I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love goals. My big goals for 2016 are specific, but they’re not exactly time measured or hugely actionable. They are heart goals…. areas where I want to improve my life. The action steps happen on a monthly basis. Each of my big goals has actions I can take that will help me reach the way I want my heart and life to be positioned. I am working through Lara Casey’s Powersheets this year and she calls this monthly work tending. It can divided in to monthly, weekly, and daily goals. Affiliate links present.

Here is what I’m going to do to make January 2016 happen.

Lara Casey's Powersheets are an amazing tool for your goal setting process. They've completely changed how I look at things!

Monthly goals.

  1. Follow my reverse weekly savings plan and hit my January goal.
  2. Give my blog a mini face lift (done)!
  3. Close out 2015 blog/biz items.
  4. Write a thank you note to one of my heroes of faith.
  5. Go on a date with Mike.
  6. Finish painting the kitchen and bathroom.
  7. Read 31 Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and the Doer (Jenn Sprinkle and friends from the Well Studio), For the Love (Jen Hatmaker), Little Women (Louisa May Alcott), and Money Making Mom (Crystal Paine).
  8. Read Strength Finders and take the test.
  9. Complete the Reflect and Refocus worksheet from the Well Studio.

Weekly goals.

  1. Complete a weekly meal plan and stick to it.
  2. Connect with two friends in a meaningful way offline.
  3. Finish reading a book.
  4. Apply for sponsored blog posts and hit my contracted billable hours with my clients.
  5. Have a couch date with my husband.
  6. Write a blog post that serves my community.

Daily goals.

  1. Move my body for 30 minutes.
  2. Read my Bible.
  3. Pray.
  4. Write in my gratitude journal.
  5. Write scripture.
  6. Read for 20 minutes.
  7. Write in the journal for my kids.

As you can see, some of the daily goals build into the weekly goals and some of the weekly goals build into the monthly goals. All of these goals come from a place of action with my 2016 goals. If you want to read what those goals are, here is that post.

What are your goals for January?


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