I am flying by the seat of my pants a bit today. My world is a bit mixed up and I’m finding myself overwhelmed by my to do list. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who feels this way! If you have recently commented on this blog, thank you! I am working to reply and visit you, but I am very behind. I appreciate your grace and patience and very thankful for your kind words!

For this installment of Tuesday 10 with my girls Rabia and Lisa, we’re talking about things that happen on a perfect day.

I’ve given this 30 seconds of thought and here is the thing, I’ve decided that my day must include real life things and not wishful thinking. In case you were wondering, of course I want a maid to come and clean my kitchen after dinner, but that isn’t my reality!

A simply perfect day.

I am a normal sleep person. I’m not a night owl or a morning glory. BUT, I love my house quiet and my coffee hot. Malone is almost always up at 6:00 am on the button and Lola is a complete wild card. But on my perfect day, my 5:00 am power hour is not interrupted by my tiny humans.

I really don’t care what I’m going to eat for this perfect day breakfast, as long as it involves the words bacon and coffee.

It is a perfect early spring day in New England. The sun is strong and warm– there is no need for layers or jackets.

Speaking of coffee, after breakfast I’m headed to Starbucks with my laptop to work uninterrupted. I will write and pre-schedule five posts and then comment on your blog. I’m not sure who’s watching my kids. But it isn’t me. Perhaps it is the weekend and Michael is home?

After I have slayed the blogosphere with my amazing scheduled posts and witty comments, I’m going to head out thrifting. I am going to find the holy thrifting grails– a working vintage yellow Kitchen Aid mixer, vintage Pyrex mixing bowls in a rainbow of colors and sizes, and a fabulous 1950’s patchwork quilt. I will post a picture of these findings immediately to Instagram.

Next, I’m headed home to pick up Malone. We’re going to spend the rest of the afternoon at the park. We will hold hands as we explore the wooded areas, throw rocks into the creek, take a train ride through the park, try the monkey bars, and feed the ducks. There were be times when I stand back to let him climb and times where we’re so close to each other we can hear each other breathing. 

On our way home from the park, Malone and I are going to stop at the new Greek place to bring home dinner. I am going to eat a Gyro like a boss and go over my allotted calories for the day. There will also be poutine involved. Yeah, my Greek place also has poutine. And it’s MAJ.

After dinner, our family of four will take a walk around our neighborhood. Michael and I will hold hands.  We’ll chat about life while Malone skips ahead. In this season, there are no date nights with fancy shoes and a meal with three forks. But there is us, our street, and a moment to reconnect. 

After dinner, I will rock Lola to sleep. And she’s going to sleep through the night. Okay, the sleeping through the night part is a little wishful. But a girl can dream, can’t she?

Once Lola is finally asleep, Malone, Michael, and I are going to play games. Malone isn’t going to pitch a fit when he loses Chutes and Ladders. After a bit, we’ll switch to Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. Malone isn’t going to pitch a fit when Bowser kills him. 

At bedtime, I will listen to Malone pray the sweetest and most innocent prayers I’ve ever heard. I will snuggle in closely with him as he falls asleep. And as he does, I will be overcome with a thankful heart for our good health, happy marriage, and beautiful children. It brings me to tears almost every night. I’ll fall asleep curled next to the little boy that turned this girl into a mama.


The Liebers

What does your perfect day involve? Let me know in the comments below!