It is the start of a new month, which means it is time to set some smart goals and reflect on the month that has passed by. This is quickly becoming my favorite post of the month to write. And I have to tell you, going public with my goals helped keep me motivated on working on them!
What I learned in September.
Blog- I was struck by the power of Pinterest. I completed Blog Clarity’s Pinning Perfect e-course with blog clarity and revamped six old posts. Those six posts are all currently sitting in my top ten posts with the most traffic. For some of them, I completely reworked the entire post. Others just got a new graphic. All of the time spent behind the scenes paid off.
September blog goals hit:
- Completed Blog Clarity’s Pinning Perfect e-course
- Revamp 3 old posts (revamped six).
- Develop a better system for social media
September blog goals missed:
- Sell six posts as a virtual assistant.
- Participate in The Influence Network’s forums. This one would have been it, but the forums were down for the first part of the month.
Life- I crave rest. I am learning so much about the power of rest and what it means for us as a family unit to rest. Part of the reason why I didn’t hit all of my blog goals was because I have started to rest more with Michael in the evenings. I used to think that rest meant laying down or napping. But what I am learning is that rest means to give your body and mind a chance to chill out. Michael and I have been enjoying weekly couch dates twice a week. It has done so much for our marriage and my mind. I really loved this post by my friend Tara at Family Sport Life about Hitting The Pause Button On Life where she speaks about the power of rest.
September life goals hit:
- Go on a date with my husband. Couch dates totally count!
- Earn $500.00. For the month of September I earned $508.00!
- Send five pieces of snail mail.
- Run/walk 40 miles. Lola and I walk a 2.5 mile loop every weekday that it isn’t raining.
September life goals missed:
- Organize and attend a girls night out.
Motherhood- I was struck this month at just how happy and fulfilled I am to be at home with my kids. I love getting to wait outside in the morning with Malone as he goes to school and I adore picking him up. During the day, Lola and I run errands together or play. This is the first time in a really long time that I’ve really felt content with the life The Lord has called me to lead.
Motherhood goals hit:
- Take Malone on a date. Lucky me! We snuck out for one on one time three times!
- Sell, donate, or hand down five totes of toys and clothing.
- Wean Lola off her middle of the night bottles.
Motherhood goals missed:
- Complete Malone and Lola’s birthday thank you cards.
- Take a family hike.
And now on to October goals!
You should know that I set SMART goals.
These goals are:
- Specific
- Measured
- Action based
- Realistic
- Time Bound .
Setting smart goals is the only way I know how to actually hit my goals.
Sure, I could say something like “I want to lose weight.” But what does that even mean? How would I measure my success?
A better idea of a smart goal about weight loss would be “I want to lose five pounds in the month of October.”
[Tweet “The secret to hitting your goals depends on how you set them.”]
My October Smart Goals.
- Revamp three old posts.
- Complete my new series, 31 Days of Blogger Rehab.
- Pitch to ten companies for my holiday gift guide.
- Sell three blog posts as virtual assistant.
- Complete Whole 30.
- Go on a date with my husband.
- Organize and attend a girls night out.
- Sent five pieces of snail mail.
- Turn in the back to school paper work that has been sitting on my desk since the first day of school.
- Go through Lola’s outgrown clothing. Pack away, donate, hand down, or sell them.
- Take Malone on a date.
There you have it. My smart goals for the month of October!
What smart goals are you setting this month? What did you learn in September?
Linking this post up with Emily Freeman’s What I Learned and The Tiny Twig’s Goals With Grace.
You’re on fire! Woot woot. Glad you are factoring in time to rest that brain and body. Thanks for the link love!
Tara Newman recently posted..Meal Plan Inspiration|September 28, 2014
Thanks Tara! It was so helpful to have made my goals public! They were in the back of my mind all month because I knew I was going to have report on them for October!
You did awesome at your September goals!! WHEW!
Shelly recently posted..Halloween Party Treats
…Sorry…I hit enter before I was finished! I kinda want to cheat and put all the CRAZINESS that I have already planned for this month (Jamberry & Martinis girl’s night, Sophie’s Bday, two Halloween parties, all the decorating that goes into Halloween, making Soph’s costume and then all the nitty gritty not fun stuff) but all of that are MUSTS so they’re not really goals. ๐ I like your couch date nights ๐
Shelly recently posted..Halloween Party Treats
Couch date night is one of my favorite nights of the week. We both try to unplug and just veg out in front of the tv. It is a nice break for me because typically after the kids go to bed I come back to the computer to work on blog stuff.
I loved seeing how you lay out your goals, and also break them down into something concrete and achievable. I’m going to go check out Blog Clarityโs Pinning Perfect e-course. It looks wicked useful. Thanks!
Lucien recently posted..The Nester Writing Challenge 2014
Thanks! I have learned that I can’t set big goals without setting smaller benchmark goals along the way. I loved Blog Clarity’s Pinning Perfect course. Worth every penny!
SO SO proud of you!!! Love “couch dates”. You should totally blog about that too ๐
Christie Elkins recently posted..Mom Bag Essentials (when you are past the diaper bag stage)
Thanks, friend! I plan on blogging about couch dates very soon!
Way to go, NJ! You had a great month! I think the idea of SMART goals is great. I will have to try it… some day. LOL.
Nancy recently posted..Where’s the Menu?
I am not going to even lie to you, my first goal was to set goals. Start small, you can do it!
Way to go NJ!! I love the way you’ve set your goals. I need to be more purposeful with mine too.
RAbia @TheLiebers recently posted..DIY Dollar Store Fall Wreath
I have found the more purposeful I am with my goals, the better I am at hitting them!
This is great! I need to make SMART goals, both for my business and for myself. And I definitely need to relax more with my husband in the evenings (though, when he was out the other night, I did actually stop doing work and watched a tv show in its entirety without doing anything else….that almost never happens!) Good luck on your goals this month!
Bev recently posted..Being a superhero is more than kicking the bad guyโs behind: defining your goals for your fundraiser
Thanks Bev! Sitting idle in front of the tv is really hard for me. I can’t do it completely. Both Mike and I usually pick up our tablets or phones during the commercials. I’m thinking about taking up knitting or something so that I can “feel” productive while I watch a show.
I am learning so much about what it means to rest these days. And honestly, rest plays a huge factor in not burning out!
Goal setting is still something with which I struggle. I read these posts and think “That’s awesome! I should do that!” Then, life gets in the way and yada yada yada. You did a fabulous job with your goals, though. I love Tara’s post about hitting the pause button and I am really trying to embrace that, but it is just hard to get everything into the schedule. Can you tell I’m a little stressed out right now??? ๐
Lisa @ The Golden spoons recently posted..RaNdOm Questions! {#TuesdayTen Linkup}
We don’t often have a slot in our schedule where we can press pause for an entire day. But when we do, we hit it and rest really well. We had a slot over the weekend and at the end of the day the house was a mess but everyone was happy and well rested!
My suggestion for goal setting is to start small. Just think about one goal you want to hit and aim for that!
Sharing your goals not only helps keep you accountable, but it encourages and reminds the rest of us. Thanks for sharing. I glean a lot from your blogging goals, especially.
Heather @ My Overflowing Cup recently posted..7 Things To Keep When Money Is Tight
You are so right! Sharing my goals really held me accountable, for sure!
I’m glad I could help you with a few things blogging related!