On my other blog (which I’m no longer writing at), I listed out my goals for 2012. I thought It would be a good idea to check in to see where I’m at. I haven’t worked at them much at all. In fact I literally JUST remembered that I did a goals post.
Here goes nothing… This was written 1/3/12. Original post here.
1. To have Malone diaper free during the day by this 3rd birthday. He’s staying dry most days now, so this is well within reach. Done. It was a natural progression for him and by 3 years and 1 month he was completely there. Super Heroes reign supreme for him with regard to undies choices. I seriously don’t think it gets much cuter than a tiny tushy in underoos.
2. To craft more. FAIL. I don’t have any more craft project under my belt. But the desire is still there. Right now I don’t see this one happening much at all. I’ve got other priorities for my spare time.
3. To purchase a DSLR camera. I’ve almost got all of the money saved for this. It is SO HARD to pull the trigger. Done, thanks to a great deal on Amazon. I am still shooting in Auto and only have a kit lens, but the photos are still better than my old point and shoot.
4. To treat my body better- to be more mindful of the things I eat, to get more sleep, and to be more active. I’m getting there. As someone who is an emotional eater this will always be an “I’m getting there”, I think. I’m officially back at my pre pregnancy start weight and have been able to get in a bit of activity during the week. I’m eating cleaner most days than I was when I first set this goal. Definitely some room for improvement.
5. To go on an overnight date with my husband. This one is also on progress. We have built a great community of friends who are like family, but the bottom line is that we are still 3 hours away from someone we could leave Malone overnight with. This is going to require a lot of advance planning to make sure we can utilize Meme (aka my Mother in Law). I see this happening by the end of the year.
40% complete. Not bad, but it looks like I’ve got some work to do!
How about you? How are your 2012 goals coming along?
Mmh… I should go back & revisit mine! Where do you want to go for your overnight trip?
Nancy recently posted..Thinking in Lists