Five minute Friday is exactly what you might think it is- writing on a central topic for five minutes and hitting publish with wild abandon- no looking back for edits. This week’s topic is writing. The topic usually goes live on Thursday nights around 10:00 pm. Starting around 8:00 pm EST or so, you can usually find myself and rest of the crew hanging out on twitter using the #fmfparty hashtag.
I can’t get more than a sentence or two written before I am interrupted. I try to get up early to write. I like the quiet. I like the way the house smells before others wake up. And I ADORE the hot coffee. But it isn’t long before little feet and disheveled hair come creeping in to curl up on my lap and snuggle.
I try to steal a few moments later on in the day. Working via an app on my phone while I nurse the baby and think about dinner.
This is my life these days. Writing for five quiet minutes when everyone is in bed seems like such a luxury. And it is.
But I when they need me, I stop and shift gears. Even though the juices are flowing and I’ve got a good thread going. If only I could bang out these last few sentences, I think.
But then I remember.
I’m a mama first. Always first.
And I’m always interruptable.
So I take what I can get in the leftover moments of motherhood.
Not that it really fits, but this post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read of the series.
I find myself writing down fragments of ideas in various notebooks, hoping that they’ll be enough later to remember what I wanted to say. I totally know where you’re at.
Nancy recently posted..One Month.
I’ve been using Evernote, which I am really really liking! But oh what I wouldn’t give for 4 hours of straight up writing time with no interruptions!
Yup, I use Evernote , I use my Evernote Moleskine and a bigger Moleskine. Depends on where I am and what I’m doing.
Nancy recently posted..One Month.
It is a hard passion we follow isn’t friend… this call to write and yet balance it with all the other “calls” of our lives. So grateful that you make the time, find the time to write and also that you know when to lay it down… God uses you friend, do not doubt that. PS – love the title.
Tonya recently posted..Five Minute Friday – Write
Thanks Tonya! I have a book in me, I think but I have no idea how I would ever find the hours to get it out. I can barely keep up with what is happening here!
Honey, my kids are 9 and 12 and I still have to steal time to write! It’s hard to balance all the needs and responsibilities we have as mothers but I’m so glad you get to steal a few minutes to write here and there because I love to read it!
Oh don’t I know it. I think we all have to steal time for the things that are the most important to us!
So impt to remember that!
You are right!
It’s just a season, my friend! Write through it- but yes, keep your priorities in order – for they are only little for a little while!
~Karrilee~ recently posted..WRITE – Five Minute Friday AND #31Days (Day 4)
You are correct, it is JUST a season. Someday I’ll have an empty nest and all of the hours I want to write without interruption.
I’m always interruptable. Oh my goodness. Could this be anymore yes and amen? I am NOT a morning person, at all. I’ve tried. And while I can force myself to wake early I cannot make words do anything before 10 am. Just can’t. So with 3 kids and homeschool and life, I don’t get a lot of time in either. But I’m a mom first. In this season that is the way it is and when I really slow down to savor it, even if my blog dies a slow and brutal death, it’s worth it. So I’m right there with you, with my big girl panties on, being the grown up. 😉 Also, BEST title ever.
Alia Joy recently posted..Five Minute Friday: Write-My tribute to Lisa Jo Baker
I think that being interrupbable is so important, although there are times when if I only had one more minute life would be so much easier. I’m just the opposite- I am TOAST by 8:00 pm and my brain is done. I do my best stuff early in the morning.
[…] Day 4. {Five Minute Friday} On Writing […]
I used to try getting up before my kids. So my kids started getting up earlier. As they get older, it gets a tiny bit easier.