During my last pregnancy, I was gigantic. I gained close to 60 pounds thanks to being borderline pre-eclamptic. Towards the end of the pregnancy my body was so swollen with extra water that I felt like I could burst water balloon style ANY SECOND. In the end, everything turned out okay. And this beautiful soul is now part of our family.
Oh.. I didn’t tell you I’m pregnant again? Don’t worry, these people were surprised when we told them too! PS- That is a tic tac in my Nana’s mouth, not some sort of weird ghost light or something.
Ever point a camera at someone and say to them “say we’re having a baby!” It’s super fun… try it sometime.
While we’re at it, here is the super cute gender announcement I put together and then never posted here.
For the record, this pregnancy has really kicked my behind. I was still experiencing morning sickness up until two weeks ago. Little lady is full of hormones already. Life with her as a teenager will be BLESSED. I’m sure of it.
I digress. Now that we’ve established again that I’m pregnant, in the third trimester, and it’s a girl lets get down to the real reason for this post.
Because I am no longer pregzilla, the great and powerful photobomber, I’m having significant underpants issues. My regular ones are too small. My maternity ones from last time are too big. I am too cheap to buy something in the middle. I’m in limbo. PS, these guys were the BEST sports about this photobomb. Photo credit belongs to Paul Specht/Asia Kepka.
Malone and I met up with several of our friends for an afternoon play date at the equivalent of a preschool hamster cage (full of tunnels, chutes, ball pits and slides). We had a blast. Everyone left with the same amount of children they came with (have you ever been to one of these places? Glory Glory. Thank goodness for extra eyes!) and despite a lost pair of socks we all left with everything else we brought in.
It is hot and humid around these parts. Enter the mu-mu. I can rock the mu-mu like nobodies business. They are modest, airy, comfortable, and easy- everything this girl needs.
But the mu-mu + limbo underpants presented a new challenge today. Malone (and friends from what I hear) fell asleep on the way home. He was SOUND asleep and as I went to carry him in to our apartment on the second floor from the car, I realized we were having a code red underpants situation.
With every step I took, my undies slithered a little closer down my legs. But my hands were full with 34 pounds of dead preschool weight. Half way up the stairs they were around my knees. I tried to do a knees in duck walk to keep them up as I carried him, but it didn’t work- I couldn’t figure out how to keep my knees in and move up to the next stair at the same time. By the time I reached the top of the stairs, they were completely around my ankles. And Malone was still sawing logs in my arms.
I consider it a miracle I even made it up the stairs today.
I hate my underpants.
PS- Malone slept for another two hours. He’ll be up now until midnight. But I’ll have to save the tale of his all nighters for another day.
Hahahahah! Oh man. Been there. Or those pregnancy jeans with the large panel? HATED those. They’d just slither right down for no reason. I had a friend that used to cut slits in the sides of her regular underwear near the elastic waistline so she wouldn’t have to buy new ones. Then she just threw them away after the baby was born. Birth announcement is too cute!
christie elkins recently posted..in between. {five minute friday}
I love the full panel pregnancy jeans. ESPECIALLY at Thanksgiving!!! I bust them out every year, not gonna lie.
First, the photobomb is HILARIOUS! Second, when I wear a dress, I wear knock-off MamaSpanx under the dress. Keeps your undies on and supports your belly, too! I have an extra pair, only worn once so I’ll send them to you, if you like.
Nancy recently posted..Presto Pesto, Vegan by Default.
First, the photobomb is HILARIOUS! Second, when I wear a dress, I wear knock-off MamaSpanx under the dress. Keeps your undies on and supports your belly, too! I have an extra pair, only worn once so I’ll send them to you, if you like.
Nancy recently posted..Presto Pesto, Vegan by Default.
Nancy, it was so fun! I’ll have to show you the full set sometime. Paul and Eric were such good sports about it! I’d love the Mama Spanx! Thanks!
Glad to hear you are finally over the morning sickness. I was sick with morning sickness too until I was in the third trimester with my daughter and my son. It really helped to keep my pregnancy weight gain down. I really feel for you being pregnant in the summer.
Shelly recently posted..Free Music Downloads, Rock, Bluegrass and More
So it turns out, after I wrote this the morning sickness came back. But whatever right? It will make getting back into my pre pregnancy jeans a lot easier!
ha! I’m dieing over here! Here’s to finding underware that stays put!
elissa recently posted..A giveaway I wish I could enter!
I’ve got 7 weeks or less left. Hopefully I’ll get big enough to make the maternity ones stay up!
Crying with laughter at this entire post!! Oh my God, the photobombs were HILARIOUS! But the mental image of you attempting to duck walk up the stairs with the sleeping toddler had me dying!! Love it!-Ashley
The Dose of Reality recently posted..How Many Weight Watchers Points Are In A Gallon Of Chunky Monkey?
Thank goodness we both didn’t fall up the stairs! I don’t know how I managed to pull it off!
I am totally laughing out loud right now in my office! I’m sorry to laugh at you, but this story is hysterical!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted..It’s My Blog-i-versary! I’ll Party if I Want To {Giveaway}
Rabia! I wrote it because I WANT you to laugh!
Hahaha! The photo bomb is priceless! 😀
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[…] I love writing posts where my humor really shines through. Some of my favorite posts are the ones where hopefully the reader cracks up while they read. Want to see what I’m talking about? Read about why I hate my underpants. […]