I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want 2016 to look like for me and one of my big goals is to be saturated in Scripture and to leave a legacy of God’s word in my own handwriting for generations to come. In January, I spent a lot of time writing God’s word in a journal and I found the process to be really transformative…. God really spoke to me during the times I was writing His word down. This is something new for A Cookie Before Dinner, I’ve made no secret about the fact that I am a Christian. However, this is really the first time that I’m using my space to share my love of Jesus with all of you. Affiliate links present.
Scripture Writing

I have to admit, I loved writing scripture in my journal. However, doing it without a plan set out before me was kind of hard. I wished that I had a list of Bible verses to work from. So, for February I made a list. I’m sharing it with you today and I hope it blesses you. If you’re looking for a great journal, I really love these ones.

February Scripture Writing Plan


February Scripture Writing Plan 2016 Use These daily Bible journaling prompts as tool in your quiet time. Each scripture takes less than 10 minutes to write !

I’ve made this into a printable document as well. To access this February scripture writing plan, click here. It’s a pdf that you can then save and print out.

I’d love for you to print this out and use it as a tool for your quiet time for the month of February. And if it blesses you, please share it with your friends!

Finally, I would love for you to join the Scripture In Hand community on Facebook where we can discuss what we’re learning from the Lord and pray for one another. Click here to join! 

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