It makes me crazy when I forget things. Almost as crazy as it does to be late. But that is an entirely differently beast- although I have totally tamed it.
I may or may not have had the following telephone conversation with Sue, the receptionist at the OB’s office this summer several times.
“Hey Sue, I’m calling to see when my next appointment is. I think it is coming up soon, but I can’t remember.”
“Uh… you mean your appointment than was an HOUR ago?” Or… “Oh, you mean for your appointment that was yesterday?”
In my defense, I used to get a reminder call 48 hours before my appointment. And I fully believe the robot calling me is a complete flake. And therefore it is ROBO’s fault that I missed (and rescheduled) THREE pregnancy visits.
Except that it is totally my fault. I am an adult. I own a “smart” phone. I just am not apparently smart enough to put my appointments in my calendar.
My labor with Lola was pretty epic this summer. Click here to read the whole story, if you haven’t already. The tear was gnarly and I’m pretty sure my hoo-ha will never be the same.
The friends who sent this card had NO IDEA how spot on their question was. I spared them the dirty details.
So fast forward to this week. I’m approximately six weeks postpartum now and I’ve got my visit with my OB on my mind to check in on the damage. ROBO still hasn’t called because well, he’s a jerk but I’m pretty sure it is Tuesday. I told my husband to please clear is afternoon so he could handle preschool pick up.
I called in the morning to confirm my appointment with my gal Sue.
“Oh hey, NJ! Are you calling to reschedule your appointment? The one you missed LAST WEEK?”
My appointment has been rescheduled for November something. I missed FOUR appointments.
The details are in the calendar on my phone for this one. Reminders and reminders of reminders have been set.
Because I’ve got my big girl panties on and ROBO is as reliable as a Zach Morris cell phone.
This post is part of a 31 day series about Big Girl Panties. Click here to read of the series.
Yikes! I’d hate that too. That’s why I’m grateful for electronic calendars that remind me stuff. Though some things still fall through and it’s always awful. 🙁
Shai Coggins recently posted..Do Something New at Work: #31Newness No. 3
That’s me and the pediatrician’s office. I missed baby’s first month appointment and wrote her a whole letter in my mom guilt that will hopefully help her feel better in 25 years or so if she does the same. The next appointment, I got there a few minutes early and got the snarls from the desk clerks. I was in fact 3 hours late. Not sure whose fault that was…maybe my smart phone calendar dial that sometimes spins when I’m not looking (But I am NOT about to pay a missed appointment fee for that– don’t get me started). Fodder for another less digital life post. 😉 P.S. That card is hilarious.
Robo is a total jerk!
ronnie recently posted..A Girl’s Tea Party
So funny! We have something better than a robocall around here– we get confirmation emails! Also, I make my next appointment before leaving the office and put it into my phone right then.
Nancy recently posted..One Month.
I had the same problem with scheduled events, if it isn’t on my calendar it doesn’t happen. Now that I have the appointments nailed down I forget other things, it’s so annoying!! I swear that my babies took all of my available brain cells with them some days!
Jen recently posted..Let Me Count the Ways
Zach Morris phone…love it. Welcome to parenthood with more than one child. Your memory only gets worse!!
Sarah Knepper recently posted..{Proving To Myself That I Can} I Have No Button
[…] Day 3. On Remembering Appointments […]
So funny! I actually did the same thing after my 3rd was born. My “sue” is Brenda, and she is super cool about it, although I am paranoid they laugh at me when I leave the office. I’m always in there with my wild middle son who climbs and breaks everything. ROBO stopped calling me too, and I was really mad about it.
I am really enjoying your posts. You’re so funny.
Visiting from (in)courage group. You are HILARIOUS! God is just preparing you for “Mental Pause”. Tell us the date in Nov and we’ll put together a count-down post day by day, hour by hour…..
Hon, Mommy Brain is real. You can blame it on that. Seriously. (Sorry, I don’t even know you and I called you “hon” – oops!)
You’ll get back to *normal* eventually. But I hear you. Even 6+ years in I’m looking for my memory. 😉
Andrea B (@goodgirlgonered) recently posted..I’m writing.
You can call me hon! I don’t mind! I think it will be worse before it will be better! I’m thankful for Sue, and her Grace (AND NO FEE FOR MISSING APPTS).
I use to be like that too it irked me because I would hate if someone missed an appointment with me. I started doing mines on my google calendar where it sends me an email reminder I keep the reminder email on there marked unread until after the appointment that way I am forced to look at it on my phone whenever new emails pop up so I have a constant reminder. We must be getting younger as I say lol. Stopping over from SITS
Kita recently posted..Chicken Tortilla Soup
Ohh.. Google calendar is a good idea too! I am going to be an old lady HOT MESS. I know it.
This sounds like my life. Have you been eavesdropping on my appointment calls? I also now depend on my SIRI and phone reminders to help spare me the embarrassment of the missed appointments. Lol
Tiffany recently posted..Super Mom Tag ! ! {My 1st Vlog}
bahaha!!! i’m so with you my dear. and that card? epic! 🙂 –kris
Kris Scorza-Sobieski recently posted..insist (9.45am)
The card is hands down the BEST baby card I’ve ever gotten in my entire life. I am going to save it for Lola, so she always knows the fab sense of humor her Uncles have!
Haha! You are hilarious, NJ. Your style is so completely conversational and relatable (and that card is hysterical). You seem like a woman we’d all want to call friend because you call it just like it is. And this Big Girl Panties is the most fantastic idea for a series. So happy to have met you through (in)couraging writers!
Ashley Larkin @ Draw Near recently posted..Rise and Shine (31 Days of Right Here: Day 5)
Thank you so much for those kind words Ashley! I wish I lived close to everyone, because I totally want to have coffee and laugh with you all!
So funny! I’m horrible about not using tools at my disposal as well.
Stacey recently posted..Repeating builds walls
I am getting much much better Stacey! I have such limited time these days for just about everything- I HAVE to be as efficient as possible!
Typical pregnancy brain. The thing is, these details are stored quite nicely in your subconscious brain, you just aren’t paying attention the reminders. I know it sounds funny, but I actually thank my subconscious mind when it reminds me of little things like this. I call her Trixie (because sometimes she tricks me!) and since I’ve been doing that, I’ve been a LOT better at paying attention and remembering things. I’ve also found getting a good night’s sleep helps my memory tremendously, which probably isn’t happening if you have a new baby.
Adrian recently posted..Six Tips to Tame Your Social Media Addiction
Lola is a champion sleeper! I hope that I can get these details of life much tighter than I can currently handle them. There are too many important things happening that I need to be on top of!
My problem is that I have too many calendars on my phone. I’ve double booked a few times because I didn’t check the right ones! ARGH!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted..Somewhere I Must Have Done Something Right or Frances’ 10th Birthday