behind Raffi’s voice on this album  is slow and easy like the good ole days before social media and over scheduled lives. You cannot listen to this album without feeling relaxed and unstressed by the last song. The songs and their lyrics are the perfect mix of fun, character lessons, and history.

[Tweet “Raffi’s Love Bug, brings me back to my childhood. It’s a breath of fresh air in a noisy world. “]

Character Lesson SongsAll kids need time to be unscheduled and just play. Raffi reminded me of that in his latest album, Love Bug.

  • Love Bug (love)
  • Seeing The Heart (love)
  • In The Real World (nature)
  • Blue White Planet (nature)
  • Mama Loves It (helping with chores)
  • On Hockey Days (team work)
  • Magic Wand (social responsibility)

Songs With History Lessons

  • Pete’s Banjo (Pete Seeger)
  • Turn This World Around (Nelson Mandela)
  • This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie)

My favorite song on the entire album is Free To Play which provides a steady reminder not to over schedule my kids with these lyrics.

“Free to play, happy in my world, where I can be what I can be. Free to play, free to sing, my dreaming song of everything. Free to dance the day along. In my playing daydreaming song.”


Love Bug releases tomorrow. You will LOVE it and so will your tiny humans.