Plan your summer with this epic list of Western MA Vacation Bible School 2016 options.

Summer is in full swing and if you’re like me, you’re looking for things to keep your children busy! This morning, I found myself looking for Vacation Bible School options. And if there is one thing I know, if I’m looking for something then you might be too! Vacation Bible School is a tradition for our family. When I was little, I attended one each summer. It was a great time to learn more about the Bible and God, create crafts and make new friends. I’ve included every VBS I could find along the 91 corridor area of Western, MA plus a few in CT for those of you on the state line. If you  know of one I’ve missed, please let me know and I’ll add it!

Western MA Vacation Bible School 2016: Facts

  1. Vacation Bible School usually runs for a week, Monday through Friday.
  2. Most programs run for about 3 hours.
  3. Ages accepted into the program depends on the church hosting it, but a lot seem to have programming for kids as little as 3 or 4.
  4. Most programs are either free or very low cost.
  5. It is common courtesy to register ahead of time, but some programs will allow for walk ups to register. 

Western MA Vacation Bible School 2016: Dates & Locations

July 17 – July 21

Chicopee: Vacation Bible School 

  • Programming: Snappy the Crab leads you to the Surf Shack Vacation Bible School. Fun, games, verses and snacks. Come join us!
  • Time: 6:00 PM – 8:10 PM
  • Location: Faith United Methodist Church, 191 Montcalm Street, Chicopee , MA
  •  Call 413-533-6093 to register / /

July 18 – July 22

Chicopee: Vacation Bible School – Cave Quest Kids

  • Programming: Kids have a blast every day with games, songs, stories, fun snacks and more – all while learning to follow Jesus, the Light of the World! For children entering grades K – 6.
  • Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Location: Pioneer Valley Church of Christ,  85 Montcalm Street,  Chicopee , MA
  • Register by July 18th / 413-627-0013 / /

Storrs, CT: Vacation Bible Camp 

  • Programming: Children ages 4-10 are invited to join us for a free, one-week, drop-off Vacation Bible camp. We will be learning how “Jesus gathers us all together” as part of our Barnyard Roundup, and will be playing games, doing crafts, and making new friends. Contact Keith Anderson or email Bethany Donaldson. Hope to see you there!
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: St. Paul 1768 Storrs Road (Rte 195), Storrs, CT
  • Register by phone or email Phone 860-371-1408 /

Greenfield: Vacation Bible School

  • Programming: Please invite all the friends, grandkids, cousins, bothers, sisters, actually all the kids you know to join us at this years’ VBS! Submerged – Finding Truth Below the Surface, is based on Psalm 139:23-24. Submerged takes your kids on an adventure like no other, deep within the mysterious sea. As kids submerge themselves in God’s Word, they will discover that Jesus didn’t just see what’s on the outside of people. He looked deep down on the inside. So grab your goggles, step into your flippers, and dive in to find truth below the surface!
  • Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Location: Faith Baptist Church 331 Silver St, Greenfield, Massachusetts 01301
  • Register at or just show up!

 Springfield: Vacation Bible School 

  • Programming: Register your child for a spirit filled week of summer fun at our Allen Street Facility. The theme of the week is we are empowered, gifted, equipped to do God’s work here on earth (gen) NOW!!!  The camp is for children ages 5 by camp start (7/18) to those entering 7th grade in Fall.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Location: IAR Springfield 1602 Allen Street Springfield, MA
  • Cost: $70.00  Register online. 

South Hadley: Vacation Bible School 

  • Programming: Learn about real teamwork, real service while having real fun with God’s Word! We’ll enjoy game show games, snacks and Bible stories! Children ages 3-10.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: Second Baptist Church 589 Granby Road South Hadley, MA
  • Register via email or phone: / / 413-536-0626

July 25 – July 29

Enfield: Barnyard Roundup Vacation Bible School

  • Programming: Jump into a free Vacation Bible School called Barnyard Roundup, where children learn Psalm 23 through memory verses, songs, and activities. For children ages pre-K through 6th grade.
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Location: LCMS 20 North Street Enfield, CT
  • Register online. or call 860-749-3167.

Westfield: Barnyard Round Up Vacation Bible School 

  • Programming:  This adventure will be hosted at St. John’s Lutheran Church. The children will look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and explore five Bible accounts where Jesus graciously gathers us together to be with Him with His abundant provision and saving protection, now and forever. They participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy snacks, play awesome games, experience Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of God’s Word, and play with all summer long. Come join in the
    fun and learn about Jesus’ abundant provision and saving protection, now and forever.
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Location: St. John’s Lutheran Church 60 Broad Street Westfield, MA
  • Register on the church’s website or contact the church at 568-1417 or Jane McClure at 562-0492.

August 1 – August 5

Westfield: Cave Quest Vacation Bible Camp

  • Programming: Please join us this summer for Cave Quest, our Summer Bible Camp, being held along with St. Mary’s Parish at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament in Westfield. Participants will be following Jesus, the light of the world, as they discover rock-solid Bible truths through song, games, crafts, Bible stories, and stories about real kids who are following Jesus as they face life’s challenges. Each day a delicious snack will also be served.
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Location: Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish 127 Holyoke Road Westfield, MA
  • Call 413-562-5484 or email for registation details.

Easthampton: Barnyard Roundup 

  • Programming: Welcome to Barnyard Roundup, where Jesus gathers us together, picks us out, calls us by name, and loves us now and forever, no matter what! Children learn Psalm 23 through memory verses, songs, and activities.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: Trinity Lutheran Church 2 Clark St, Easthampton, MA
  • Register online. 

Springfield: Go For The Gold Vacation Bible School 

  • Programming: Olympic themed.
  • Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 PM
  • Location: Trinity United Methodist Church 361 Sumner Ave Springfield, MA
  • Register online 

Agawam: Ocean of Commotion VBS 

  • Programming: Bethany’s Vacation Bible School is called “Ocean Commotion!” Children age 3 to 6th grade are invited for another exciting week of learning, fun and encouragement! There is no charge for admission.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: Bethany Assembly of God 580 Main Street Agawam, MA
  • Register online. 

Wilbraham: Cave Quest Vacation Bible School 

  • Programming:  Explore the caverns with Evangel Assembly in Wilbraham at Cave Quest Day Camp! Kids from four years old to entering fifth grade are invited and can enjoy a fun and meaningful experience as we learn how to follow Jesus, the light of the world. Each child will receive a free t-shirt, bracelet, daily snacks and more.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: Evangel Assembly 348 Stony Hill Road Wilbraham, MA
  • Pre-register by July 25th for $5.00. Register online. 

Westfield: Colossal Coaster World VBS 

  • Programming: Come join us at Colossal Coaster World as we learn to Face Fears & Trust God amid roller coasters, ferris wheels and carnival games.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: Community Church of Westfield 11 Washington St. Westfield, MA
  • For more info and to register, please call the church office at 413-568-1020.

August 8 – August 12

Springfield: Vacation Bible School 

  • Programming: Breakfast and lunch will be served. This event is completely FREE. Ages 3 -12.
  • Time: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: CCNJ 124 Sumner Ave Springfield , MA
  • Register by phone or email: Phone: 413-209-6872 Email:

Agawam: Vacation Bible Camp 

  • Programming:  It’s that time of year once again for Faith Bible Church to have their annual VBS. Ages 3 thru high school.
  • Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Location: Faith Bible Church 370 Shoemaker Lane Agawam, MA
  • Register by phone or email. Phone: 508-944-8983 Email:

South Hadley: Sonrise National Park VBS

  • Programming: At SonRise National Park your kids will be pointed right to Jesus! They will have a great time singing songs, watching skits, creating, making friends and playing games. But most important, they’ll know that no matter what extreme challenges may come their way in life, they will have the indescribable, all-powerful, unchangeable, unwavering Jesus to guide their way.
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: Christ Life Fellowship Church 15 Lincoln Avenue South Hadley, MA
  • Register by phone or email: Phone: 413-265-9014 Email:

Not sure when you’ll be able to make it this summer? Pin the graphic below for easy reference!

The full guide to VBS in Western MA 2016!


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