Ask Away Friday With Dana From Kiss My List

Hello Friday! It is time again for another Ask Away session! This link up is hosted by Amber from Bold Fab Mom, Stacy from This Momma’s Ramblings, Tiffany from Mrs. Tee, and Penny from the Real Housewife Of Caroline Country.  The idea is simple. 2 bloggers trade 10 questions, answer those questions on their blog, and link up.

Today I’m partnered up with the adorable Dana from Kiss My List.  I found Dana’s blog when I reviewed her book, the Mother Of All Meltdowns. Our friendship has deepened the last few months and we’ve even taken the plunge and became real life Facebook friends. Dana is a book lover and a list maker. She’s funny and kind, and her posts almost always make me smile.

Ask Away Friday Dana

1. A cookie before dinner. What kind of cookie would you have?

At this very second? I’d love a soft sugar cookie with butter cream frosting. My aunt always makes them around Easter and I’ve got spring on my mind.

2. You are an extrovert and your husband Mike is an introvert. Are you complete opposites in other areas as well? Tell me a few. 

We also have completely different tastes in dessert foods. He loves things like strawberry short cake and blueberry cobbler. I like fruit. And I like dessert. But I don’t like them combined, unless it is a chocolate covered strawberry. I fully believe the best desserts start with the word chocolate.

3. You say that one of your greatest joys is community. In the blogging world, that community can happen on social media. So with what form of social media do you most enjoy making connections? 

I am starting to like Twitter more, but I adore Instagram. I love seeing the photos and hearing the narrative behind it.

My favorite Insta this week.

4. One of my favorite posts of yours is Why I’m Blogging Like a Horse With Blinders On, which you posted three months ago. Are you still wearing them? It’s so hard not to compare yourself to other bloggers – how are you doing with that?

I am proud to report that yes, I am still wearing my blinders but I’ve changed their lenses a little bit. I will always celebrate the successes of my friends. I love when their hard work pays off for them in a big way and a new exciting thing is happening for them.

But, I’m also feeling really discouraged. I’ve been passed over on a few things that would have been a great fit for my readers because “we’re looking for people who have a larger reach.”

It has left me wondering if there is room at the table for a blogger who doesn’t have 10k or more page views but does have great community of readers.

I’d like to see that landscape change. If I was in charge of marketing a product, I’d much rather have it put in front of someone that I KNOW is my target market instead of throwing up on a blog that has a ton of page views and hoping that a few of those readers engage.

I may or may not be sitting on a new domain name and I may or may not be thinking about launching something for the middle (but engaged) blogger who wants to work with brands.

5. Okay, Ms. Thrifting Fanatic – what is you most awesome purchase? 

In terms of profit margins on Ebay, children’s Keen sandals. Last spring I picked up a bunch in different sizes. I didn’t spend more than $6.00 on a pair. Some were a little dirty, so I washed them before I listed them. Each pair sold for between $20 and $25. I’ve also picked up a few children’s Patagonia and Mini Boden  pieces for pennies that turned a huge profit.

My favorite finds of all time is our vintage 1950’s toy box. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it at Savers. It is in great condition. It is currently holds all of Malone’s bigger trucks.


I adore thrifting so much. I love the thrill of the hunt. I’ve thought about opening a shop attached to my blog. We’ve got a great thift store in our area that has tons of great stuff. I want to bring it all home with me, but we just don’t have space!

6. I once spent hours in the Yankee Candle flagship store, and you only live twenty minutes away! What is you favorite candle scent?

I wish I would have known you were so close! I would have come up to see you! I love going to the flagship store. It is one of Malone’s favorite places to go and explore because they have so much more than just candles there! Malone could spend hours in the evergreen forest that snows bubbles ever 3 minutes. The Yankee Candle Santa is the Santa that I saw at a funeral! He’s the REAL DEAL.

My favorite candle scents are lemon, fresh cut grass, and clean cotton. I like scents that smell crisp. Those three happen to be some of my favorite smells of all time, so it is only natural that they are my favorite candle scents too! I don’t love the other the top fruit smells or the really musky scents.

7.What is something about you that doesn’t come through on your blog – something that you want people who have never met you in person to know about you?

I have had many real life friends who also read my blog tell me that I am the same in both words. I don’t think there is much of a higher compliment than that! I strive to be the same person in both worlds. It would be so easy to present a fake version of myself online, because one can really control what they post to social media and the words that they write.

In real life I am just as bubbly, encouraging, authentic, and friendly as I am here. I guess the only thing this blog is missing is the sound of my voice and my laughter, but that could easily be fixed by doing a little vlogging.

8. I give you $500, and you have to spend it on yourself, and no one else. What will you spend it on? 

That is an easy one! I’m spending it on a blog conference ticket and an extra night’s stay at the hotel. I think that this is actually going to happen for me this year. I am still hoping to get to Blog U, but I am almost certain that I’m going to Allume. If I go to Allume, I hope to pad my trip with an extra night’s stay before the conference starts to soak it all in. I plan to volunteer with set up tasks, if I can. I’ll be able to give back a bit and make a few deeper connections before things get crazy there.

9. Are you as sick of winter as I am? Show me a photo that you took that makes you think “warm.”

I’m writing this on Saturday the 15th and yes, I am sick of the snow. I heard that it is supposed to be 50 degrees on Wednesday, so that gives me hope. I’m tired of the logistics of two small children and winter gear. On top of that, we park on the street and I am done with trying to either climb over a snow mountain or walking ½ a block down to someone’s plowed driveway to get to my car. I heard last fall that the Farmer’s Almanac said this winter was going to be rough  and boy were they right!

Malone loves the winter though, so he’s having a blast!

Here is a warm photo. It is from Cape Cod last summer. There is NOTHING like a sunset on the beach with friends.


10. Let’s end with a “Would You Rather” question. My son came up with this one, knowing I was asking a fellow blogger. Would you rather be able to write (and not speak) or speak (and not write)? You can’t cheat and have someone write for you. And writing means doing what you do here, not mundane writing like jotting down a phone number. 

I’d give up writing, but it would be so hard.

I speak so much life into my kids on a daily basis. If I could never give Malone another positive affirmation, I would be heart broken. I spend a lot of my day chatting with Malone and Lola and a lot of nights writing for them. This blog is for them in a lot of ways even if it isn’t written directly at them. I want them to be able to look back on my life a parent and see that it is okay to have good days and bad days.

When my mom passed away, I didn’t have much of her words. I would have loved to have her thoughts on paper. I keep a sentence a day journal for my kids. I started it this year and I’m really enjoying keeping it up. The entries are small.and seem like they don‘t matter- things like “we went to the library this morning, Malone loved playing at story hour with his new friends.”

So, to give up writing it would be so hard. But I would have to just hope and pray that they would remember the sound of my voice.

Also, it would be really hard to stop talking to Mike. He’s a man of few words, but I love chatting with him!

Whew! She had great questions for me, didn’t she? Head on over to Dana’s page to see how she answered my questions! 


  1. 1

    Ilene says

    I LOVE that photo on Cape Cod. In a month from now, i will be a new brand on the market eager to find bloggers who will work with me. I won’t really care what their page views are. How does that sound?
    Ilene recently posted..A Modern Family ValentineMy Profile

  2. 2

    Tiffany says

    I think I would have to give up writing too. It would pain me terribly but for me not to speak …not sure it could be possible. Like you, I would want my kiddies to have the memory of my voice as well.
    Tiffany recently posted..I’m The Kinda Girl Who…{you should get to know}My Profile

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    Nicole @ Work in Sweats Mama says

    Patagonia and Mini Boden for pennies? Please share your secrets, oh great one!
    Nicole @ Work in Sweats Mama recently posted..4 Real Benefits of Massage TherapyMy Profile

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    Rabia @TheLiebers says

    If I had to pick writing or speaking, I’d give up writing too. I guess I’d do a lot more blogging then!! And I think I knew that you would be just a genuine in person as you are online. I’m glad to find out I was right!
    Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted..#AskAwayFriday with Lanaya from Raising ReaganMy Profile

  5. 5

    Dana says

    2. I agree – don’t call it dessert if it doesn’t have chocolate in it.
    4. You may or may not…how exciting! Sounds like a great platform for me (hint hint).
    5. You’ve inspired me! I just pulled a pair on barely worn Keens from my son’s closet that I am going to list on ebay as soon as I finish this comment.
    6. I was at the store sixteen years ago, but if I ever go back I’ll be calling you!
    7. Umm – yes, you must do a vlog.
    9. That is an awesome photo! I love how the kids are air born.
    10. That was a good question, wasn’t it? My kids have some real stumpers.
    So fun pairing up with you NJ!
    Dana recently posted..NJ asks away!My Profile

  6. 6

    The Dose of Reality says

    These were GREAT questions. That last one is very thought provoking. I think, in the end, I’d have to pick the same as you for the same reasons, but MAN it would be hard!!

    Before I even finished reading the Yankee Candle question, I was all…OMGeeeeee, SANTA!!!! –Lisa
    The Dose of Reality recently posted..Pinterest Nightmare #001:The Nightmares That Still Haunt UsMy Profile

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    Lisa @ The Golden spoons says

    Great questions and answers! You should totally do a vlog – I love seeing and hearing my blogging friends! It’s as close to real life as I have gotten to most of them. Would be so happy of you could make it to BlogU! I’m going and looking forward to meeting so many people! I love that Cape Cod photo – looks like something out of a calendar! :-) Given the choice, I’d have to give up writing. It would make me very sad, but I can’t imagine not being able to speak.
    Lisa @ The Golden spoons recently posted..My Weird FeetMy Profile

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      NJ says

      I got my ticket to Blog U shortly after I wrote this! I’m stoked that I’ll get to meet you in person!

      I don’t know about vlogging yet! There is no way that I can come closed to Mama Kat level, that is for sure!

      We’ve done a toss picture like that every year since Malone was old enough to be thrown in the air like that. This year, it will be Lola’s turn to have a go at it. I can’t wait!

  8. 9

    Kim says

    What a fun Ask-Away!!!
    I clicked over and read the post about blogging with blinders on – I have wondered some very similar things. I’m not trying to be a meg-blog or even make money blogging though and I love the sense of community that comes from getting to know other bloggers through reading and commenting!!! I know that I will probably never hit 1000 views in a day and that is fine for me.
    Kim recently posted..In Case You Were Wondering….My Profile

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      NJ says

      I will probably never hit 1000 views in a day either, but I’ll still keep writing. I do it for the community too!

  9. 11

    Kenya G. Johnson says

    Hi there – visiting you via Dana’s blog. She did a wonderful intro on you. Wow that last question was tough. At first I said writing right off but after you wrote, “I speak so much into my kids life”, I wouldn’t want to go without him every hearing me speak again. Wow that was a good question – one to learn from in terms of an answer as well. My mother’s voice, my grandmother’s voice – all IMPORTANT. Love you warm picture. That was beautiful. Nice to me you!
    Kenya G. Johnson recently posted..If you’re happy & you know it – do a dance!My Profile

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      NJ says

      Hi Kenya! I am so glad you’ve come by for a visit, welcome!

      My mom passed away a few years ago, and I’d love to hear the sound of her voice again. I would be so sad if I could never speak to my own kids again!

      I agree with you, it was as super hard question to answer!

  10. 13

    The Bold Fab Mom says

    Nothing beats a fresh, warm sugar cookie! Yum!!!!
    The Bold Fab Mom recently posted..My Apologies AND Ask Away FridayMy Profile

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    Stacey Gannett (This Momma's Ramblings) says

    I have not been able to come up with a sugar cookie that I like, yet, but I will surely keep trying! Because I really do love a good sugar cookie! My hubby and I are so polar opposites. Isn’t it funny how that works out. :) I so love going thrifting, if for no other reason than to just hang out with my bestie or my lil miss. Hope you have a great weekend, NJ!
    Stacey Gannett (This Momma’s Ramblings) recently posted..#AskAwayFriday 29 with Dee from Simply D Constructed!My Profile

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      NJ says

      My aunt has a great sugar cookie recipe. I’ll see if I can get it from her. They are perfectly cake like, but not too thick!

      Thrifting is one of my favorite things in the entire world to do. If I’ve got a few spare hours TO MYSELF, that is almost always where I head.

  12. 17

    Crystal says

    Awesome interview with a lady I love! :) I guess I would have to give up writing, too. Man. That would suck!
    Crystal recently posted..7 Ways Facebook Makes Us Look Like Brainless Sea MonkeysMy Profile

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      NJ says

      Our love for Dana is mutual!

      I would hate giving up writing too. Writing allows my brain to breathe.

  13. 19

    April says

    OMG! You’re answer to #10 was so heart pulling. I think I’d have to agree. Speaking and never writing again. That picture of Cape Cod was gorgeous and darn near perfect! It’s my first time here, I hope to spend more time “with” you!
    April recently posted..#AskAwayFriday with SarahMy Profile

    • 20

      NJ says

      Welcome, April. I’m so glad you’ve come by!

      It would be so hard to give up writing, but there is no way that I could give up speaking to my kids.

      We spend a lot of time on Cape Cod, my husband is a 5th generation Cape Codder. His relatives settled there after they landed here on the Mayflower!

  14. 21

    Allie says

    I love hearing your thrifting stories because I’m so not a bargain shopper! I’m always amazed at “the hunt” and what you can come back with!!
    I also LOVE that warm picture – so beautiful – and I absolutely love Cape Cod :-)
    Allie recently posted..You’re Going To Spain To Do What?My Profile

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      NJ says

      Oh Allie! I’ll take you under my wing! The ground rule of the “hunt” is to never go specifically looking for something. I keep a list of specific things I’m hoping to find in on my phone. I take a look at it before I go in to remind myself of the things I’m looking for.

      Cape Cod is one of my favorite places on earth, but I think we’ve talked about that before right?

  15. 23

    Gracielle says

    I now follow you on Instagram! Had to make sure I did that before I read through the post and got distracted – oh look, something shiny! LOL I love that you’re the same person in your blog world as in the real world. I wonder if people would say the same about me….On my blog, I’m sharing my heart and my family with the world and I love making new bloggy friends. In real life, I’m really shy when it comes to making new friends – like, painfully awkward and shy. I’m aware and I’m working on it! LOL
    Gracielle recently posted..I Married the “Just Because” Kinda GuyMy Profile

  16. 24

    Alison Hector says

    NJ, it was a delight to read your responses to Dana’s questions. I’m going back to read your post about blogging like a horse with blinders on. I believe it will be insightful for me. I hear you re: the bias against smaller blogs. We’ve got a lot to offer too! And I’m thinking of going to Allume this year. I wanted to go last year but waited too late and it sold out. Many of my acquaintances went and had a good experience there. And yes, I’m sick of winter! Bring spring quickly, somebody! LOL
    Alison Hector recently posted..Ask Away Friday with Lisi P at Lisi’s PlaceMy Profile

  17. 25

    Sarah says

    I really enjoyed reading your answers, NJ! Every time you talk about parenting, I feel so inspired to be a better parent, a little more patient and giving more grace. Thank you for that! And on a completely different note — I’m very excited to hear more about your new idea for smaller bloggers to work with brands!
    Sarah recently posted..Book review: Whatever You Grow Up to Be, by Karen KingsburyMy Profile

  18. 26

    Dee Williamson says

    Wow I really enjoyed reading your answers. I can see so many similarities! I don’t like cooked fruit for dessert, I like it plain. Chocolate is amazing! Your answer to #4 is exactly how I feel. I don’t have much of a large audience, but I’d like to think I have true readers. And I know I was passed up on a few campaigns. I try not to be disheartened, and just keep trucking. I’d LOVE it if you worked in marketing, because you could talk some sense into other brands about changing the bloggers they choose. It really is discouraging to see others around you doing really well, and I’d have to blog with blinders on as well. Good for you for celebrating your friends’ successes.
    Dee Williamson recently posted..Hump Day Confessions #14: Craig’s List, You Got MeMy Profile

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