The first week back to school is always complete chaos around here. The reentry into school mode after summer is hard on all of us, especially me! Between packing lunches, paperwork and registration forms and getting everyone out the door here, it is straight up HARD for us the first week. But, I’ve decided this year is going to be better. Here’s how.
5 Ways To Keep Organized The First Week Back To School
Tackle paperwork and forms the night they come home.
I am really awesome at forgetting to fill out forms. If forgetting to fill out and return paperwork was an Olympic sport, I’d win the gold medal. This year, my plan is to fill the forms out and get them back into backpacks within 24 hours.
Keep school packed lunch simple.
I don’t know need to be a bento box mom. I need to be a mom who sends her kids to school with food they’re going to eat. My 7 year old is happy to eat the same exact lunch everyday and so long as he’s happy with a turkey and cheese sandwich with lettuce, an apple, a carrot and chips, I’m going to send him that the first week. I can and will get creative as time and energy allows later on during the school year.
Plan what will be for dinner. If it can be made ahead, even better.
When the school year starts, I bust out my slow cooker. There is nothing more amazing than knowing dinner is already taken care of. We keep the first week of back to school meals really easy.
- Monday: Slow cooker pulled chicken with rice and green beans.
- Tuesday: Chicken tacos (left over from Monday) and salad.
- Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner.
- Thursday: DIY sandwich night.
- Friday: Pot luck with friends (we’ll bring pizza).
There is nothing about this menu that is fussy and everything can be put on my table in less than 15 minutes!
Establish that homework routine!
Where and when will homework happen? Do you have all of the supplies your child will need? What works best for your kid? These are all questions to figure out the answer to during or before the first week of school. Even if Malone doesn’t have any homework during the first week, we still will practice our after school routine…. he needs 30 minutes to play with his toys and decompress for the day before he’s ready to tackle his homework.
Make sure everyone gets plenty of quality sleep.
This is less about organization and more about having a healthy and productive first week back to school. You cannot give from an empty well and rock the first week back to school! Make sure you get great sleep, mama!
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