My husband deserves a gold star. No, a gold star won’t do. Maybe a medal or a trophy. I’m not sure. But he is amazing. A few weeks a go he took our preschooler (a boy) to his mother’s beach house. He gifted me with a momcation. A 3 day and 4 night all inclusive stay in my own home without my kid.
To say it was amazing would be the understatement of the year. To say that I didn’t miss them like crazy would be a complete lie. But in the end, I learned so much about myself and who I am as a mother. Also, I didn’t have to worry about wiping anyone else’s hiney but my own. Awesomesauce.
Wondering how I spent my time on my momcation? Head over to Brittney Estes to read the dirty details. I’m guest blogging there today. She just welcomed a beautiful baby girl and is now a mama to five!
Being home alone is honestly the greatest gift ever. Aaaahhh, I can picture myself now! ;)-Ashley
The Dose of Reality recently posted..Would You Rather: Show Up At Your High School Reunion Wearing A Bikini Or With Your Head Shaved?
It was amazing. And you’re right- LEGIT the best gift ever!
And I bet your husband had an equally fabulous and memorable time at the beach! Win! Win!
Mo at Mocadeaux recently posted..Name That Wine Feature
He totally did! It was a win for everyone!